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Everything posted by Anubis
Actually Seed wouldn't even need to be touched to air on Adult Swim. Toonami, yeah it would have to go under the knife, but Adult Swim is airing Inu Yasha Uncut, and so far they haven't touched Witch Hunter Robin either. Adult swim has been improving of late. The last show that was butchered was Kenshin, unfortunately (and a damn shame), but that was because it was intended for toonami and that what was what CN had to work with at the time it moved to Saturday. Kenshin never touched Adult Swim. Blue Gender wasn't badly cut either, and quite a bit was allowed through the edits. Seed should be fine on Adult Swim. I would venture to say Zeta would be fine too, in fact I remember reading they had planned to do like Wing and air it on Toonami edited and on Adult Swim uncut. Of coursse that was when they were planning on Zeta airing next. Seed on Saturday is definately a strange move, though I admit they need something good on Saturday to beef up ratings other than Justice League. Hopefully It will go to adult swim after Witch Hunter Robin finishes it's second or third run or replace oneof the longer running shows (How many times in a row are they going to air Cowboy Bebop and not somethig else?)
I agree a gun is a necessary add on for a jet to have as a fallback. If all else fails, a storm of armor-piercing bullets prevail.
"Endless Waltz first is a grand mistake." How come? The mech designs where good to me. As for the storyline, it wasn't that much to get excited about, same old, same old. Btw, those SD's are fugly! I didn't mean it like that, and fixed the post. I meant EW is not a good Gundam to start with. Yeah the designs were good, but the story lacked compared to the other ones and also kind of required having seen Wing first. I did enjoy it, but you have to see Wing first to appreicate it at all properly. When most people I've seen ask to see Gundam for the first time, they want to see crap blow up, so the strong UC stories and action in the OVA's make for a good first impression.
It'll be a long long long time before we here anything about that. All of was just conceptual stage level stuff.
Oh ok. Yes you are right. That would explain why Gendo wanted to fuse because he wanted to with Yui, correct? The only way he could be with Yui again would be for humanity to be joined together by the 3rd impact. He would in theory then be able to be reunited with Yui and as well as push humanity to its next evolutionary step.
Who's gonna be our Neo? Agent One?
Unfortunate, but at least we will get to see all the shows on DVD in time. Whichever ones make broadcast, cool, but they'll make their money off the DVD releases of the others anyway. If the newer ones are the only ones that make it to US broadcast then fine. They have to do what will generate ratings best among their target audience. The DVD's are probably the best bet for the UC crowd anyway. No worry about edits or anything. If Seed generates interest into dipping into the UC back catalog, then even better. Honestly, even if they were to air Zeta, I'd miss an episode here and there anyway. I'll be sitting through the DVD's when they come.
Rei was based off of Lilith/Yui, Kaworu off of Adam. Kaworu was also the base for SEELE's dummy plugs, as you can see his name on the side of the Eva-05 series' plugs in the movie. The lilith part of Rei was why she was able to merge with lilith (once joined with Adam), had her own AT field, etc., and was a good base to make the dummy system for the eva's. The Yui aspect was obvious. I guess there needed to be a human element in her to be able to use her for what they needed. Gendo's intent was to fuse with Rei, then join with lilith and direct 3rd impact his way. So there might have been a giant Gendo if it went his way. Instead, Rei took adam from him and joined lilith herself, so she could direct 3rd impact with Shinji. Edit: fixed -05. Bad typing
I don;t know, to me, tiTANS just doesn't sound right. I'll get used to it when I get to see the whole show though I guess.
