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Click here. I believe it was done by an FX firm as something of a demo of what they can do. Thanks. I'm downloading it now As for the new movie: Kick ass director, kick ass cast, all points to fulfilled wishes this time around. Things are off to a very good start. I look forward to seeing more about this. I do wonder who will play Gordon this time.
I suppose we can guess that Katie Holmes will be Talia even though her role wasn't specified. With Ra's they have to have Talia in there.
That's what it was, they talked aboiut somekind of year one-ish story a while back. If they botch this one, the Batman movie franchise will be pretty much dead, and after the succesful comic adaptions these last few years, they can't aford to screw this one up. Any links to this Dead End short. I've never heard of it before.
They promised to never do the cheesy crap again. The last two were so god awful, and it was well known that they sucked. This one is supposed to be dark and gritty as it should be. I think they said they were going to square one again too, but I'm not sure if they'll discount the first two or not. Batman MOTP kicked ass over 2-4 easy. I totally forgot Bale was in American Psycho. He should fit the bill pretty well.
Those are good points, maybe Adam did accelerate the dacay. Also, it would be plausible that she had been getting teatment all along to sustain her form, and keep the Lilith part of her bottled up. Also why it was literally a tank of Rei's, the LCL "kept them in the fridge" as it were. They slowed or stopped part of the treatment to prepare her for the joining. To answer King Nor: The spare Rei's were literally spare copies of Rei. They could probalby grab one, do whatever treatment they needed to do and insert the memory/"soul" back up into the copy. They had to have been backing up her memory, because Rei III was only missing recent memory, likely that day or a couple days max. She didn't know the circumstances of her "death" until Shinji told her she had saved him. She immediately knew then she was the third. This is why Rei had seen herself as expendible on a couple of occasions, and said once specifically, "if I die I can be replaced" as she went out to fight Zeruel I think it was. Everyone thought she meant with someone else, she meant it quite literally in fact. Another way to describe her could be a human with the traits of an angel within her. Enogh to be compatible with Lilith. Lilith and Adam were the first two angels. Sachiel was the third. They would be one and two respectively. Humanity was spawned from Lilith, making us the 18th angel. Lilith was the Angel mounted on the cross, her blood forming the LCL pool they drew from with the Eva's. That's why on the door it said something to the effect of LCL plant. Shinji's assertion that it the LCL smelled like blood was dead on. The angels apparently thought it was adam in terminal dogma, but mistaken. Adam was the embryo delivered to Gendo, which he had embedded in his hand to allow him to fuse with Rei and in turn Lilith. Rei removed him from the equation was all in EoE. Somehow 2nd impact reduced Adam to that embryonic form. The lance was discovered the same time as adam in antarctica. Experiments then ensued. They never said where they found lilith. In the Geo Front is my guess, they never specied in the show. Maybe the manga will.
I found this out today via Animeondvd's forum buzz, and checked IMDB right away to confirm. I am now excited. They've said no cheesy crap this time and Ra's is a perfect villain for a good serious Batman movie. He is my favorite bad guy outside of Joker and Darkseid. To top it off, it's Ken Watanabe as the man. I do think Bale could make a good Batman as well, though that was already old news. Shooting began this month. Due 2005. Credited cast: Christian Bale .... Batman Michael Caine .... Alfred Pennyworth Morgan Freeman .... Lucius Fox Larry Holden .... District Attorney Fitch Katie Holmes .... (childhood friend?) Cillian Murphy .... Dr. Jonathan Crane Liam Neeson .... Henri Ducard Ken Watanabe .... Ra's Al Ghul Gary Oldman .... Lt. James Gordon
If thr Alpha looked like that garage kit, they could charge 80 (maybe 60-70)bucks fine with me for something that looked like a model like that. I would fear the QC though worse than this one. For it's sculpt and toy-ish appearance, 40/50 bucks. I won't theorize materials, because we don't know how solid it is yet. I fear how much they would think they could try to gouge us for the Beta. Just like Shin said.
