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Everything posted by Anubis

  1. You are Sailor Jupiter, you never back down in a fight. Good, my favorite.
  2. DVDplanet.com RightStuf.com Vol. 2 of Season 2 is out. I liked Big O. Good style, good characters, and I liked the soundtrack excluding the intro. Wierd ending, could look at it interpretatively, or just hope for a Season 3. The ride was rather enjoyable though. An interesting mix of Giant Robo(?) Dark City, Batman TAS (for character styling), and the Truman Show(?). Good for something different.
  3. This is one thing I've never understood. It's clearly visible on the second episode of the series that evas are organic, yet Eva fans dubbed it a great secret. The manga was even obscene on how clear it was the whole mother thing... FV Very true. After Ep. 2 it is kind of obvious if anyone was paying atention. and I love the manga version so far.
  4. For Shawn to come down himself and close the thread meant that thing got way out of hand there. The Alpha thread is nowhere near that heated, actually civil. ("Yeah I might buy it" "No way at that price" Thats about it by comparison) and even in the HG DYRL toys thread people didn't start swearing at each other. It was a product review, intended to shed some very useful info on a product we have all been looking forward to seeing final info on, and instead of discussing the product itself constructively, some people started attributing all aspects of overcharging into the thread. BMW? The arguments got way out of hand arguing about the price of the thing. Debate is fine, complaining is fine, but was degenerating into heated aruments again, and might well have gotten worse. Come on. I'm glad I stayed out of it after my last post complimenting Neova's great pics. This is where we get our reputation from people.
  5. Awesome link.
  6. My picks: I think we should KEEP 4 and 6. Those are by far the best. If 6 doesn't work out due to the S image then 5 is a good substitute. The others can be filed away.
  7. Hasbro's re-released the Combaticons 3 times in the last 3 years, actually, including the new one. The first time as a part of Robots in Disguise, then in 'city-camo' last year, I believe. I did not know that. Even city-camo would have been better than this new desert tiger pattern. Anyway, regarding Jazz, I hope the red RX is not him. It is bad enough they are making Tracks yellow. Jazz needs to be white. There's no reason not too. They could make the red one Camshaft no problem. They could make him Cliffjumper for all I care since there won't be any VW Bug versions this time (though bugs would have been so easy to make).
  8. I'm honestly not sure, they might but I don't want to risk attempting to remove the legs and breaking them.
  9. That's it?!? 25 bucks? I am so going to Target again tomorrow to look for one.
  10. Wording looks to me like someone spilled false info about ALL the G1 characters showing up. Fans acted like it was the second coming. Then found out that info was BS. Movie still looks on, just with no word on what's in it again.
  11. I will have to watch or at least tape that.
  12. Hell look at the B-52, The Buff's been around since, what the 50's? And thay are planning on using the B-52 until the 2020's at least. It's a great reliable bomber, and they keep upgrading to accomodate new weapons and equipment. Didn't they just finsih another upgrade round not too long ago.
  13. How much is it?
  14. Finally broke down and bought Sideswipe today at Wal-mart. The design's been growing on me slowly. Anyway, in the Transformers Universe section they had Combaticons! Bad news was they are now all (all 5 of them) painted in some desert camo scheme and the name is Ruination instead of Bruticus. I was surprized to see combiners in that lot at all, but that just seemed wierd. I hope this hints that some constructicons may show up in that line at least though.
  15. Anubis

    Q-Rau Review Now Up

    I love those shots Neova
  16. Anubis

    Q-Rau Review Now Up

    the q-rau box is smaller than the elint/super-o box, except in depth of course. behold the power of not wasting space in the box
  17. Anubis

    Q-Rau Review Now Up

    that "huge q-rau" is barely bigger than a toynami Vf-1. Exactly as big as it should be at 1/60. To add the (inaccurate and QC-ridden) 1/55 MPC to this mix is invalid. And with that, I'm done arguing.
  18. Anubis

    Q-Rau Review Now Up

    HA! Do you realize how ridiculous this sounds? By even saying it, you're acknowledging it IS the same! In fact, this is far worse, since this toy costs a lot more, has zero diecast, *and* doesn't transform. But, heck, I'm buying the Q-Rau, and I'm buying the Alphas too. I've got the money and I'm a slave to this crap. I just hope you remember your new 'enlightened' perspective next time you're tempted to flame Toynami regarding the Alphas. Whatever. Toynami=crappy quality (though they may surprize us this time), and 80 bucks for that tiny thing vs 115 for the HUGE well-made Q-rau is a big difference. It's not flaming Toynami, it's the truth.
  19. I'll have to piggyback that bet. It wouldn't surprize me. Since the stealth would already be affected by having the gunpod, why not go ahead and plan to use the external pylons anyway?
  20. Anubis

    Q-Rau Review Now Up

    yeah, all opinions that disagree with yours are just so much mindless, pointless bleating. People can make valid points about the good quality of new Yammies such as "it rules" but no one could possablly point out negatives... they must be just saying "no, no, I DON'T LIKE ANYTHING" Trust me I've been hard on Yamato before and I'm sure this release will have a few quirks. I believe I called the YF-21FP a piece of crap last week lol Ditto. If I see legitimate complaint issues, I have no problem addressing them. I don't see any here this time.
  21. Anubis

    Q-Rau Review Now Up

    I'm not being fished into an argument today. I like it, therefore I will buy it. Someone doesn't like it, they don't have to buy it. Like everything else out there.
  22. Anubis

    Q-Rau Review Now Up

    I looked at it, it's not worth it. If you hold this toy to the same satndards as the 1:48 it is sorely lacking. Once again, to each their own.
  23. Anubis

    Q-Rau Review Now Up

    Too true. The sculpt in the Aug-03 DH magazine is much taller. SEE HERE That was a sculpt PROTOTYPE. Of course it was bigger than the actual. If that was the original size, the scale was way off because this is as big as it should be. Once again, at the 18.8m height measurement from the compendium: 1880cm x (1/60)=31.33cm
  24. Anubis

    Q-Rau Review Now Up

    People forget how much is paid for the resin kits or statues I have seen people snatch up. A lot of those you have to build yourself (power to those with the skill and desire to do it). How much are club -m's and studio half-eye's going for. They kick ass and people are willing to pay the premium price to get it. I would never dare touch one, I would never get it right. I can do Master Grade Gundams, made a Perfect Grade Eva-01, but would never dare touch a garage kit or a hasegawa for that matter. This thing is completed, very well detailed, and ready out of the box. I think it's worth it. Just like the 1/48's. I find them prohibitively expensive with fast packs, so I only have one FP set and two valks. 3 if they make a CF. Many here are going to pay 350 in one shot to get Max and Millia 1/48's. I'm not. Yamato can charge what they want, and the "if you don't like it don't buy it" rule applies. We knew the Q-rau was going to be expensive for the simple fact of the tooling and the size involved. No surprize. I almost forked over 80 bucks for a Yomiko Readman statue last week, 1/6 scale. We all have our opinions on what we are willing to buy at what price. $40 for 1/60 GBP armor is a little pricey as well. But worth it for one good set of armor finally. Yamato is Yamato, and not Bandai or Takara. They can charge what they like, and before anyone says it this is in NO way like Toynami releasing that tiny ass Alpha for 80 bucks. To each their own. For me, look at the side by side with the 1/48 and tell me it's not worth it.
  25. Anubis

    Q-Rau Review Now Up

    In all honesty, how else were they supposed to do the knee joint missle pods? If they were the opening variety, it would have meant less solid (or fixed) knees. Then there would have been cause to complain.
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