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Everything posted by Anubis

  1. Anubis

    Jm Regult

    Smaller one. That thing is great. I just want some kind of Regult A SD would be pretty nice too.
  2. Anubis

    Pic request

    pic from Valkyrie-Factory. Crazy isn't it? O-V-E-R-K-I-L-L
  3. OK, I watched both versions of 25 on Tuesday night, but only got to watch 26 just now both times. These two episodes didn't have anything added to them, though some dialog was reworded like in the other episodes. No huge differences though after all. Thinking about it, some of the changed dialog in all these DC episodes may just be due to a new subtitle script, but some of the actual wordings did sound different to me. Especially watching both versions of each episode back to back. Aside from the wording changes in 26, that episode was untouched that I could see. 25 had some of the extended footage/touched up footage at the corresponding parts, such as the touched up nighttime lake scene from the end of ep. 24 being updated in 25 as well. No surprize. I didn't really expect there to be much different for the last two episodes, but some of the new wordings (translation?) sounded better, a little easier on in some places. With the new footage and updated script I'd say both DC discs are pretty worth it (if anything for 21-24), unless you really don't like to double dip. I'm glad ADV went though the effort to release these. These two discs have taken their place in the box replacing the older discs, which my brother now has. Just need to get him 3-6 now.
  4. As Misato tells Shinji in EoE, Second Impact was planned on purpose to minimize the damage caused if Adam and the other Angels awoke first. Quoting from the Death and Rebirth program Death and Rebirth Program: "In the year 2000, SEELE and Gendou attempted to minimize the damage by reducing the 1st Angel Adam to embryo form before the other Angels awakened. As a result, the 1st Angel Adam exploded in Antarctica, causing floods, volcanic eruptions, abnormal weather and other cataclysms around the world and killing half the world's population. " Gendou and SEELE wanted time to prepare before the Angels could reach Adam, so they had the research team push the Lance into Adam to revert Adam into an embronic state. The fact that Gendou left before the experiment Misato's father conducted was a sure sign he knew what would happen. If I remember, the security camera footage in Death and Rebirth and The Director's Cut had people yelling to pull the Lance out but it had sunk in too deep. Therefore, Second Impact occured and Adam reverted into an embryo. However, I thought the angels were themselves already separate from Adam as both Adam and Lilith were sources of Life. I figured they were slumbering elsewhere and according to SEELE's scrolls, were to awaken soon. Hmm, very true.
  5. Actually, that is a nice image. I wouldn't mind seeing a mock up of it to see how it looks on top. Do you have the image on hand Mr. Disco?
  6. The first batman vs predator mini-series was badass.
  7. Sounds good to me.
  8. Anubis


    First pic's the old one, the second one is new.
  9. Anubis


    How can anyone deny that work of beauty. An enemy mecha in general is such a welcome addition to my display, even better that it's this one first.
  10. Looks real. They supposedly shot 3 different test versions, but that could be the one.
  11. Anubis


    Toywave has them in link
  12. Anubis


    Well , I assume you already know Zentrans and Meltrans don´t exactly ...well...do it , they´re basically fighting machines so they don´t have the natural instict of reproducing hence they resorted to cloning to have new soldiers. In this case Millia is the 639th clone of the original ¨Millia¨ . So in DYRL it was 639 instead of Fallyna or however it's spelled?
  13. That's what was such a good surprize, all of that was out of nowhere, and pretty well done. The last shot was great.
  14. Anubis


    Box pic I love it. One question though: What's with the 639? The Millia Sculpt looks really nice though it is a small pic.
  15. imode's points are quite good ones as well.
  16. So does Harley...
  17. Quoting the Red Cross Book movie program concerning the Lance: "However, it appears that the original use of the Lance is not as a weapon, but that it is a necessary item for Instrumentality (Complementation) using Lilith." And about the Angels: "Beings originated from the source of life called Lilith. They take various sizes and shapes: from a giant octahedron to a minute Angel the size of bacteria, or even a 'shadow' Angel without tangible form. Borrowing Fuyutsuki's words in episode 26', it seems that Angels are beings which got the 'Fruit of Life' whereas humanity got the 'Fruit of Wisdom'. In other words, 'Angels' are another form of humankind with the same potential as humans. Thus, humans are the 18th Angel. " In the end, I think that is as close as anyone at Ganinax has ever come to explaining the relations in Evangelion as they stated that the mysticism present in Evangelion was used to merely convey a story and not any deep meaning. Quote by assistant director Kazuya Tsurumaki . Anno may know the overall answer as to where Lilith, Adam, and the lance came from, but he's moved away from animation in general I believe. Maybe since the manga is ongoing, these questions might be answered. Personally, I like the element of unanswered questions because everytime I watch Evangelion and EOE, I think of new viewpoints and interpretations. Thank you, it's good to see someone has the Red Cross book to reference from at least.
  18. I'd love to see Bruce kick Superman's ass on the screen. Maybe for the final movie they make.
  19. Anubis


    The poor people planning to ship via EMS for this thing........ I cringe.
  20. That's the great mystery. How Adam, lilith, and the lance arrived here in the first place. Are they from God? or what are they? This is where you can draw your own opinions. The lance itself wasn't man made, though SEELE somehow had copies of it made. The lance was discovered the same time as adam. Nerv staff knew of the lance, but few had ever actually seen it, or knew that it had been picked up from Antarctica. Those that did know it was in Terminal Dogma, did not know what it was for. All except for the few that directly worked on those aspects of the project. Even Misato was in the dark about it other than knowing it was there. Very few knew exactly what the setup in terminal dogma was, only that Adam and the Lance were supposed to be in there. As for 1st impact, it was the asteroid that eventually caused the dinosaur's extinction. Since 2nd Impact was blamed on an asteroid collision, it was given the name 2nd impact. The term 3rd impact kinda stuck within NERV because it would wipe us out as well.
  21. Anubis

    Yamato rumors

    Nah, just 350 dollars for two more 1/48's w/ fast packs is a lot to swallow. 250 would be much easier for many people. If I was rich, it wouldn't be an issue. Hence my sticking with my 1/60 M & M's. More than sufficient.
  22. Anubis


    here That is going to be one huge damn box.
  23. Damn, this is looking like one program they can excise. Supplementing the harriers is a good thing, but it needs a gun if it is going to replace them. Let the AF have F-22's, F-16's, and F-15E's. Call it good. The airframe of the F-16 is good. The jet may not be very maintenance friendly, but it does it's job. There's no denying that. Every jet has it's maintenance headaches. I've heard horror stories about F-14's though, so I guess I should have been thankful. This one seems like the costs and trade-offs do outweigh the real benefit. The F-22 on the other hand would be quite useful.
  24. Mask of the Phanstasm rocked. I thought it was way better than 2-4, as I said earlier. Just watched the Dead End movie. That was great. Quite a surprise there.
  25. I thought they found Lilith in the same cavern they were in. If I remember correctly, adam was in embryotic shape in a perfectly sphered underground like the one they have in Tokyo-3. Am I wrong in assuming that? Another thing that was never really specified, but it's safe to guess they found another geo-front in antarctica that contained Adam and the lance. I would really think Lilith was found in Japan's geo-front That's why it was there. Again, this is one more thing I hope they say clearer in the manga. Though Lilith's egg was under the geofront anyway, so there you go. Adam was found full size in antarctica, the white eva-looking giant that was shown. How they reverted him to the embryonic form is a mystery, most likely having something to do with the lance from what I can gather. The second impact explosion was on purpose for that reason.
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