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Everything posted by Anubis

  1. I still love that vermillion group.
  2. In atmosphere yeah, they'll land normally I guess. In space they always landed in gerwalk right into the hangar bay. I suppose they could do the same on ground if they wanted to. They seemed to like to go traditional when on Earth.
  3. These are supposed to be MW exclusive. But why not drum up more sales? If you do make sure you remind them they have to be members here though before their order can be processed. Giving Paul your MW name is an order requirement, right?
  4. I don't have to pay. All I have to do is chip in for the pizza and beer. Even better
  5. The commemorative edition blue corvette is a work of art. Thank goodness on the TBD color. Maybe comeone was listening to fan reaction for once Please let it be the commemorative edition. We'll see. At least there's no major issue with the sculpt. We all seem to like it pretty much. Shoulder missles aside.
  6. Guess they're trying to play the "brother" angle with Sideswipe and Sunstreaker. Since he was originally yellow, it would be preferred, but if there are no yellow Vipers, so be it, let him be red. I am more worried about Tracks' yellow. Any other color would have been better. Black, burgundy, white even. Just not yellow. I'll get one the other corvettes they make, just not tracks. I do like the vette's sculpt though. Granted there aren't many colors to choose from, and I guess they didn't want to do 3 reds so close together, considering the Mazda may be red too. Checked Chevy, here are the colors for the 2004 Corvette -Black (decepticon?) -Gray Metallic (this should have been Tracks if not the commemorative blue) -Red Metallic II (dark red/burgundy-ish) -Torch Red -Yellow -Silver Metallic -White Now the Z06 you're screwed on, it only offers Black, Torch Red, Yellow, and Metallic Silver. If this is what Tracks is based on, that immediately explains the Yellow, given the 2 red Vipers and Silverstreak's silver. Who else could they use the corvette base sculpt for? Wheeljack? Mirage? Cliffjumper? Guess they can use the Jeep Wrangler sculpt (with a hard top this time) for Brawn as well.
  7. freshly laid eggs also means someone kept the fridge door closed. I'm trying to be optimistic, though it is possible. We are still owed a proper Queen battle after the Resurrection fiasco as well. How else are they going to do the climax?
  8. Are they at least going to chip in towards the 50 bucks. I'd hate for you to have to take that bullet by yourself.
  9. Guess it's just a slight breather before we really begin the process anew for the M+ box. We at least got a good spine proposal ready though. I've been looking at images too to see if I have any more ideas.
  10. Methinks Sunstreaker will be a little top heavy. Looks good though so far, I just hope he doesn't come out red. Make him Yellow.
  11. I don't know, freshly laid eggs means there is a queen there too. It's not AvP without a queen for the final fight.
  12. Raw summary: Blah Blah Blah Wrestlmania Blah Blah Blah I will break you Blah Blah Blah HHH runs his mouth Blah Blah Blah Grrr Blah Blah Blah Every match was super short, no surprise (guess they don't want any risk of anyone getting hurt before wrestlemania). Then they talked, and talked and talked. I don't know, I found the Rock annoying tonight as well during him and foley's time on stage. Then they got their pre-PPV ass whupping as usual formula. Not that great a hype builder for me in the end. I did like seeing Superfly make an appearance though. Then I looked at the PPV listing on the cable box and saw Wrestlemania's price: 50 dollars. I will not be watching Wrestlemania. Is it always so expensive?
  13. I do find it a little irritating when they put the anti-filesharing ad in front of a movie. If they want to air it on TV, fine, but not when I pay 8.75, or 17.50 rather with a date to see a movie. Coke ads I don't mind, I like having good trailers, but no MPAA bull. Ironically the adult industry doesn't care if you download their stuff, as long as you don't try to commercially pirate it for personal profit. They catch you selling boots, they may have some words for you. Get it for yourself they don't care.
  14. Don't forget rabbits.
  15. Yeah, that's true, forgot there were less Glaugs than anything else. So I'll revise to say majority Regults, maybe a N-Ger or two. Realistically, Zentraedi kill markings probably wouldn't be used post-Space War 1, considering your wingman may well be Zentraedi, but if you want to make the markings then majority Regults is the way to go.
  16. Regults, Glaugs, any regular Zentraedi mecha should be fine. Only aces would likely mass up more than a few Q-raus if they're lucky, so that's something to consider as well. A majority of Regults and only a couple Glaugs would probably be best for a "kill" spread.
  17. HLJ has the Takara Hound pre-order up. link
  18. Now if the new Millia figure is someting in line with Mizuho here then it's all good, and I would demand a Minmei and Misa to follow.
  19. IF this is true, and a new 1/60 Millia figure is coming separately, then I would be kind of pissed off at that. If that was the plan to have a posable one all along, it should have come with the Q-rau. They could still have marketed the figure afterwards for those who did not want the Q-rau. However, as there is no evidence of this YET, there is no reason to gather torches. I would find myself ... violated if Yamato came out with a separate Millia after I already shelled out 130 bucks. How about some scans.
  20. Awesome, I've been waiting for Samurai Jack to come to DVD.
  21. Anubis

    Q-Rau price

    I vote a little pricey, but worth it in this case. Tam's billed me for mine already!!! 133.14 shipped total. Billed the Minmei statue too. Sweet.
  22. If need be I can scan up to 11x17 or 12x18(I think) pics into tiff files on the color Xerox at my work.
  23. FP version (without the fast packs on) in Fighter for the proper sleekness, original version for the more stable battroid.
  24. Yeah, PDF is definately the way to go there. After staring at the printout I made of the two designs off and on today, I have decided to go with the Mech box after all. Tough tough choice, but I think the Mech box will go better on my shelves, and has a good mix of everything. I love the Mikimoto artwork in the other one as well, so I'll just use my wallpaper grade version of that center image in my wallpaper pool. I'll send Paul my cash later in the week. Friday's payday.
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