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Everything posted by Anubis

  1. That prowl is sweet!! As for Sideswipe, I saw him in Target, but decided to hold off on buying him. It just never caught my eye as much as smokescreen did. Now, Hound, I will buy when he comes out.
  2. I found the clean paint job and complete stacks worth the extra cost of getting the takara. No battle damage, or weathered(if you look at it that way) Prime for me.
  3. I checked occasionally to see if it was back up, but since I was busy yesterday anyway, it was good timing.
  4. Tomoe's in the Kenshin OVA. Misato's in EoE. Spikes in Cowboy Bebop. The scores of fatalities in Fushigi Yugi was also very well handled, and quite sad. The end of Berserk was just...whoa. Starscream's coronation.
  5. Third fight was definately a draw, and also handicapped since Shin's VF was budened be carrying the AFOS head, stuck in gerwalk. He mentioned how the valk felt heavy as Nora cought up with him. Second fight, he at least took Nora's arm. He didn't do bad all three fights, considering he has had a big handicap each time. I hope to see a real VF-1/SV-51 dogfight between the two towards the end. MAY 28th!!?!! Holy crap, that's a ways off still.
  6. Anything Robotech or non directly macross related should go in the Other Anime section, including the Alphas. This is the third or fourth Alpha related topic to pop up in this section already.
  7. Anubis

    HLJ Sale Again!

    For the cost of EMS shipping, you might as well just get it from Kevin. He has the Super-O on sale for $75 It looks good, but I haven't decided to get it or the Elint yet. Some people had trouble getting the new backpacks to stay up, but they are still very nicely detailed.
  8. Thar be minced Zentran in that there pod.
  9. Just to clarify: The SDF Macross box is supposed to be for 12 discs, right? Not a typo? That's a good idea, so the 9 Animeigo SDF Macross DVD's + Fx's DYRL, FB 2012, and 20th anniversary discs will all fit. Just the 9 would still be fine though.
  10. Great idea, I'd be up for both of them. The previous SDF Macross box he made was sweet. If we can get a new customed one, that'd be even better. A Macross Plus box would be an added bonus. The link to Paul Champagne's website worked fine for me.
  11. I have the old ones, so I'll happily snatch up the new ones when they come. I'll give the old ones to my brother or one of his friends. I almost bought the pink box during the last Animeigo studio sale at Right Stuf, glad I skipped it now.
  12. The manga does business, maybe by summer. Unless they have another phantom "distributer" problem. Might as well consider just buying the individual discs. Whatever artbox Manga uses with it probably won't be that worth it anyway. Overstock.com has MII dirt cheap, that's where I got mine. Also, even if they claim interest, I doubt they will ever bother to remaster the M+ movie. Look at WoH.
  13. They never really said earth was fully populated again. As Isamu and Guld fought you ould clearly see the barren crater filled landscape still, until they reached the city. The cities built after SW1 were the poplation centers, which kept expanding naturally, and environment reconstruction was being worked as much as possible. It would take a loooooong time to repopulate the earth fully, or restore the eco-system. Global said he didn't want to give another chance to being wiped out completely and wanted to start sending colony ships right away. Spread humanity out so there would be at least someone would survive if earth were to be glassed all over again. Also, didn't they use the Zentradi's cloning/artificial birth to boost the population? Not to mention that there were literally millions and millions of Zentradi left over after the war, most micronized and integrated into the population. The M5 fleet was entirerly zentradi, and apparently not the only one like that. One could also hypothesize that the Zentradi bred like rabbits commonly. Look at Max and Millia as an example: 7 daughters.
  14. You really should at least skim the topics on the first page. There's already an 8 page topic on it, and it's in the MPC pinned thread.
  15. This nice little tidbit was mentioned in Right Stuf's weekly update e-mail: Hopefully this includes a remaster. From the wording it kind of looks that way. New packaging and a fresher look. We can hope at least.
  16. Time does look fixed now. Sweetness.
  17. The old member title only works best when coincided with the Golgo 13 avatar.
  18. There have been online translations (scripts) and some fan translated scans (much harder to find) of the manga for a long time now. I haven't let myself mess with reading very much at all holding out hope for an actual English version of the manga. My prayers are now answered. All I hunted for was what exactly the famous gut-wrencher was that I kept reading was in the arc, and found scans of that piece. I couldn't resist finding out what that was at least. I hope Viz's volumes stay on a speedy release schedule.
  19. The Revenge Arc begins in Vol. 18 of the manga. Still a bit of a ways off, but at least it's coming. Kenshin's past (OVA storyline) is detailed from the second half of Vol. 19 thru Vol. 21 as he explains everything.
  20. Originally the Revenge arc was supposed to be Season 4 of the show, but having to make up stories to fill Season 3, they botched it and the show was dropped before they could make it. Damn shame too. Revenge arc looks really good from what bit's I've seen. Everyone is involved from Aoshi to Saito, and supposed to be some good battles. The famous gut-wrencher really does generate a "whoa" when you see it the first time. Afterwards some proper closure for the characters. Can't wait for the manga get to the new stuff. I'm thinking about getting one of those Paul Champagne artboxes for the OVA's+movie. I'm getting the "Bento" boxes and thinpaks for my tv discs to go into (did season 1 already). Season 3 I'm not planning to buy with the exception of Firefly's Wish which I already got.
  21. The kid's expression is hillarious.
  22. Seems intriguing to me. May take my brother to go see it.
  23. HO...LY.....CRAP.
  24. I can see why some people mught have been put off by the first season of the show. The second season, Kyoto, was awesome. Very recomended. Season 3 was useless though unfortunately (shame it kept season 4 from being made). I am very happy to have the Manga finally, which means I'll get to read the Revenge arc in it's entirety. The OVA is among my favorite anime. Even if you just watch that, that's fine. No TV experience is needed. The soundtrack and execution were very good. Dark, serious, and actually fairly realistic.
  25. I think the sculpt is very good actually. Just not worth 80 bucks for how small the thing is.
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