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Everything posted by Anubis

  1. We could say that about many shows. A little suspension of disbelief is required very often. Most of the characters in Kenshin are not plausable anyway. Look at the Juppongatana and Shishio. It wasn't intended to be that realistic. The OVA maybe, but that's about it.
  2. It was the only type of sword Kenshin could use with his vow not to kill. Kenshin was given the first Sakabatou from Shakku (I think the was the spelling). He thought it suited Kenshin's new vow not to kill again. Told him if he can still practice what he was preaching when that sword broke come see him again. Something like that at least. Then went to look for him when he got to Kyoto after it was broken against Soujiro. Shakku's son eventually gave him the principal Sakabatou after saving his son. There's a lot more to it than that, but just to keep it short and not spoil it for those who haven't seen it yet. I'm looking forward to seeing how the story plays out in the manga. I read many times that up through Kyoto the show was supposed to be very close to the manga, and then after that, the revenge arc which I have only seen very little of, but looked very good.
  3. The wings detach and you hook the cape on in their place.
  4. Give it time, Leb... the sweet and tender romancing of door knobs isn't something you can just rush into. Ask AgentONE, he'll tell you. To woo a doorknob takes time. First there is poetry, candlelight, a little slow jazz on the stereo... a glass of chardonnay, some whispered promises, then the doorknob seduction is complete. Once consumated, however, the mood dies quickly. The doorknob barely has a chance to say, "you will call me, AgentONE? Won't you?", before he's zipped up and on his way to the house next door. Once again: most disturbing
  5. I read a while back that some places were making actual ones, or replicas, but I haven't seen one before. I always liked Hiko's type of sword.
  6. It would be technically plausible to make the sakabatou, the theory is sound, but unlikely IMO in practice to actually use it, because it would still be too easy to kill someone even with the blunt edge of the sword. Kaoru had the right idea for a non-lethal solution, focusing on the wooden sword. One thing about the sakabatou would be the curve of the blade. Katanas have that slight curve to help with the slicing motion, and I would have to wonder, if using the reversed blade to cut, that would have to work against the swing, wouldn't it?. Any sword experts around? I loved Rurouni Kenshin. One of my favorites. I too am happy to get the manga finally, so now I can see the revenge arc in it's entirety.
  7. That's who I was thinking should be a Hummer for the Alternator line, Trailbreaker. I'm still wondering what decepticons they are going to do.
  8. Only if I could drive it down the street and eliminate some traffic problems.
  9. I have a Bandai 1/55 re-issue tucked away in the event I ever have any kids. They can have it. I might get another for the same reason, so they can have two. May give them my fire valk too. It's good and durable. The other ones will stay in the display case I will buy when I have the space.
  10. Anubis

    Valk Stands

    Twin Moons also has them. Both are extremely reliable.
  11. Wow, that is a damn simple transformation. Painted up like the first prototype shot from the last Hound thread, it looks pretty good. Legs may be a little thin, but I still like Hound way better than Sideswipe.
  12. That's because Spaceballs isn't a gulity pleasure! It's a damn good movie! *drops a huge statue on the feet of those who don't like Spaceballs* I already did. Back on Page 1. A true classic.
  13. Anubis