Rei is a cloned hybrid combining elements of Yui and Lilith. Rei herself was unaware of exactly how much Lilith was in her apparently, and from Ep. 25 appeared afraid of how that part of her might manifest itself if released, that she would no longer be human. She isn't really a direct copy of either. As she said: she was herself. Yui happened to be part of her make-up. Remember, a lot of events in the beginning was Yui's doing/planning as much as Gendo's. She was involved with SEELE before she even met Gendo. The human combination was necessary for Rei to act as a bridge for Adam to be joined with Lilith, alowing for the 3rd impact, and her body was thus a perfect receptacle to use for the dummy system as well. Hence the tank of Rei's. Both for dummy system parts, and also replacements for Rei herself, which a copy of her engineered soul would be implanted to. They kept some kind of a Rei "back up" in case something happened to her (which did. Twice.) Adam and Lilith couldn't simply be joined together. Not that easy. Rei was necessary as a medium to do so. One thing I never figure out completely was why she was falling apart in EoE? Why her AT field eroded? I could only guess that after she had actively used it to get into Terminal dogma in Ep. 24 it was destabilized. That's all I could think of, either that or some kind of pre-treatment was done to her before hand to prepare her for the joining, explaining the LCL pool she was resting in. 3rd option was it was just time for the angel in her to manifest further and her normal body couldn't hold shape. It's one thing I haven't gotten.
I'd rather see the darker shade of brown than too light a shade of brown.
Right.... but this time was different. Not only did he manage to kill a good chunk of characters, he also made us care about most of them. And he didn't kill them just for the sake of killing, theirs deaths were rather elaborate. That's exactly what I mean. I agree with you completely.
Even better. I want the reissues simple because my earlier volumes were the flipped versions, and haven't been able to justify spending the 60 dollars I would have needed to replace them with unflipped ones. At 9.95 each I don't see a problem. Some extra bonuses only sweeten the deal.
I'm still guessing the bigger one will be 1/60. Will be in line with the VF-1's 1/48. 1/60 is usually what normally follows a 1/100 anyway. If the legs are secure I will get one of the 1/100 0S's. A 0D when they do that as well.
Awesome work. I love the group photos too.
"Kill 'em all" Tomino at work. He has a way with his characters doesn't he? You guys have me wanting to give V a try. I believe there are new bittorrents up somewhere.
The main point is there are some things that may be edited, but nothing critical. I forgot about tohru's decapitation, and yeah, it was shown in a few flashbacks too, but it was always brief. It is simple for CN to just remove the severed head if that's a problem for them. There isn't that much to edit out of Seed by a wide comparison. Any body explosions can be easily excised if CN views it as a problem. On adult swim there should be no issue with Seed's level of violence. If CN plans to edit any Adult swim show, they should immediately look to the episode of Family Guy that airs right before hand, and put down the scissors. If Blue Gender can air on Adult Swim, Zeta and co. should have no problem. Toonami having edits is a given, I wonder how saturday will fare, though I admit it may be adjusted a hair since they want to market this one big time to the younger folk. We won't miss any whole scenes or anything. I don't really care about toonami though because I never watch Toonami anyway. I get home too late. Let it serve as the kid's afternoon block. Edited or uncut, either is better than it not airing at all. I'm still waiting to hear how the dub sounds.
Holy crap. That's a lot of combining.
Curently retailing for 15.95. The were intially flipped, and there are Special Collector's Editions that are unflipped. Beginning with Vol. 8 they will retail for 9.95, unflipped of course. Like Viz's current trend, Vol. 1-7 will be reissued under the 9.95 format as well also beginning in April with vol. 1, May for 2, and 3-4 in June. No word on 5-7 yet. I'll buy them anyway since I got the earlier volumes before the unflipped versions came out. They can be found at Borders, Barnes and Noble, Right Stuf, anywhere you get your manga fix. Vol. 8 cover
Yeah, the sculpt looks fine, jsut they want too much for it.
Fllay was under the covers still, so they didn't show anything. However, I could see that piece'll be edited out outside adult swim. People complained about that scene in Japan too. It was good to see a main cast member offically score for once though. Considering now the target audience, I guess I have to concede they might choose to edit parts of Alaska's Cyclops explosion, and the Genesis's hit on the moon base. Some of the people exploding in the end too I guess. Those are the only "gory" parts of the show really. Other than that, it should be safe. No big deal really if they do.
Vol 1-7 of the manga are available now, vol. 8 is due April 7. Good stuff. I want to read Vol. 8 to see how they handle things now, as they are at the part where shinji has been absorbed into Unit-01. One major difference now is that Toji was actually killed this time, and bless him Shinji tried to take a swing at his father afterward. Kaji stopped him though, and then they had a really nicely done talk later on. They have managed to add a surprising amount more depth to the characters with the extra space. One odd thing is they have skipped an angel or two. Overall the manga is a very good interpretation so far.