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Everything posted by Anubis

  1. Ahh, OK. I see now, thanks. I get the perspectives bit now. So in M7 also, when ejecting the cockpit sections like the 11 CF's were doing all the time, in Battroid it would rotate the seat back forward, then eject the cockpit? So the 11's seat did rotate on the B/C. Come to think of it, when they showed the dogfight in the beginning, Isamu was oriented the right way, so yeah it rotated. Never mind there then.
  2. They don't show him from the front clearly in the trailer, mainly from behind and a part of his face only. Looks lie you can see the relation pretty easily, especially with shessoumaru. Look like Inu Yasha and Shessoumaru will have it out big time.
  3. All right! Autobot Power Rangers! <_< <_< <_< Those designs are crappy. I thought Armada's needed work. Nice to see Quintessons, but they too look liuke crap. Do they really look that bad in the show? And what the hell was that GIANT robot they were flying towards? Fort Max? Somethingt to fight Unicron? Primus? That wasn't unicron, he's not blue. I'm not sure I want to know. Seems like they kept the same kids from armada, just grown up now, too.
  4. I'm happy to see some background on their father, too. I look forward to seeing it when I can. How many volumes did the manga run? Is there that much more to go from where they are now to catch up to the manga? It still seems to me like they are inching towards the end in the show, at least to me. If not 150 then maybe not much more from there. Going to 175 is a long haul if they go for that, unless the final fight with Naraku is really, really long.
  5. The VF-11 cockpit does indeed rotate. Example? Kinyru jumping into the cockpit of the Full-Armored VF-11. The seat rotates almost immediately as the heat shield covers the cockpit and vice versa. True, you're right there. I remember the B model in M+, when Isamu opened the heatshield coming towards Guld in the end of Ep. 1, he was angled down, and had his head looking up at the 21. Maybe I am just crazy today. I have to pop the damn disc in the drive now to see, and check the other 11's in M+. Take a little bit.
  6. The red eyes are like his version of going super-powered. It's been ages since I watched, but Inuyasha busted out his super crazy swing with the tessaiga and nailed Sesshomaru with it. While Sesshomaru was recovering Rin found him and tried to help him. He ended up driving her away and when she was alone she was killed by a pack of wolves. After Sesshomaru had recovered he found Rin dead and he tested out his sword on her and she was brought back to life. She stuck with him after that... Yeah... I remember that part. I never got to see the end of that episode though. The ending to the that episode was when the Yasha gang were going to face off with Kouga. By the way, have you seen the 3 Inuyasha movies including the recent movie. What happened in the third movie? Did Sesshomaru die? Did Inuyasha get the third sword? Please......I need details! All that's up so far from movie 3 is the trailer. There won't be a good quality fansub for some time probably (I don't like movie theater captures). I'm sure a sysnopsis is somewhere on the web.
  7. Another oddity for the VF-11 was the non-rotating cockpit. Even the D model VF-11 had the rotating chairs, but not the B's and C's shown. Strange. That had to be a bitch in atmosphere. At least with the heatshield you didn't have to look at the ground when in battroid. One justification I could see for there being no S model for the Vf-11 is due to the nature of the design. There was no space between the arms for quad or dual head lasers in fighter mode, at least not still able to fire them. Could have been intended as a cost saving measure by the -11's designers, and (do to popular demand from pilots?) the -S model was brought back beginning with the VF-17. They just upgraded the blocks as they went along, eventually hitting the VF-11C's we saw in M7. Apparently Aces could request MAXL variants probably depending on their fleet commander's perogative. Actually come to think of it, the VF-4, and the VF-5000 did not have S versions either. They are nowhere in the Compendium. UN Spacy must have thought after SW1, "Why the hell do we have 6+ versions of the VF-1 (A,J,S,D,VE,VT), plus Fast packs, and GBP armor" They made one version of the valks, and made the fast packs and GBP armor accordingly. Eventually they branched out again into different versions for the -17 and -19. I'm sure the animators didn't complain either.
  8. True enough. I guess it comes back the same problem with RAW that we keep mentioning. Nobody, not even Jericho, is allowed to out-heel HHH and Evolution. If Jericho could cut loose like he used to in WCW, then I'd be happy. He was a guy who would do anything to make the crowd hate him. Not that HHH and Co. are particularly effective heels anyhow. Remember when the main heels used to actually be entertaining? They'd win matches because they were actually "tough" and not because of the usual interference from the NWO....er, I mean Evolution? Even Kane never used to need a sledge hammer to win, back when he was actually good in the ring. Back in the day, when Kane stepped into the ring, it was your ass. Now look what they did to him. Pitiful.
  9. On the ground, being able to point the main cannon at the sky would be useful, as they did for a while. I would wonder about weight balance though.
  10. Thanks, I've been curious about this one. Seemed interesting in the store. May have to give this one a try.
  11. Trebek: And the category is...Famous Mothers. Connery: Ha, my time has come.
  12. I do hope you are not talking about Shessoumaru. The guy with the fur over one shoulder and the little green guy Jyaken that follows him around? Inu Yasha's full demon brother? Shessoumaru kicks ass. Very interesting character. The main character's name is Kagome. No Seshomaru. Seshomaru is an awsome character (one of the coolest characters design to date!). The guy I'm refering too is a dead guy who was brought back to life by a Shikon Jewel shard. He uses a really odd sword (basically, a bunch of swords bound together), acts like a school girl, and has a thing for Inu Yasha. I think he is part of something called the Army of 7 or something like that. This is after Inu Yasha and Seshomaru defeated Narako(sp) the first time. And its after they went searching for him and "weird" things started to happen. OK, just checking. I read it your post as very early on, back when the cast list was still small. Never mind then. The guy you were talking about was kind of gay. They really have managed to bring more character devopment to Shessoumaru than I would have though back in the beginning. And Movie 3 is primarily about them Inu Yasha/Shessoumaru and a 3rd sword of their father's. Looks sweet.
  13. I do hope you are not talking about Shessoumaru. The guy with the fur over one shoulder and the little green guy Jyaken that follows him around? Inu Yasha's full demon brother? Shessoumaru kicks ass. Very interesting character. The main character's name is Kagome.
  14. I just downloaded episode 133. It was dragging slightly there for a little, but there has been some good stuff the last few episodes, and looks like they are beginning to move towards tying things up. There has even been relationship progress, and not many jewel shards left. They even gave a very specific number that are left, and very low. Is there any word on how long it is supposed to run officially? I am guessing 150 or a few higher. Very good series. I really like the characters (mmm...Sango). The 3rd movie also came out in Japan recently. The first two are also fansubbed already. I would imaging they will be picked eventually. They need to catch up the timeframe where the movies fit in during the CN run. Then I'm sure they will come out. As for the domestic release, there have been rumors they are going to start doing like they did with Ranma and release it in similar size clumps (season packages). This would be great because while I love the show there was no way I as going to pay for 3 episodes a disc like viz has been doing. In appropriately priced box sets, I would be much more inclined to shell out the cash. The LE box with the first 3 discs and bonuses was a one shot thing, most likely aimed as a christmas item to generate more interest. There is also a gift box that has vol 1 and 2 of the manga, with vol. 1 of the show.
  15. Details that were stickers on the original release are now painted on in the reissue. That's it. An upgrade actually.
  16. Anubis