    Let's wait until we see an actual sample of the FINISHED product before we judge the bloody thing. Please, people. We don't know how much die-cast is in it, if any. We don't know if it is all plastic. We don't know how well it will actually balance. We don't know if it will topple over. I think Yamato would be daft to release their first enemy mecha and have it unable to support itself. Even if it doesn't, it will likely come with some form of display stand. The Q-rau is a very oddly shaped design, and is naturally top heavy. Example: Bandai knew their MG Ex-S Gundam wold never stand on it's own, and designed it to be supported by the stand it came with. No one complained, instead were thankful they had a MG Ex-S at all. If the design of the Q-rau proves too top heavy to reliably balance on it's own, it's likely Yamato planned to release it with the acrylic prop-up shown or something similar in the first place. If so then so be it. Won't deter me a bit if it needs some support, given the nature of the mecha design. Wether that is the case, or if it is stable on it's own, who knows? But Yamato won't just release the thing in a manner we won't be able to display it in. Bitching about how heavy the Q-rau is won't help anything until we see how it actually comes out in the end. It'a all theory at this point. If you don't like the final product, then DON'T buy it. If you think it's too expensive, then DON'T but it. If you like it DO. I just got put on a list to have a chance to pay $155 for a low-vis if I am lucky. Why, because I want to. This time last year I would have said hell no. I don't like how much the 1/48 valks are, but I eventually bought two because I liked them. Even if they cost twice as much as a 1/60. (1/60 w/ fast packs= 80 bucks, 1/48 w/ fast packs= 200 bucks). Not many of us complained then. In fact we gobbled them up. All we have seen of the damn thing is the early prototype picture, a painted one from a magazine, and what is on HLJ right now. Probably resin or glued together plastic. It could be a final. We don't know how the joints are, we don't know anything yet really yet, except that it is huge. Even if it is what the final looks like, fine. I think it looks pretty good. If Yamato charges a 100 bucks for it, that's their right. They are not Takara or Bandai. I haven't seen anyone scoff at how much the Valkyrie resin kits cost, and the good ones of those are though the roof. All of this is probably one of the exact reasons why we haven't seen a single YF-19 sculpt. BTW: An all white custom job would look kinda interesting. Not very stealthy, but interesting.
  14. Whoever said a Regult had anti-laser coating?
  15. Muhahahahaha!!! *cough*ahem*/cough* This is getting priceless.
  16. I cannot express how much that sucks to hear. Guess I won't bother. If he doesn't talk like he did in TF:TM, then there is no point. What is this about shockwave? What did they make him, another plane? Shockwave was my favorite G1, I really don't want to see him butchered too.
  17. I'll lend you the money if you could get someone to buy me that aircraft carrier up for auction there. I remember the aircraft carrier! It was in Brazil or somewhere in South America IIRC, an old British carrier. Forgot how many millions for it.
  18. Is kevlar really that flexible? Especially at the required thickness? Well... Two threads at 2 mm thick is enough to support a fairly heavy human (at least 200 + Lbs). Not to mention it can be woven into multiple layers to form a bullet resistant (note I don't mean proof) vest. It's feasible that you could make it out of kevlar. I've never seen anything made of kevlar, that's why I was asking how pliable the material would be at that thickness. Does it feel like a tougher version of nylon or what? So a 2mm thick wove can support a person? Not bad. No... I meant two 2 mm thick THREADS can support a person. Although, I wouldn't try this over a skyscraper... Sweet. OK, Kevlar strap it is.
  19. That's good to hear, but Keith seemed didn't seem to get the joke... http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...t=0entry76160 Yeah, that was kinda funny when he noticed it finally.
  20. You wouldn't mean this would you?
  21. Damn, a gerwalk valk with 14 reaction missles? That could kick some serious ass.
  22. Is kevlar really that flexible? Especially at the required thickness? Well... Two threads at 2 mm thick is enough to support a fairly heavy human (at least 200 + Lbs). Not to mention it can be woven into multiple layers to form a bullet resistant (note I don't mean proof) vest. It's feasible that you could make it out of kevlar. I've never seen anything made of kevlar, that's why I was asking how pliable the material would be at that thickness. Does it feel like a tougher version of nylon or what? So a 2mm thick wove can support a person? Not bad.
  23. Maybe the gunpod was stowed on the back of the GBP armor when he pushed DD out of the hangar bay?
  24. Even after losing all the other weapons, the YF-19 still had it's wing root lasers. The way they divied up the Macross and the Ghost really was the best way to handle everything. Someone had to go help Myung, as they didn't know how much danger she was in specifically, and someone had to finish off the ghost.
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