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Everything posted by Anubis

  1. Actually two sides, technically. Gorgeous pics for the sides, the smaller sides if that's any consolation. The spine and the final hasegawa top (tentative?) are both SDF Macross shots. If we can't get the 1S it may well be the 1J, so once again I plea for someone to scan the box art from the 1S Hasegawa and send it to Mechamaniac or Danguard Ace. I've always loved the image from that Famicom cover. I never know it was from there, but I love the image. If anyone else has suitalble high-res images, please continue to feel free to show samples here. What we have is the current working model based on what fits well together and what we've been able to obtain. I think it has come together wonderfully, just the top escapes completion still.
  2. Magnets????? Seriously, that is a damn good question. Can't blame the froating head for that one though, as he didn't make that one.
  3. That's it, I'm learning Japanese and moving to the holy land.
  4. I don't understand. Co-distribute? How does that work? Who will be handling what? One do the dub, the other the authoring job? Wierd. With Bandai involved, I would imagine there would be at least some level of QC involved there, thankfully. If it was Mangle alone, I would have wept.
  5. It will be hideously crappy. It would not surprize me of they have a 20th anniversary MPC or two in the Queue. I have to say, gerwalk doesn't look bad on the MPC's, but the rest of it stinks.
  6. Over at animeondvd, people are up in arms because ADV shipped the Southern Cross set with severe glitches on a couple of disks. When people complained, ADV had them send the ENTIRE box set back (the sender had to pay for shipping). And then when the replacement sets arrived, the glitches were still there. I didn't buy Southern Cross, so I was not aware of that. What I did buy within the last year, FMP, RahXephon, Noir, Gasaraki, the Eva Director's Cut, Excel Saga, Ruouni Kenshin: Reflection OVA, and others have all came out fine. Like I said, I would rather Animeigo or Bandai get it, meybe even Pioneer, but at least ADV has a better track record than Manga has ever shown, and has been comparable with Pioneer.
  7. I haven't had any real problem with ADV releases at all. My only gripe is the 7 disc format they have used for some shows, and some questionable dub castings. I would have watched FMP dubbed it not for Sousuke's English VA. Didn't like him. On the technical side, I haven't had any problems. They at least have shown a sizable effort, which counts for a lot, which can't be said for some others *cough*Manga*cough*. If ADV handles the DYRL release, I won't have much problem. I would rather see Bandai or Animeigo get it, but given ADV's past successful relationship with HG, I would wager they would get it. Animeigo would also be very good, though their distribution is still nowhere near ADV's ability, they are getting better. One more argument for ADV is they could initiate a sizable marketing campaign for it, something that Animeigo wouldn't do nearly as well on. As long as it's not Manga, which I seriously doubt would be a contender for DYRL anyway. This of course assumes a deal has been hammered out finally between HG and BW.
  8. I'm not even into motorcycles, but damn that is a sweet looking bike.
  9. ROTFLMAO... thanks Anubis for the clerificaiton, and the laugh... I really needed that You're welcome.
  10. It's funny because it's true. Was there one character or vehicle in Ep 1 or 2 that did not see some form of release?
  11. I admit, it is kind of ironic. On top of that, Yamato hasn't told us crap lately.
  12. The ACES II ejection system the Air Force uses has different ejection modes. There is an enivronmental sensor inside the seat, with the pitot tubes on the headrest serving as input for the sensor, that somehow can distinguish low-altitude low-airspeed, low-altitude high-airspeed, and high-altitude high-airspeed (i believe these are the 3 IINM, it's been a year and a half since I touched the seats last). Based on that the recovery sequencer decides wether or not the drogue chute is needed. If at high speed, then yeah, the drogue chute will fire first when the seat clears the rails, and keep the seat straight as well as slow it down, then the lap belts disengage and the main chute takes you away. If you do a ground ejection, the drogue shute will not deploy, and the seat will disengage immediate and the chute will take you away. The vernier rocket and gyro mounted under the seat also keep the seat upright, so the chutes fire in the right direction. If you eject inverted you are probably screwed. You need to at lest be partially aimed towards the sky. Ground/runway ejectons were part of the design of the ACES II, just don't try it in a hangar because you will splatter on the ceiling.
  13. 1/60 Hikaru Strike!!
  14. An F-16's entire ejection takes just under only 1.5 seconds to finish. Canopy pops, seat goes, seat disengages from pilot, parachute deploys and pulls the pilot away, all in that timeframe. Short version. Really is an impressive ballistics sequence.
  15. Welcome to the light.
  16. I just read the RT.com thread, and the idiots there are still deleting anything Yamato related and the hardcore RT'ers are basically saying "so what" so far on those highlighting that HG does not have the rights right now, and defending HG's censorship. I'm waiting for them to start deleting criticizing posts. Kind of funny in there.
