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Everything posted by Anubis

  1. 10-15 more years and maybe I can buy a Persocom "assisstant."
  2. I paid full price for the VF-17 last year. Not upset about it, I had no prolem paying that at the time. The only question about finding them for 30 bucks if wether I buy a second one. I did pay 30 for the VF-19 custom though.
  3. Anubis

    Red VF-21

    I'm still surprized she let him live. She had it for all those years, Mylene piloted it without incident, then he wrecks it. At least she appropriated a VF-17 in compensation.
  4. I always wanted to take a hangar pic of an F-16 with a Garfield suction cup doll in the canopy. I don't know why, just thought it would have been funny. I never got a chance to though.
  5. At least when he goes he will go in style.
  6. Zentradi bones are probably quite sturdy naturally. I doubt they break easy.
  7. Yeah, it's a poster. Look around the girl, you can see the blue background and the edges of the poster. The left edge actually comes past the edge of the canopy frame into the front glass a little. Thee is some space behind the pilot in a VF-1 canopy, just not very much at all. Maybe not technically for a poster like that. But who cares in this instance. Oops, yes I misspelled Skull.
  8. Anubis

    Red VF-21

    Shouldn't be too hard since its almost quite similar to the YF-21, but of course we'd prefer if they redesigned it abit to fix some of the problems with the YF-21. Colors for VF-22s include M&M red and blue, and dark blue for Gamlin's in Dynamite. Diamond Force (Gamlin's) uses Black Valks (17's then 22's). Emerald Force has the Dark Blue VF-19's. The VF-22's were also a perfect fit for Max and Millia with it's Q-rau attributes. Matching 22's of them would be sweet indeed.
  9. Crewchiefs everywhere are cringing in horror at that idea. Any of these would be a nightmare to rig properly and would break quite easily I would imagine. I wonder how the 22's gun cover is set up.
  10. Great catch. Now we know Skull gathers for college style drinking parties. Roy must have been the greatest CO EVER. Alos of note: What is the plane above the Sex valk?
  11. Anubis

    Yay my Q-Rau came

    WOW!!! Nice collection there!!! Thanks, that's only one shelf of my desk too. My collection is tiny though compared to many people here. Check the "How Many Yamatos do you have" thread to see some of the real toy kings.
  12. speaking of that. follow this link Hahaha, great find. Kawaii! damn straight! She's hanging out with Furries!
  13. I wish they would reissue the VF-19S. I'd happily keep that on display. An original sold here for about 95 recently. They don't pop up often. There were boots of the VF-19S a while back, but I haven't seen any available anywhere for a long time. There may be one or two floating around though. gundamstoreandmore.com still has the Fire Valk VF-19 on sale for 30 bucks. Great for a stop-gap at the least, especially for the price if you don't have a -19 already.
  14. That would be a damn shame if Angle had to retire now.
  15. Could still be steel or titanium or at least similar to what we use. The riddle of steel is not limited to earth. Granted the Zentradi's materials were of a very high quality given the length of time the ships operate without any maintenance or overhaul. We likely studied in great detail the composite materials the SDF-1 was built with as part of the OT package of goodies. We probably had a good deal of knowledge into their type of constuction materials by the time they arrived.
  16. What about Dino-Riders. That Toonarific website is great.
  17. As big a in-house franchise as Gundam is there's no way Bandai Japan would let R1 release a Japenese language Mobile Suit Gundam without it being released there first. I believe something like that was mentioned when the English obly release was announced. It amounted to "We're sorry we tried but it was this or nothing." At least Bandai America said before that once they could they'd seek to do a subtitled release. I hope for a remestered box set personally. Go great next to the coming Zeta box. I would think for Gundam's 25th anniversary they would release it over in Japan. Once it does, and their special editions are snatched up I'm sure R1 will be allowed the language track. I'm glad they at least gave some effort to give MSG a US release in some form at least. Until the subtitle version comes there's at least the movie trilogy set.
  18. Anubis

    VF plush dolls?

    I never knew they made one. I'd be interested to see one as well. What about Guvava? Was there ever a run of it as a plushie?
  19. Anubis

    Yay my Q-Rau came

  20. good site Thanks for the link, now I know which ones I used to have as a kid. Condor Switchblade Raven Hurricane Firefly Stinger Vampire Iguana Like the old transformers I of course ran those into the ground as all kids do. I loved those when I was a kid. Wasn't Inhumanoids the one with the 3 or 4 giant subterranean monsters, and the human crew that fought them. There was some Magmar-ish lava guy down below that once held the chief bad guy prisoner.
  21. How are the new scans coming along for the designs, BTW? Have actual sources been found for most of them yet?
  22. My parents scoff at it. Secretly seem intrigued at what each box holds whe it arrives, but still scoff at the basement I currently have set up shop in. I'm not surprized though. "You should be saving." or "how did you fit all that in this small room" My dad loves the Bandai Enterprise-A I got 2 copies of. One for him, one for me. E will be for his birthday. As for the gf question, if they scoff at the collection, it's not meant to be. Not much more complicated than that. I don't want a TRU for a bedroom, but I do want a good display cabinet or two's worth of stuff on display. Last one seemed reserved but interested. She had a HUGE batch of Barbies in storage, so she couldn't say anything. My latest gf seems genuinely interested She's big on movies, and seems very open to giving some anime a try. Some of it she had heard of from her brother, or from when she was younger, so that helps. When we have some time I'll show her a sampling. She especially liked the "planes" on my shelf too. She's a keeper it would seem. She likes stuffed things, so I might get her a Kirara plushie.
  23. I will definately go to see Dawn of the Dead, and thankfully my new gf is a big movie person, she'll watch most anything, even wants to watch some of my anime!!! I will also most likely end up taking my brother and act as ticket source for his cohorts.
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