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Everything posted by Anubis

  1. From the holy complendium: I would also love a VF-3000 or VF-5000. Hell, I want at least one of every valk. The top of my MIA list is a VF-4. I'd jump on the VF-4 IHP recast, buit there's no way I'd ever be able to make it right, nor have the time to do it properly, so I have to hold on to hope from Yamato or another source.
  2. Looks like a G.I Joe action figure with a backpack you stick behind the figure Yeah, one of those ones with the sound buttons on the back. Used to have a couple of those. Cobra Comander would yell "I'll get you!" and stuff like that.
  3. Geneon/Pioneer released season 3 (S) and season 4 (SuperS) uncut already. They got the nice bilingual discs trickling out on the signature series for cheap now. Toei apparently does not want 5 (Sailor Stars) released and have withheld that one though. We went into that a little in the last SM thead.
  4. Yes, please let it be Bandai that gets Macross Zero.
  5. So Austin CAN still wrestle They did a much better job selling Wrestlemania on Smackdown than Raw's pitiful attempt. Not having to listen to HHH and evolution's crap raised it up a big notch. Apparently some people may want to split the cost 3 ways, so I might end up watching it if that's the case afterall. I'll see how that plays out this weekend. There's no way I was going to pay 50 bucks by myself.
  6. I buy almost all my anime from Right Stuf. I do all my pre-orders there as well. The Got Anime membership is very useful. I sometimes use DVD Planet and BestPrices.com as well.
  7. It;s just an odd turn for them to actively push more non-RT stuff through their site.
  8. Yep, it's Toei's doing.
  9. Wow, Macross Plus for sale over at RT. An interesting portent of possible peaceful times? I can't wait for this year's convention panel reports.
  10. That's the separatist android General that Obi-Wan is chasing and has to eventually fight. His arms apparantly split and has multiple lightsabers or some other weapon built in.
  11. I read the the HK boot's subs were god awful for Turn A. I'll wait until a better version comes out or Bandai releases it in R1. It's not a question of "if" so much as "when" they get around to it thankfully at least.
  12. I almost decided to use that gif as an avatar for a few hours but changed my mind thinking about the shock from those that have not read this thread and the nasty PM's I may have had.
  13. From earlier today on Animeondvd: And now a recent follow up: So no more Sailor Moon from ADV. Explains why the sub boxes are going for 49.99 last couple of weeks. I doubt Geneon would bother to pick it up so soon after ADV's discs were released either, but who knows down the line. I wonder if Toei imposed a time limit on the license or if ADV just let it expire.
  14. Dear lord. Thought about it, but couldn't bring myself to use the gif.
  15. WWE is doomed at this rate. There won't be much of anyone left to match Undertaker's show performance now that dark undertaker will be back. Dark days for the WWE are ahead. I wanted to see Goldberg tackle an Undertaker bout before he left too.
  16. Probably within the next couple of batches.
  17. I was just thinking about that one Has anyone noticed the Alternator Customizer on Hasbro's page? Anyone know what that is. The link said "build your own", and all the page says is coming soon.
  18. I would guess Breakdown or Drag Strip for the decepticon corvette. If the rest of them look as good as Dead End I don't think I'll mind the repaints much at all for the decepticons. I still want to see a Ram or something soon. There you go: Dodge Ram or Chevy Silverado for Motormaster. I can hope.
  19. Tracks: love the sculpt, not a fan of the yellow. I'll wait for the next corvette alternator. He got the shoulder missles!
  20. Damn, tracks is still yellow. On the other hand, Dead End looks SWEET. The black and red look great. I'm not even a big fan of racing stripes generally. I wonder if they do make a sunstreaker, would he have the same head mold w/ repaint? No need to worry about it now though.
  21. He needs a monitor headset, some stubble, and a forearm keyboard and he'd be a dead wringer for the guy walking around in Lain.
  22. Is the backpack the battery? Or is there storage space in there? Try walking with that in summer.
  23. I would say Max's donning a Zentraedi uniform was just more Anime Magic. Certain things in the show did not comply with even it's own scales and such, so what the heck. By the same token, how could Hikaru actually have tilted that HUGE gun by himself to shoot the Zentran soldier?
  24. Once G gundam got past the introductory episodes, and got to Shinjuku City, I found it rather enjoyable actually. Good for something different. Not really that serious, but a fun ride. Some of the mobile fighter designs (Master) were pretty good too. The in-joke in the last episode was great with all kinds of UC mobile suits making cameos, as well as an early Wing Gundam. I caught the RX-78, Zeta, Mk. II (I think), GP01fb, and a bunch more. G-savior is only useful as an expensive coaster. The CG G-savior unit itself wasn't too bad. The other designs sucked, the plot was written by a middle school student, the acting sucked, and they couldn't pick a scale for the suits. Home of the crappiest GM EVER. I haven't heard many opinions on Turn A. I don't like the main design at all, but how was the show in general for those who have seen it?
  25. Good images, I really need to snag a copy of Innocence from somewhere.
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