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Everything posted by Anubis

  1. Already ordered a case's worth for myself. Misa!!
  2. Cheaper is always good, and if the 4000 yen is actually true then a good bit cheaper. Leg Fast Pack armor + missles + pilot = bonus. As long as it's durable and has good detail, then cool, sign me up. I still wish it was 1/72 to go with the other valks, but considering how space on my shelves is becoming a premium, then it may not be too bad after all, and again the price doesn't hurt. The VF-0 is a big boy after all too. Can't wait to see a painted version. Any pics of Gerwalk mode? Is it more stable than the 1/60's in Gerwalk so far? I have to ask too, can't resist, where's the -19 already? I hope we can see pics of that by Spring at least.
  3. I don't think he would be very excited about 1:100, and we already knew the stand was coming. I think it's something better (hope), so I'm waiting until Graham chimes in.
  4. Ditto Jennifer Connelly used to be hot beyond reckoning. Don't get me wrong, she still is, but the notion that she had to drop down to concentration camp weight to rekindle her career was ridiculous. And I heard somewhere that she had a reduction done, why god why!!?!?!?!? Say it isn't so!! Hottest time I remember Connelly was in Rocketeer, with that white dress. Yum. Edit in: Forgot all about Hot Spot movie stank, but she was nice.
  5. What's an RDF? Robotech Defense Force. Did I say that out loud? What's a Robotech? Get a rope.
  6. I personally don't see a problem with Kirsten Dunst. Yeah, I agree Cameron Diaz was tragic too, she looked her best like she did in the Mask. 5 times as hot as now. Queen of the nasty twig girls award goes to Callista Flockhart. My personal goddess would have to be Salma Hayek.
  7. I've been using the basic client too.
  8. Should we start a pool as to when we are finally graced with the pics?
  9. I never really saw Eva as a parody. If anything I always saw Eva as more of a character study under the backdrop of "saving the world with giant robots", of which the "robots" were also part of the problem. Each character not just the kids, but also the majority of the adults, are either screwed up and/or had something happen to them that shaped how they dealt with each other and the way they did things. The characters are built up, make some progress as the show progresses, and then we watch them all crash in their own ways.
  10. Anubis

    YF-21 FastPack

    For 50-65 bucks like thay can be found for, maybe. I don't like the Fast Packs it came with, so I have mine displayed in fighter mode without the fast packs. Gerwalk is very hard to balance. Some have looser legs than others (yes, I know how that sounds) so balance can be an issue in battroid too. The backpack also does not lock very well. It is however pretty nicely detailed, even if the color is off. In fighter mode w/out the fastpacks, it is as sleek as it should be and not too bad for a display piece.
  11. I think the arms and rail cannons look too long in that prototype.
  12. I still say it's too early to raise a bitch storm when the thing is only in pre-production. I've commented on the concept art too, both for the good and bad aspects, but it's not really worth losing sleep over. If they change the names I won't be very happy about that, and how old the girls look currently does not seem right at all, especially Misato/"Susan." The thing is, ALL of ths is CONCEPTUAL ART, and nowhere near finalized designs. Most of this looks like they are heading in the right direction, but there are sure to be revisions as this thing progresses. Fan input will play a part I'm sure, as well as ADV and Gainax who hold the reigns. All of those pics were from WETA, and are not written in stone. It's way to early to declare the movie will instantly suck. There are talented folks working on it right now, so let's see what they can offer as time goes on. I know G-savior and other live action adaptions have left a sour image for lots of people, but even recent comic book adaptions have gone remarkably better than those of old, and studios are actually putting real effort into those films now. There are still high hopes that Eva will come out ok in the end. Some things may, and likely, will be tweaked, but that's to be expected. "do you think Hollywood is ready for 14 year old kids masturbating over comatose girls?" and such like that are irreleavent comments (no offence), because we all know there is no way in hell that will make it into the movie anyway. Even if they are 14 in the movie, the characters were not pouncing on each other in the show in the first place. OK, Shinji accientally tripped over bath towel draped Rei, big deal. Don't have to include that scene anyway. Asuka hit on Kaji, so what? If the ages are increased to 16-19 then fine, larger talent base to draw from. If they change some of the names because lots of Americans can't even speak their own language properly, and will have no chance at pronouncing them right, then we'll see. The film may kick ass yet. It's too early for battle flags.
  13. I was thinking that too, it does look kinda of like a heavily fan customed GM.
  14. Do you know anywhere I could find one of those Region-free decks?
  15. Not bad so far. I'm sure the yellow is just because it's a prototype sculpt. Nice design. Look forward to seeing a finished prototype. I think track's final color should be navy blue or midnight blue. Bring on some Decepticons already!!!! Could they be saving a hummer, maybe a Silverado or some other HD pickup for a Decepticon maybe?
  16. Oooo! OOooo! Can I get one that says "Winger RuleZ!" Or "Facts of Life Kicks total AZZZ!" Someone got a thing for Blair, Nat and Tootie?? .....or is it Edna? I'm all about them all... in a big naked romp. Mrs. Garrett holds the digicam. Suddenly I'm finding out the Facts of Life are all about you.... I suppose I should have been expecting this. Ask and ye shall recieve...
  17. Rumble and Frenzy both had the ground pounders.
  18. I'm just a soldier, I...I'm not worthy.
  19. Rumble and Frenzy look sweet! I'm still waiting for Shockwave personally.
  20. May depend on how well Millia sells, but I would wager we'll see a Max and/or std Purple color.
  21. I like using ones that I make myself, too, with the exception of one or two Ai Yori Aoshi ones that I used briefly before. I like mine better cropping them the way I like them. Btw, is there a full size pic Graham's avatar was taken from? I've always wondered about that.
  22. Can't forget about the SDF-1 or course. No more than a 30cm long starship mode would be perfect, and leave room for everything else on the shelf. Edit: forgot this was supposed to be a 1/60 wish list. I still want my SDF-1.
  23. I want a Glaug and a Standard Regult.
  24. If and when Elints go on sale, I'll snatch one up.
  25. Open....dammit open!
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