The federation was just weak, and kept switching on it's stance on the colonies. They want to control them, then they let them linger and develop problems. They couldn't do anything from keeping these new uprising from starting, and when bad things happened they were slow to react. Kind of like in CCA, where the hell was the earth fleet. They didn't show up until the asteroid was falling into the atmosphere. Sell Axis to Char's Neo Zeon after he already dropped one asteroid on theplanet? The federation had a bad habit of crap like that. Eventually it crumbled, so Rome could be a good analogy for the Federation. It was the classic Gundam question, yeah the feds are supposed to be the good guys, but look at the background, the people in charge, and how lots of the officers acted, allowing thing like the Titans, and you have to ask how much better was the federation really, how well were they able to maintain the peace. Pretty crappily actually. Side note: This is one question that bugs me: Titans. I've read it is supposed to be pronounced Ti-TANS. Why? Was it an Engrish error that became cannon, or was there a purpose behind not using Tit-ans
I've seen 0083 give the best initial reaction. Watching Endless Waltz first is a grand mistake, though the designs were good, the story was kind of ick. Even if there isn't a marketing blitz for Zeta, remember G Gundam didn't really have a blitz either. It actually greatly exceeded expectation during its US tenure, so they cranked out a lot more merchandise for it. There will surely be a lot of MSIA's popping onto the shelves. Zeta does have a of of toy fodder I doubt they will let go to waste. It won't affect me though at all, since all I want now is a HGUC Quebley and I'm done. A MG Freedom or a Providence would be nice too. Like said by others above, what I really want are my DVD's of the shows. G Gundam had it's run, but it's beena while now with no new Gundam on US TV. Had Zeta aired in fall like originally believed the interest would not have waned. I do have to wonder how much interest they are really planning to spark by putting Seed on Saturday night only. That is so wierd to do right off the bat. Unless it goes to Toonami or Adult Swim a few weeks later, which there has been no mention of yet.
Plus, when Rei is a clone of Yui and Lilith, it boogles the mind to even think of Shinji being attracted to her He did not know that though. Notice the possible attraction part immiediately faded as soon as he found out, in fact he did not know how to apporach her at all anymore (possible due to the stated Oedipal realization). One could rationalize that it wasn't really Yui though. She was created as a hybrid of Yui/Lilith and therefore something entirely different. It's still treading an odd line though, and stretching it. Paging Dr. Freud, Dr. Freud you have phone call at the courtesy white telephone. Ironically I'm taking the General Psychology class I need this semester. Evangelion is one topic I can easily have long discussions about.
Goldberg's spear was by accident, Lesnar's F5 was deliberate. Therfore I would say Austin would be more pissed off at Lesnar. But the "character" of Austin doesn't care that it was an "accident." He'll probably beat on Lesnar too. I just wish Austin could have some sort of match. His sheriff/commissoner/non wrestling roles are getting tiresome. I thought he was doing the GM stuff because he couldn't wrestle on an extended basis anymore, health wise?
Hmm, yeah, in retrospect the top with the photo's does suit that box design better. Edit: fixed spellng
Goldberg's spear was by accident, Lesnar's F5 was deliberate. Therfore I would say Austin would be more pissed off at Lesnar.
Bandai has said they will get all the Gundam series to R1, it just will take a while. I would imagine V and Turn A would be the last ones. I hope F91 comes by somewhere close, as I wouldn't mind seeing some anime on the big screen, and I missed Cowboy Bebop when it came here. My guess on the order for what's left will be ZZ X V Turn A (no idea about the movies though) There is a possibility though that V could come after ZZ, which I would prefer, but they seem to like to tuck AC's after the UC's. If and when Seed 2 comes it will bump whichever was in queue, just like Seed did to Zeta. All in all, I'm happy we're getting two series this year, and two good ones at that. Plus F91. Despite a few criticisms I did enjoy Seed. They just left so much open to be covered later it felt like there were some missing chapters in there. This is my primary gripe with the series. They could have wrapped so much more if they didn't take 30 episodes to get to Alaska (though they did have a LOT to deal with along the way there). Aside from that point, I did enjoy it quite well.
I'd be kind of wierd if it ended up looking like a 3D virtual the Sims.
The way things have been going we won't see F-35's until 2020 anyway . They are still being finicky about buying the 22's like they are supposed to.
