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Everything posted by Anubis

  1. Adding Dry Transfers to the HCM Pros in an interesting idea, makes them lok even better. I love them. I thought the grey on the Rick-Dias was ok personally. I skipped the black one and just got the red one for my Amuro/Char collection.
  2. The hybrid the Destiny uses is an interesting beast. The drai has to come from those wings though. Imagine how much power that leeches.
  3. Misa remains at the top of my list.
  4. The beam shields don't work against an anti-beam coated weapon. Blue Frame's big sword and the anti-ship swords are examples. Someone mentioned a few pages back how the Blue Frame's sword went right through Hyperion's(?) Beam Shield in the Manga. I'm think the anti-ship swords apply as well. At least for the tips. It's kind of like how shields are anti-beam coated to block beam cannon shots. The reverse applies to anti-beam weapons and beam shields, so still having a regular shield is a bonus safeguard. Also don't have to use energy all the time on the beam shield if you have a regular one too. I-Justice looks MUCH better than the previous one. I'd buy an HCM Pro of it. I was hoping for a shot with all the beam sabers engaged to see how it looks. Athrun just can't get away from the phallus-head mecha. That's what he was REALLY being hesitant about in 42, he was wondering why Lacus built him another red suit with the odd spike on his head. Reminds me of that Athun vid when he sees the Saviour and he gets all sad because it's red again.
  5. I want one of those stickers. At least a UN Spacy Emblem.
  6. Got mine yesterday too. Packed in a huge box, item was sealed and everything. Box was in good shape. I need to verify runner by runner that everything is there though soon, but everything looked minty fresh. Looking at the parts, I started to think about wether I should do the Char scheme, or go with a Black Trinity-style color scheme. Black, Purple, and Gunmetal. I'll probably go with the Char scheme anyway, but the thought of the other one at least warrants consideration.
  7. I'll be there this year.
  8. The chances of Sivil biting are way too risky though.
  9. I think Luna is going to go at a minimum. The Black Trinity and Rey are very likely to die as well by the end. Shinn, I'm not sure. Still a chance for him to come back to the light though with a big act of redemption. Athrun will probably have something to do with that. I don't really think they'll kill Athrun either.
  10. Very nice, especially the shocked one.
  11. Even with Kira's "gotcha" moment he still showed that he still managed to show a moment of stupidity. Yeah, he made a point, but it would have been a better point if he just blasted Destiny in half. Shinn took Kira down once, and was caught surprised this time, which likely won't happen again. Shinn can adapt, and after the "gotcha" fought Freedom evenly. Shinn also wasn't in Seed mode until Kira pissed him off again. Kira will never have as clear a shot at Destiny again. Shinn knew he made a mistake. Kira learned nothing from being impaled by Shinn. Shinn is not going to stop unless he is stuck down hard. So IMO Kira gets a wash. Point for the "gotcha" but point revoked for not following through when he had the chance. Shinn's going to continue to be a problem, but from the next episode preview it looks like Rey will take over anyway. Justice was shown approching Destiny so those two will start their skirmish. It still looked like Destiny has a manuverability edge on Freedom, Shinn seemed to be moving a lot more than Freedom. The Doms were awesome. The beam shields were perfect for their attack. I like the beam/bazooka hybrid too.
  12. People shouldn't be posting stuff on ebay anyway unless they have the item in hand though.
  13. Shinn might have been surprized by Kira's shiny new Gundam, but Shinn is still up there, and has a good ability to adapt. He'll be fighting pretty even with Kira. Can't really say Kira pwned him because Shinn was still in the air. If he truly pwned Shinn he would have destroyed him. If anything this was Kira reminded Shinn he wasn't close to being finished yet.
  14. I like that they kept the Fummoffu stuff in cannon as well, as shown by Kaname's reference to the time Sousuke left her notes in his apartment. I love the serious stuff in this show, but also the school portions. Wonder if they'll use the Bonta-kun suit at some point. I would really like a good Abarlest figure.
  15. Here's the Extra Finish Freedom I'm not a big fan of the Extra Finish ones either, somehow it never looks quite right. Not to mention the horror of the sprue trees. I don't even really like the Hyaku-Shiki's plating on the MG kit. The posability sucked too. Now, the shiny metal glory or the KS Hayaku Shiki was pretty good. The plating works best when there's die cast involved. Also, here's the MG Mk. II v2 It does look like a mini-PG. Very nice.
  16. Well, one good thing about the Extra Finish Force Impulse is it also comes with the sword sillouette so you can do some stuff from it's fight with Freedom.
  17. I guess I'll paint it then. Not allowing pink to remain on a PG. Besides, I painted my MG Zaku IIF and PG Zeta, so it just wouldn't be right if I leave a Perfect Grade Char's Zaku unpainted. I'll use Tamiya spray cans again I guess. Metallic Black, Metallic Red, some kind of Burgundy. Once I see the runners I'll decide if I really need Light Gunmetal or not. They're notbad but add up $$$ quick. Wait, this is what it looks like unpainted? That's not that bad. It still would look better with paint, but that's still not that bad w/just panel lines added.
  18. My PG Zaku shipped today too! Question now is: Do I paint this one too? Not sure if I want to spend all the $$$ on the paint. Guess that will have to depend on if I like the colors the parts runners are molded in.
  19. The HCM Pro Destiny looks great. I love all the HCM Pros I've bought so far. I'll wait until I see the Cosmic Region version before I make my final choice though. Of course, a GQ qould be nice too. oops. meant to put this in the plamodel thread. Oh well, still applies here though.
  20. All I see on my order is TRU/Amazon. It's locked and can't be changed bacause the item is being packed for shipping. Amazon's been doing that lock business for a while now. It's kind of annoying, but at least when that happens the item actually ships that day. I'm keeping an eye on it, but I don't see anything fishy yet. Edit: Never mind, I see the itty bitty print now they put for the 3rd party business. Kind of odd. The seller is still ToysRus though which makes it odder. I guess we'll see how it comes out. At least it's shipping and not in limbo. (for now at least) I'll look everything over VERY carefully when it arrives. If one single part is missing or damaged it's back to the store. It links to a ToysRus "Toy Outlet" which would be for discountinued products. They put them there to clearance them out. It's a giant bargain bin basically. I guess the "outlet" stock is managed differently from the regular stock.
  21. It's worth the risk. Order placed for 1 Zaku. If it's beat up or not the right thing I'll return it.
  22. After the last episode though I think Tigh's wife is a cylon. The President got that ringing in her head when she came in, and was driving her nuts until the moment Tigh's wife. Something wasn't right there. I wonder if they'll bring back the note business. It could have been any of the ones shown so far, or another that we don't know is a cylon.
  23. The old Mk. II kind of sucked IMO. It's a floppy mess. Barely grips the weapons.
  24. Or Stargate.
  25. Good, it has the detachable DRAGOONs. I hope it has at least a couple little stands to pose some fo them in flight. Good overall sculpt.
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