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Everything posted by Anubis

  1. Angle turned heel to put Eddie over at WrestleMania. As for Vinnie Mac, you'll never know. Now for the main event at WrestleMania, it looks like Benoit will not win the triple-threat. Since HHH has commitments to the production of Blade III and he refuses to job to Benoit, he'll just drop the title to HBK. And then at Backlash, Benoit will defeat HBK at his hometown in Edmonton, Alberta. Now that's just plain stupid. Why doesn't WWE let Benoit win at WMXX and go to Backlash as the champ? So the only reason it wouldn't go to HHH is because of Blade III? This is looking like the year it finally becomes unwatchable.
  2. Bingo Hence my remaining skepticism. I hope for good news, but why not settle a controversy right away instead of letting it linger for months on end. There are legality questions being raised, most companies would have said something by now.
  3. And then came So as far as this item is concerned, it doesn't look like HG is trying to use Macross Plus images. Also, Cyc is correct about the artist--it's Miyazawa, not Yune. Sure it was a mistake . Excuse me for remaining a little skeptical. Drawing the wrong type of aircraft on the cover sketch would have meant something within robotech. Not a YF-19. But ok.
  4. I was thinking they were going to wait until AX or Otacon until they say what's going on. Hopefully lots of good news at the cons this year.
  5. My goodness, I never though a Minmay Guard could look that good. The new Fast Pack color looks a lot better on the valk than the other Minmay Guard's did, too. Awesome, awesome job.
  6. The fx discs are our best option for now.
  7. I use irfanview to make mine. Cut the part of a image I want to use, resize it to 64 pixels, good to go. Great picture viewer. I don't know how to make animated .gif's though.
  8. Already extensively covered in the n00b thread. Should answer all your questions.
  9. Oh well. I at least have this pvc figure on pre-order. link
  10. Manga's WoH video transfer was crap.
  11. The Women of Ro-bo-tech... La - LaLa - La - La,La
  12. You misunderstand. This is a very, very good thing. Manga did an incredibly craptacular job on the DVD release of this film. The translation was way off in places and my ten year old VHS copy has better video quality. Did Manga lose WoH, too? That's good news if they did, because they refused to acknowledge there was any problem with their crappy disc. I never bought it for the crappy quality, even though I have wanted to see it.
  13. I like the Mizuho in the bottom right
  14. This one is far worse.
  15. OK, here's the scary Kira (in Cagalli's dress) and Athrun pic.
  16. OK, THAT was just wrong. The Kira/Athrun pic had nothing over that obscenity.
  17. Man, I thought that was Hilde, not Heero. THAT was quite unpleasant.
  18. Anyone see the trailer for Star Warped? Turns into Babylon 5 vs. Star Trek. Nicely done so far. Satire is one thing. Stuff like Star Warped is meant to be funny, and also fan made. Parody and homage are cool, as said above. Late-shows would be nowhere as good without it. HG's practices are nowhere near so innocent. They plaigarize everything they can to use in RT. From the HCM for the MPC, and now this stuff. A -19 on the cover or a Mospaeda comic signals bad things for what they have planned inside the book. I think it may be a matter of time before we see a transformed VF-4 at this rate. An actual VF-4 transformation on the VF-X-4 (YF-4 as they call it), no attempt at changing it.
  19. The last one is kind of screwed up. Kira's even in Cagalli's dress. Camile looks like Luke. Seen far worse fan art than that though. The second one was kind of funny. Seed and Wing are both easy Yaoi fodder. In Seed's case regardless of (almost) each guy being at least poised to hook up with one of the girls by series end. Wing, kind of. "Normal" Seed doujinshi skyrocketed much faster though. Kira was the first Gundam main character to actually score during the run of a show.
  20. Christopher Tolkien is rumored to be an ass regarding adaptions of his father's works. He apparently had complaints about LOTR initially. He apparently is still not fuzzy about it considering he put a clamp on the museum Jackson wanted to make.
  21. Alternator devastator would be awesome. I would have no reservation buying constucticons. Pose prime fighting THAT I would even settle for stunticons if the decepticons "have" to be cars, so long as they combine.
  22. OK, let's talk about Transformers here. I don't want to read half page argument spreads about WWII. Again. It's already in the Reaction Weapons thread too. About Hound, it looks like there is a pin through the door hinge to me. May be able to get it out with the right tool. I don't really mind the doors though. I admit It would look almost G1 without them though.
  23. There is resistance against making a Hobbit Movie from Tolkien's estate. Again. Same guy who wouldn't let Jackson make the LOTR museam in the Phillipines preserving a lot of the props and costumes. Hopefully it will clear up and the movie can be made.
  24. Passed by it in Borders. Not paying 10 bucks for a magazine though. Had a Newtype subscription, but let it run out. Wasn't that useful to me for 90 bucks.
  25. I'll be waiting for the extended version, just like I did for the other two.
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