An A-10 crashed on the runway while I was at Osan. The front gear collapsed on landing. The gun barrel was scraped to a 45 degree angle almost. That was it. It was awesome to see in the hangar. They swapped the gear, swapped the gun, and it was back out again. Sorry if this has been covered before, but what is different about the Block 60 F-16's. I've seen 40's (with the LANTIRN Pods, these are what we had at Hill and Osan), and 50's (with the wild weasel stuff), but haven't read anything about the 60. New boxes, new engine, or what?
Something could be said for though about pilots who would push the design of the jets they were test flying, more so than most pilots would. What better way to work out any bugs in the VF than by sufficiently breaking it in?
Like Graham said, it's too early to condemn the VF-0. It's a work in progress so there will be several sculpt changes as it progresses. I'm just thankful they are showing pics in these early stages. Unlike the YF-19.
The VF-0 looks pretty good for a work in progress IMO. Looks like it will have a lot of good detail. Again, I just hope the legs are more secure in gerwalk than the 1/60 VF-1's. The Q-rau looks just great. The packaging is nice too, but HUGE, no surprize there though. The paint job looks absolutely wonderful on that sample. The Max 1J in that pic looks darker, too. I wonder if it is a light effect or did they really darken the tint a hair. This one looks way better than the previous one we saw. What are the two things above Millia in the Q-rau box? Do you swap the closed leg missle pods for open ones? That would make sense since opening launchers like on the top would interfere with the knee anyway. I can't wait for mine to arrive.
We're all joking here. It's not like we really mean all the matrix jokes.
OK, here's a run-up for Episode 24. I spot checked 25/26 and I will need to rewatch the original version first. I know right away there is replaced footage in there, and they took some of the extended footage and stuck it in there as expected. Asuka's expanded childhood during her assult from Ep. 22 for instance. Not a task I am undertaking at 2 AM. Since there is already a thread dedicated to discussing the ending, here, let's leave the hard core discussion about the ending for that thread, and just handle the differences between the before and after here for those who want to know what was different in the Director's cut. Now, to Ep. 24 -Shinji and Asuka actually DID have a kitchen fight to my surprise. The fight there though centered on Shinji's telling Asuka that Kaji was dead and her resusal to accept it. He managed to yell pretty good. -The scene where the agents find asuka has been redrawn or at least really touched up. - Kaworu's introduction was also spruced up big time with the scenery showing a really good sunset and way better color. -When talking to Yui/Unit-01 Gendo has his right hand outstretched and you see the Adam enbryo embedded in his hand. -When Kaworu meets Rei at the top of the escalator, his dialog is different. -After the scene where Shinji stays at Kaworu's apartment, there is a scene where Kaworu is back at the lake on the Angel statue where the SEELE monolits appear before him and they have a little chat. Cool bonus added in with Misato watching from way off through binocculars, and only seeing Kaworu talking to himself. After the conversation is over and the monoliths disappear he turns and looks right at her freaking her out a little. Then jumps to Misato talking to Shiguire (forgive me if I misspell his name) -Throughout the episode there are lots of little dialog changes, similar to what they did in the other DC episodes, only they were everywhere. -The final lake scene with Misato and Shinji also saw a scenery upgrade and was much clearer with more lights in the water. -The end preview had both the normal ep 25 preview, but also had a preview added to it for "Air" technically Ep. 25' (the first half of the movie) If anyone else noticed anything I missed feel free to chime in. Hopefully I will have time to do the last two tomorrow. If I do I'll post what I can for the last two episodes tomorrow night.
Plus, when Rei is a clone of Yui and Lilith, it boogles the mind to even think of Shinji being attracted to her He did not know that though. Notice the possible attraction part immiediately faded as soon as he found out, in fact he did not know how to apporach her at all anymore (possible due to the stated Oedipal realization). One could rationalize that it wasn't really Yui though. She was created as a hybrid of Yui/Lilith and therefore something entirely different. It's still treading an odd line though, and stretching it. However his real interest lay in Asuka anyway.