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Everything posted by Anubis

  1. It could have a separate power source for any beam weaponry, and use the diesel/fuel engine to power the normal stuff. Maybe not all of them had the beam cannon as well.
  2. The artwork for the Vol. 1 R1 DVD is kind of weak considering the other images they could have used. Can't wait for it to come out though anyway, and then Vol. 2 in the theater that weekend. Sweet.
  3. I loved FMP: Fumoffu. A couple were hit or miss, but overall very enjoyable. No mecha combat this time, it's all high school, having fun with the characters. The only mecha is the Bonta-kun mascot suit Sousuke modifies into exo-armor and then attempt to market. Some of the stories were pulled straight from the manga this time, or at least drew inspiration from them in a couple as well. Great stuff. I'm hoping for a season 3 now.
  4. A fetal position Zentran would make for some funny pics though at least. No, how about a possable pilot figure. Think of the endless poses you can do! I didn't mean I wanted a fixed one, of course a posable pilot would be preferred. A fetal one would just be funny for a brief moment.
  5. A variable bomber doesn't intend hand to hand combat. Attack patterns and capabilities are different depending on what mode you are in, just like a normal variable fighter. The rail cannons can only be used in gerwalk (the barrels are attached to the propulsion system in shuttle mode), in Battroid it could John Woo reaction missles at targets in space. In Battroid on the ground it would have very large range/degree of fire. In shuttle mode it could make an impressive bombing run. A variable bomber could be quite useful. Especially when accompanied by VF-11's or -19's as part of an attack campaign.
  6. So maybe not too much of a stretch to use the red Mazda for Cliffjumper. Better than using Jazz for the red Mazda.
  7. This sounds like YF-22 vs YF-23..... hm...could you guys provides pics of the yf-23? DH would be referring to the real like YF-22/YF-23 competition. It's been used a lot to compare the YF-19/YF-21 competition in M+.
  8. The Predator's have been working great so far. Both for recon, and with two hellfires attached.
  9. A fetal position Zentran would make for some funny pics though at least.
  10. at least your heart is true and strong I got Not bad, Jupiter in one, Aragorn in another, and Iron Chimera in the Metal Gear name generator. I'm on a roll.
  11. No TV either. Maybe in the dayroom, but there you have to establish dominance over the remote.
  12. Oh, never mind then . Are there any other red Autobots they could use?
  13. You know, I completely forgot about that thread Seriously though, a Ghost X-9 would be nice as well, after we finally see the YF-19 come out.
  14. Sunstreaker should be yellow, not Tracks As for Cliffjumper, wasn't he a VW bug too? Him (red) and Bumblebee (yellow).
  15. I tried a while back. The availability is crap for Zeta. There are some episodes on Kazaa and co., but the later episodes are very hard to come by. Zeta is supposedly going to have a September release date for the box set. I can hold out until then personally.
  16. In theory they should be able to produce light/heavy missle packs to include with the Regult, and you just swap a couple of parts in the back. The recon one with the radome had a different "face" too didn't it? That one would likely need to be a separate entity I would think. At the least the light missle packs would make a nice bundled option.
  17. Back in MechWarrior II I had at least 17 variants of the Marauder. I have always loved the design of the Glaug. I want one too, right after the Regult.
  18. I take it everyone else is marking life/death as their favorite power.
  19. Back to topic, I was disappointed that Ken Watanabe did not win Supporting Actor, but I didn't see Tim Robbins movie so I cannot compare his performance there. I do think Johnny Depp should have won Best Actor though. Overall not bad. I liked in the foriegn language filom category the lady said "We are so happy LOTR did not qualify in this category." Charlise Theron was hot last night too.
  20. LOTR finally laid the smacketh.
  21. After Yamato is done with whatever variants they make of the Q-rau (if they do) what enemy mecha would you like to see the most? I might get a TV Q-rau if they make one, but what I really want next after my Millia's Q-rau is a Regult. Hopefully with add on missle packs included for those who want that version.
  22. If they made a Venom like that I would die. Still have to go to Target. Tomorrow after work.
  23. Enishi would kick Basara's butt.
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