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Everything posted by Anubis

  1. The final two episodes are now available for download from Anime-station.
  2. Actually the arm guns were pulse lasers. I'd say that was what took out Kaizaki. From everyone's favorite tome of knowledge. Also, Hikaru was talking referring to Misa as Delta -1 I think. He did say Skull-to-Delta.
  3. He just avoided contact wit her because it was contact contagious. They never said what it was. He ended up in the water after he helped someone else from falling in. He was too weak to save himself. He then washed ashore with amnesia and Sano found him there. That disease was eating away at his flesh and muscle. Bad whatever it was. Kaoru would eventually die from it too. It was a very sad ending. Nice to see Yahiko end up as well of as he was at least. I so want to read the Jinchuu arc in full in the manga, and then enjoy the happy ending they left things at there. Relfection wasn't horrible, but could have been so much better. Especially without the first episode being flashbacks primarily, and then they had to throw big wrenches into the family Kenshin and Kouru finally managed to have. I can't see Kenshin after all he had been through and seen leaving HIS family for the extents he did. Out of character. He likely contracted his disease to begin with from his wandering aiding as well. Stumbled on some strange outbreak in a town somewhere. Points for the emotional impact they tried to create, just the tone I wanted the show to end at. I hope they can go back someday and make season 4 properly like they were supposed to originally
  4. Ok, my Macross Plus Game Edition Book shipped from Robert's Anime Corner Store. I'll peruse it when it gets here, see what's in it, and scan anything useful on Monday hopefully.
  5. Man, I didn't know he was actually leaving. I thought the firing was Heymen talking out of his ass and Faarooq would show up Monday no problem That sucks. I liked APA.
  6. I'd say Graham hit it square on the nail.
  7. Indeed he does, but I think he's undergoing a slow transition from the biker look to the old-school Dead Man. Until his hair is fully grown, we'll have to get used to his current look for now. At least he was doing the rolling eyes bit again. I was waiting for someone to put a hurt an Hayman finally. I figured APA would do it, but it was a perfect moment for the end of the current smackdown lineup letting Undertaker do it.
  8. Tam and Kevin always pack their stuff top-notch. TOP-notch.
  9. I am amazed. I thouroughly enjoyed Smackdown tonight! For once. The gauntlet was well done. The fights were rather good IMO. Guerrrero and Rey Mysterio's fight was great I hoped for a while they would let Mysterio take the belt, which he came so close to doing at times, even if it would have been only for a week or so. Good Stuff. I found myself not missing Lesnar very much. And finally in the last minutes, Undertaker came out, stepped in the ring, and Mysterio and Eddie shoved Heyman towards Undertaker, who promptly recieved a well deserved tombstone. A good final Smackdown before they shake up the line-ups next week. I really wonder how it will all end up after this. I am guessing Kane and Undertaker will end up on the same show, that way the rivalry can continue with those two, and Kane can rise up again to his old level again. This is my hope at least.
  10. Did you ever find the right side image, the one with Hikaru and Misa holding each other close?
  11. How's this for one of the sides? This would take care of the main character, YF-19 and YF-21 all in one shot, and we can use some form of sharon, maybe a Ghost too, on the other side. This is from the back cover of the M+ game book. Hopefully there are more good ones inside to experiment with.
  12. OK, I found a copy of this Macross Plus Game Edition Book online. Think there are some good images in there to use?
  13. After Max and Millia land on the Factory Station during the episode they lead a strike to capture it, their daugter is in a pod on one of their valks. I think this is where Millia tosses her over to Max later on in this scene. I think.
  14. By all means please order your box. If you don't have paypal Melissa you can PM me and we can work that out. The more the merrier. By all means guys, order your boxes, we want this to prove worthwhile, and a lot of you signed up for this and were counted on here. Thankfully Paul is being cool about this and still seems willing to go forward.
  15. This is Animation Series : Macross Plus (OVA Movie)
  16. This is Animation Series : Macross Plus (OVA Series):
  17. We've said before, we were looking at resolving the Macross case before we jumped into the M+ case. DA and Blaine are still working on theis SDF cases. I haven't seen anyone come up with new M+ artwork themselves for a while. We got the spine figured out, we just need suggestions for the sides. If you have ideas, feel free to submit them. When I get some time at home I'll see if I can think of something for the sides as well. I would still like to see Sharon's cross on the top. Does anyone have any Macross+ Artbooks they can sift through? We definately need those in order to get some high res scans. What's in there is probably all we need to fugire out the sides. Or if anyone knows where one is available please direct me and I'll consider buying it myself. Maybe we could use metallic wireframe lineart of the -19/-21 is need be? Those would be easy to get from the design works, which a lot of us have. Macross Plus Movie / Macross 7 Program:
  18. Anubis

    1:48 TV hands recast

    Got mine in. These things are great! Thanks.
  19. Maybe not enough people understood they have to pay FIRST and then the boxes would be made? I guarantee some were waiting for the M+ box to be ready too, which is not how this was supposed to work.
  20. Anubis

    Red VF-21

    THEY WERE GOING TO RELEASE THE VF-19F TOO??!!! Dammit Bandai. Why Why Why. I could have made Emerald AND Diamond Force. If they would at least reissue the VF-17D and the -19S which already saw release I would be happy. A Diamond force would be so nice to have.
  21. Why not, the GBP was already delayed
  22. There will definately be only 1 design for the M+ case. We'll have enough there at least. I am still dismayed that so few people are coming though after all this.
  23. It'll be on Kazaa. That's how I found it. I don't know where to find KazaaLite anymore though.
  24. Tainted Donuts was great. I got the same version. Video quality isn't too bad at least. Just burn the file on a regular CD and let him watch the video on his PC the normal way. Then you can put a bunch of stuff on the disc easily for him to see, for pennies.
  25. With all the posts in this thread, and the numbers registed in the poll saying they wanted both, AND others in the poll saying they just wanted the SDF Macross box, how in the hell are there only 20 orders total? This is messed up to see after all this time. What, did paypal ACTUALLY scare people off this time? I'm shocked there were only 20 total so far.
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