    vf 11b fastback

    The hips are nice and solid this time around for the FP version.
  17. Would some clever and impudent mod please make this Graham's new member title? Sure, I know he's the boss, but it would really crack me up. Max! All right MilkMan!!!!! It was nice knowing you
  18. Anubis


    I'd say get 14-18" spaceing for at least one of the shelves, so you have some clearance to move things if you need to. If they use the 18.8 meter reference for it, it should come out to about a little over a foot (32cm) at 1/60 scale.
  19. Even if the show itself isn't that popular in Japan, the MP Prime is an awesome piece of engineering and quality. Die cast sturdy construction, posable, looks great in both modes, and all for 90 bucks. I'm not surprized it took the crown really. I don't buy any reissue transformers or anything really either. I only bought Season 1 and the movie, I have my figures from storage to clean up and store better, and I have bought Smokescreen and MP Prime, and that's it. I'll get alternator Hound when it comes out. Don't really want Sideswipe that much, though if I come across it in Target I'll consider it. For all the pro's Prime had, and no real cons IMO, it earned it. Only questionable part was the grey rifle instead of black. That's it really. I would venture to say it was a stand-out release this last year, and is also the only Transformer prominently on display in my room.
  20. Anubis


    Many of us wouldn't be able to fit a 1/48 Q-rau on our shelves. I still don't know where you guys are planning on putting your 1/60 destroid Monsters when they come.
  21. Holy crap. Who would have thought you could buy uranium on e-bay. Crazy. I'm going to have to show that one off to some people. And for only $30 what a steal. The guy is also selling URANIUM MARBLES for 15 a pop. With free lead lined box. As for the Fortress Maximus, I would never let go of a MISB. Only if I absolutely needed the money. I do have to wonder though, I'm sure some of you guys know this, but even MISB, an item can still yellow in the box with the styrofoam, right? So you don't know the actual condition of the Fort Max. No windowed side on the thing. We've talked about valks yellowing on our shelves, but toys in the box (w/ styrofoam) is rarely mentioned.
  22. Thanks for the tips. I'll make an update after I clean them up and sort the parts and stuff out. Then I'll go from there.
  23. I need to sort out what I have and figure out what parts I have to go with these guys. May decide to part with some of them. May be a couple of weeks before I really have time to try to clean them up. I'll add some pics to the album once I do. I know what's left of Ultra Magnus can go, and the Pretenders maybe. I'll see after I'm done and know what I want to save. So what would be a good method to clean these guys up? A few have the stickers in decent shape, so I don't want to wreck those if possible. One more thing, I used to have a link to a site with all the different catalog scans. Could someone post a link to that site or a similar one please? I need to find the names to these guys.
  24. Good, I need to go to Best Buy tomorrow anyway, Target is next door. Maybe I'll get lucky and find one.
  25. I'm going to have to go there one weekend.
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