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Everything posted by Anubis

  1. Congrats! Get us a tour of the black hangars.
  2. I got a GeForce 6600GT for about 150. Avoid the 6200's if you go for nvidia (they're intended as entry-level cards so don't have much horsepower), but the 6600 and 6600GT are great cards. You can get a vanilla 6600 for well under 150 as well. The GTs hover at the 150-and-up range. The current tops are the 6800 and new 7800 cards. The 6600 is the current mid-level card. If you can call it mid-level, as the card laughs at Doom3. Go to Newegg.com and take a peek at the current pricing. Way lower there than in most retail stores. I like the nvidia's better than ATI personally, but ATI's cards aren't bad either. ATI's Radeon X700 I believe it the one that's on par with the 6600's. This is the card I'm currently running. PNY 6600GT. It's on sale this weekend too. 145 + a 20 rebate. I hate rebates but that's another story. 145 alone is a good price. I swear by newegg. Great PC parts store.
  3. I'd love to have a GQ Destiny Gundam. I saw the HG 1/100's of the Destiny and Strike Freedom at Otakon, but I'm holding out for HCM Pro or Cosmic Region. HLJ at the con had a few Strike Freedom's, but I only saw a couple scattered Destiny Gundams, usually in people's hands already. I'll probably end up with HCM Pros. GQ would trump that though. A delay for Series 3 would be ok, but different writers would be nice at least. Ones that can space the plot properly for a 50-episode show.
  4. It was said somewhere recently they intended to make SEED a trilogy series, but the 3rd series of course depended on how Destiny performs. The ratings are so-so I guess, but the DVD's are selling very well. Impulse didn't sell too hot either, apparrently the 3 PS modes hampered it. Who wants to be forced into buying 3 versions of the same Gundam? Apparrently not as many as they had hoped. It was bad enough they never included all of the Strike's parts in one package except the HG 1/60. I'm sure Destiny and Strike Freedom will sell much better though. HLJ had to do an order stop for a while on the Destiny HCM Pro. If Destiny meets expectations enough they'll probably go with a 3rd series I'd guess. Some info said the next project may be something else (either UC or something new) but that probably depends on wether they green-light Seed 3. Guess we'll know something in winter probably. It seems like they want to keep Astray a side-property. A OVA might be interesting, but for a TV series I'd liek them to take the show further. They definately have one problem though for a sequel series: How much more advanced can they make the mobile suits? They compressed what took 30 years in UC time to develop and did it in 5 years in the CE. They already got funnels, beam shields, ghost trails, and giant MS. The only thing left for them to do is go into more super-mobile-armor territory (Destroy's MA mode qualifies already, but there's still the Neul Ziel-type ones, something a bit more agile than the lumbering hulk the Destroy was) or take the Meteor concept and beef it up like the Deep Striker or Dendrobium. Deep Striker Freedom III? Who knows. One silver-lining to the high-tech is by the timeframe of Seed III, the playing field would once again be leveled off. Beam Shields standard issue and such. Dragoons for the bad-assed.
  5. Seems like Bakakozou is the only one up to date with the subbing. What's up with that?
  6. The X-47B Joint Unmanned Combat Air Systems almost makes you wonder if this is the UCAV from STEALTH, does'nt it? 326820[/snapback] You said the S-word!
  7. Anubis