  17. Actually in the first battle everyone had fast packs, just they didn't show Kakizaki in Battroid.
  18. I don't know, I don't like any alterations at all, but if there was a potential legal issue then what can you do. Same ballpark as Lupin vs Rupan, and Rurouni Kenshin vs. Samurai X. I don't particularly like the new title though, as "Case Closed" is kind of lame. Don't really see the legal issue, because having "Detective" in the title there should be no confusion.
  19. The flames are most definately the ejection seat. The Rocket Catapult, and STAPAC's vernier rocket both leave nice flame trails. The rocket catapult is a cylinder in the ballpark of 4 feet with a 4 inch diameter.
  20. DO NOT go sending hate mail to HG considering we do not know the real workings of what's going on. We don't know yet wether it's HG being brazen or wether a deal has been struck regarding DYRL. Give it time.
  21. You know, I beginning to see hope that (hopefuly not a failed hope) that for the 20th anniversary, BW and HG did manage to come to a final agreement. Especially with the renewed interest in Macross/Robotech stateside, it would make huge financial sense to get a full 20th ann. edition of DYRL onto R1 shelves, and open a flood of new and reissue merchandise. Even if they split the profits, both stand to make a lot of money. Even if HG has to cough up royalties for DYRL marchandise to BW, they are still going to make money. Despit my initial reaction, the fact that RT.com is using all the actual names and such leaves a glimmer of hope. They've NEVER done that before. They even used "Battroid" for crying out loud. There wasn't a RT blurb anywhere in there. HG has already released Macross subtitled and uncut via Animeigo, and seen that RT hasn't suffered. Macross Plus was independently released by Manga and RT didn't suffer. Maybe there is hope for DYRL finally. All of us here stateside would surely get DYRL, finally escaping HK boots, and the RT crowd will flock and buy it as well. Mad sales. DYRL was the last item of contention. HG already has no claim to the other Macross shows, and if they have hammered out a deal with Big West for DYRL, then the need for HG liscense debate threads will be gone. For now I will try to be optimistic. We'll see at whatever con it was that they were going to announce the DYRL line what the story is. Maybe before. If my hopes are dashed however, I'll be among the first to grab a pitchfork though. Once again, this will be a very interesting year. Edit in: One nod has to be given though at the moment, for the first actual DYRL Kakizaki valk ever released or at least announced.
  22. Paradise it must be.
  23. Not really, we're too busy watching the most feverent Macross fans go ballistic over finally getting some proper Macross toys, with the original spellings, characters, and colours... and then complaining about it. I can't speak for the others, but the majority the posts in this thread have simply made me laugh harder than I have in weeks. "Whining: The Official Sport of Macrossworld" indeed. At least HG/Toynami are putting the effort to make little nods and caveates towards the original shows and their fans. These DYRL superposables. The special edition SPs in the SDCC. The Mospeada-style Legioss fighters. Personally, I think this is a great thing for Toynami to be doing. Where the debate is lies in the legalities behind HG releasing DYRL merchandies, which until now they have not had the rights to do so. It's not the simple fact they they are relasing DYRL super posables. If they have the rights to, then fine. By all means do. But as of right now they do not. Unless new information regarding a deal is presented.
  24. What got me so much was that they are using the actual Japanese names, and actual DYRL designs. No pretense of altering it. At all. Bottom line, they don't have the rights to that material. UNLESS a deal HAS in fact been hammered out that has not been revealed yet. This will be a very interesting year indeed. They are clearly pushing these as 20th ANNIVERSARY items. Clear as day. This leads me to think they have some kind of brass balls idea about the movie. RT: the movie = Die HG. Animeigo remastered DYRL = Hell yeah, but with reservations as to what they have in store for the english side. Could they have conceded DYRL as the base for the Macross franchise, leaving M7, M0, etc. alone, and keep using SDF Macross for their RT franchise. Maybe the sales of Animeigo's DVD's and the Mospaeda/Southern Cross remasters made them rethink their stance a little. The reason there are no Robotechies here yet, is because they are all confused like a deer in headlights. Soon some will come and go "Hey, what is this?" "Who are Hikaru and Kakizaki?" "Strike?" Watch. I can't wait to see how this develops. Maybe they got the brass balls all of a sudden for the 20th anniversary, and decided to push the envelope to try to cash in on it. I wonder how this will affect M0 if at all. M7 wasn't picked up yet in large part due to the music liscensing fees. M7 was an exorbantly expensive liscense, that has been admitted to already by a few R1 studios. M0 shouldn't have had a problem. We were betting on who would pick up the rights from big west upon its completion, I hope it doesn't get dragged into a legal quagmire which it still shouldn't. This is really a merchandise and DYRL itself issue. Same as before, though with a new edge to it that may force various hands to be played. This could be one of the 7 signs of the apocalypse that a deal has been made regarding DYRL. time will tell. Sorry for the rant.
  25. I haven't paid that much attention to this thread outside of the Animeigo masters discussion,and the VFX-4 before that then I noticed this little surprize. Someone should keep an eye on the Robotech comic, see if the "YF-4" has transformed yet.
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