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Everything posted by Anubis

  1. Agent's got one. Of course. I may add one later on.
  2. Leave the SDF box alone, with the exception of someone getting a good scan of Roy's 1S Hasegawa art. Then, the box will be perfect.
  3. So is the Hikaru 1A officially our best bet for the top?
  4. For now, I am thankful that the manga has finally begun it's release. The two mangas I have most wanted to read are now available. Rurouni Kenshin, and Berserk. And there was much rejoicing. And holy crap the manga is crazy. It's only at Vol. 2 to boot. Great stuff.
  5. DA - Can you update your composite image to show the "more space" version of that pic?. Looks like we are nearing completion of the SDF box, does anyone have any final suggestions, gripes, concerns, or general beeyotching to do?. Are there any other images we are missing out on, or does anyone have any other images they think we should use?? Yeah, looks like we are nearing completion of the SDF box. We still need high res scans of the Hasegawa art though if we are going to be able to use the Roy -1S image. All that will be left then is the logo and exclusive blurb. M+ is coming along though. Personally, I've never really been a big fan of the 3 character triangle picture though. We can if you guys want though, with Sharon, Sharon's cross, or Sharon's CPU tower behind them maybe. We definately need one of Sharon's forms or at least the cross on one side somewhere. How about this for one of the sides. The metal would really shine on this one.
  6. Anubis

    HLJ Sale Again!

    Why are there still gunpod mounts on the arms? Wasn't really worth retooling that part of the mold. The hands are made in mass for all the 1/60's anyway. Besides, it's nice to have the option of adding a gunpod to it if you feel like it.
  7. Places get their discs well before the release date normally, and hold them until they are supposed to go out. Sometimes they break the date and put it out early, by accident or deliberate. Online retailers seem to have a little more flexibility and some start sending out pre-orders right away. The justification there could easily be so the buyer has it on the release date if anyone were to ask. Most places wait until the date, but some cooler stores ship as soon as they are recieved in the warehouse. Actualy almost every FMP disc has shipped early for me. I already got my Vol. 7 in the mail. 22.06 shipping included for this disc out of this month's batch of 3 (slow month for me thankfully).
  8. That was awesome. Really was the right way to deploy everything. I liked how the VF-1s were obviously more worn than the newer -11's and 19's. I'm also glad they used real -19's and not the shortened wing F/S models. Were the launch systems really that complicated in the game that carrier was in?
  9. Probably one of the roughest shows I've seen in regards to what they put the characters through, especially at their ages. Intriging though, and somehow I was drawn to finish watching it. Haven't bought it yet, but watched it on AXN during my year in Korea.
  10. It distinctly says pre-order on the description.
  11. Just don't actually post the image, otherwise this thread will have to be deleted too. Copyrite issue still.
  12. That was a great show.
  13. How about using that logo as the background for a composite image of the YF-19, YF021 and Ghost. Sort of showing the rivalry between the machines on one side. Then use the other image you have on the other side showing the love triangles and rivalry between the people (and Sharon). Then the desert image on the spine... Not bad. Was that using the Sharon triange on both sides with fighters on one, characters on the other? We could also use the desert shot on one side, some character/fighter/both shot on the other side, and have just sharon's cross over black on the spine, which IMO would be a pretty eye catching spine. My only worry for the M+ box is since it's only a 3 disc spine, there isn't much elabote stuff we can do on the spine, and have it still fit and look good. SDF box that wasn't an issue. The desert shot, if adjusted, could work on the spine though. If we use that, do we put a logo on it? Or leave the logo/title for the sides?
  14. One possible idea I had for a Macross Plus box was to kind of go the reverse of the SDF box, and go for a simpler method. Using this image, wrapped around 3 sides, maybe with a YF-19 on one side, yf-21 on the other. Since there are only 3 discs, a good spine image may be harder to find, so I was thinking some kind of wraparound design this time. Ideas?
  15. Adding the "space" worked out perfect to correct the size. Yeah, that's the bomb! Are there any contenders for this?, or am I paying for DA's case Has anyone been able to find a scan of one of the other Hasegawa images, yet? Once the top is finalized, I say Green Light.
  16. Anubis

    custom 1/48 CF + FP

    Perfect. Amazing job, Jung.
  17. I noticed that too! They do, don't they.
  18. Adding the "space" worked out perfect to correct the size.
  19. Manga will never put forth the extra effort to produce a dub for the movie version. At one point they mentioned it as a possibility, but now they don't speak of it. Hell, Mangle didn't even bother to use soft subs on the dvd release of the movie.
  20. A thin tipped marker intended for panel lining gundam models, but works for everything else. I use an old one to write on CD's too. There's thin tip, a thicker version, and asst color paint markers. I've only used the thin tip. Good stuff. I like my answer more!!! at least spell alloy right then
  21. The VF-11 is the Studio Halfeye isn't it?
  22. A thin tipped marker intended for panel lining gundam models, but works for everything else. I use an old one to write on CD's too. There's thin tip, a thicker version, and asst color paint markers. I've only used the thin tip. Good stuff.
  23. Yes, but I hear the 1/60 Monster will double as a mini-fridge. Score! Or it could guard your main fridge. Rig it up to say "You now have 5 seconds to comply."
  24. Nice Idea.
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