    my toy smells funny

    You win the funniest thread title of the week award. I'd say just let it air out. The smell might fade after a while. I'm wary putting any chemicals on toys.
  8. The Doms seem to be tailor made for Rey to carve through to show how badass he is with Dragoons. They'll try that Jet Stream attack, and Rey will Tholian Web their butts. They can't have him take out a main character, so he's provided with Cannon Fodder. Wonder how many Murasames they'll have left at the end, too. As much as the Mwu taking out the Minerva sounds interesting I would suspect Talia might try to help the AA in the end somehow. Depends on how loyal to Dullindal she really is and whether the bridge crew goes along with her. Luna might help out too. If the Minerva has to go down though then Mwu should be the one to do it.
  9. DESTINY spoilers From this month's anime magazine: So we see the alterior motive to allowing EA to set up the Requiem. Except you know he'll pick the wrong damn target. Emperor (Dullindal) convinces Anakin (Shinn) the dark side will lead to peace, who in turn fights with Obi-wan (Athrun). Meanwhile we have Newtype cage match. Enough loose ends look to be wrapped up to be satisfying enough, though it'll be rushed, which isn't really a surprise anyway. Some SEED factor/newtype info when they explain about Rey would be nice but I doubt it. For the surprise ending Lacus should appear in a pink Qubeley and wipe everyone left standing out. Then Haro bounces and says "owned".
  10. Awesome. Kind of sucks though you have to buy the deactive set to have the stands and Dragoon firing parts though.
  11. There was the 1/144 HG kit for the METEOR. Came with the Freedom. There was also the Gundam Collection 1/400 version. There's a Destiny version of that coming out.
  12. I was at Keesler AFB for a few months in Biloxi. Went to New Orleans a couple of times too, so it's places I've seen that have been affected. Adds another dimension when you think of things you've seen taking damage like that. Lots of luck to you down there.
  13. I kind of like how Legend's two big Dragoons can be used as drill bits. Djibril's death was nice and graphic. Also note how fast he is with his Dragoons when he lights the Girtly Lue up. Faster then Kira's. "Thank you Djibril, and goodbye." Yzak's group's attacking the first relay was integral too, which was cool. Have them do something important too. Cagalli is still a dumbass too. Thank god she stays in Orb. She shows how much of a cold beyotch she is again though. She could have at least had a short discussion with Athrun, which she didn't, and then she didn't say goodbye. Cagalli may be the head of Orb but no matter how busy she is she should be able to spare a few minutes for the guy. Screw her. Simply showing up without the ring and ignoring him was screwed up. Meyrin should win hands down. I kind of hope Dullindal slings a few nukes at Orb when he goes for the EA remnants. Finish that once and for all.
  14. Bling Gundam is much better off in Muw's hands. Cagalli still sucks as a pilot, the only reason she wasn't killed in the Orb fight 10 times over was because of the Beam Reflectant. Mwu could be a killa with this gundam. Even the Dragoons have the coating. Cagalli shoud stay in orb. Athrun should claim Meyrin.
  15. The sweats were indeed Six's best outfit to date. The Centurions that invaded the ship were a different type than the normal Centurions. Those ones had much stronger armor. I loved how the doc said "Damn hypocondriacts, there's one on every ship." Maybe Six's data was implanted in his brain directly? No chip required, and accessing her as easy as a memory. The cylons can copy and transplant their own memory, it would be feasible that they could screw with heads too.
  16. No way, the deactive versions come with stands?! Why can't the regular versions come with stands Even the Asshimar looks great in HCM Pro. Strike Rouge's colors are pretty cool. Makes the Strike look good in Red. Doesn't beat the original colors though.
  17. Here are the top 10 MS from the monthly Gundam power rankings in Gundam Ace. The Strike Freedom instantly shot to #1. I-Justice #4. The Bling Gundam must be popular too since it's #5. Wonder if that'll climb one its Dragoon pack comes out. The Acguy also surprisingly comes in at #10. The interest must have been really spiked up thanks to the new figures and model.
  18. The first person aspects in the trailer just shot up my interest level. That adds a definaite style factor to the movie. I hope that stuff ends up actually in there.
  19. Just shove a Dragoon in the exhaust vent.
  20. No, but I want that. That's an awesome statue.
  21. Unions lately seem to charge quite a lot in dues. My mom works in safeway, and their union has some wierd stuff too. Their Dental plan rocks though. I usually use USPS. They work pretty well over here (Rockville, MD). Damage is very rare and typically on time. FedEx usually works very well too. Delivery is quick, and they're more careful with packages. We use them at work a lot (and the Post Office), and the only complaint I have is our pick-up guy sometimes comes WAY too early. That's about it though. Delivery at home is a pain because they require signatures, but that is very good from a security and relibility standpoint, unlike UPS, so I just have Newegg ship to my work address. My supersaver shipping arrives in two days. UPS I try to stay away from. I've had a number of bangud up or missing boxes from Staples with them. I have regular contact with them through Staples, and there have been a number of times boxes come in mushed. It's also Staple's fault for not packing the boxes as tight as they should. They under-cushion them all the time so UPS only shares the blame. Once I had a box from HLJ (a VF-19 that was on sale), and they delivered it to the totally wrong address (across town). The tracking online had been marked as delivered and had "Maryland Man" in the signature block. I was pissed. Inecusable not to put a name down or at least the delivery location. Unacceptable. If the guy the box got delivered too hadn't called me I'd never have known where it ended up. Good thing HLJ put the phone number on the box. He called me and I picked it up after work. UPS tried to brush me off when I called about it. DHL I've never tried but heard enough bad things about that I won't try it.
  22. Fighter Jet Lasers are finally on the way. Last time I saw it mentioned they were calling it Directed Energy Weapon. CNN link
  23. Awesome. Really good overhaul. The Titans version should rock.
  24. Speaking of writers forgetting, I wonder if we're ever going to see the Girty Lue again... 322733[/snapback] Pretty sure it was in the ep. 45 preview.
  25. I've picked up the HCM Pro Nemo, Acguy, and Char's Z'Gok. Here's some pics. All 3 are great. The Acguy is so posable, it's just a fun little guy. I had it doing kick poses and stuff. The Nemo looks great, and the Char's Z'Gok came out really well too, and also with great posability. The line continues to impress.
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