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Everything posted by Anubis

  1. Yeah, IMDB had a listing for Inglorious Bastards (2005) "Set in World War 2, Tarantino's story revolves around group of soldiers on their way to be executed, only they get the chance for a reprieval. He describes them as 'Not your normal hero types that are thrown into a big deal in World War II.' This is the only information he will release at present." Like Blaine said though, it still doesn't mean its set in stone. I do however like Tarantino's work, and he usually makes good cameos in other movies, like his great one in Deseperado. "Jimmy" was also funny in his own Pulp Fiction. Nothing wrong with giving yourself a small role in a labor of love work of yours.
  2. Anubis

    Kaiyodo & Movic

  3. With the right prior experience that could be a hell of a job opportunity. I knew a few former SP's that would probably have jumped on that.
  4. Anubis

    Max VF-1S

    All it needs is one damn screw, and you can change the heads, it would have been so easy to include some more. In reality there would be less loose valks lying on the shelves if they included the heads. Everyone is satisfied, can pick the head they want, and they wouldn't have the problem of different 1A's sitting on the shelf untouched in overstock. Maximum Profit for Minimum Effort holds very true. So far the only one to grace us with that benefit is Banpresto. Weak joints, but bless them for that effort at least in prioviding the 3 heads on each.
  5. Quiznos rocks. "Big love is in our hearts" I was surprized when we went downtown during a TDY to Kuwait, they had Pizza Hut, McDonalds, KFC, Subway, and some more places. The McDonalds and the Burger King across the street from it outside the gate at Osan (Korea) were very useful for late-night munchies on your way back from the clubs. Wherever you go, you can ALWAYS find a McDonalds. I'm not sure wether to be happy or sad at that thought though.
  6. I'd bring an actual persocom home. Not a fake statue one like that, but a real Chii or something.
  7. Intergrated Weapons Striker Pack Basically all 3 original packs (Aile, Launcher, and Sword) into one handy-dandy pack. As per MAHQ, it's from SEED-MSV http://www.mahq.net/mecha/gundam/seed-msv/index.htm Cool, thanks for the info. I like that IWSP very much. I hope it makes its way into Seed 2.
  8. This NEVER appeared in the show, so maybe it's from the planned sequel? While in Gundam Seed the Strike Rouge used a standard Aile Strike Package, this now has some IWSP package (who knows what the heck it stands for) Upgraded Aile Strike at it's base, but with Freedom-styled cannons mounted on it. The Shield had a beam cannon it looks like, as well as a beam boomerang as used by Justice and The Sword Strike. I think this looks pretty good, I want to see some more shots of it outside of this early promo pic. HLJ Link
  9. Tell me you didn't love the piss joke in Desperado. I didn't care for Jackie Brown personally, but Reservoir Dogs, Pulp Fiction, and Kill Bill I liked quite a bit. Can't wait for Kill Bill Vol. 2 to street. I'm going to buy Kill Bill Vol. 1 on Tuesday, and try to have my lady watch it by friday so we can see Vol. 2 during the weekend. I will also once again play ticket privider for my brother and some of his friends.
  10. I assume that everybody noticed what all three of those wrestlers had in common? Yeah, we love you too, Vinnie Mac. What's with the new anti-Canada spin? I'd be pissed if I lived in Canada. There's no need to spontaneously change where characters are from, especially as some (JERICHO) have touted they canadian homes for years now. We all remember the Canadian discrimination victim fiasco. That was almost as bad as La Resistance now. Wonder who thought this was a good idea now?
  11. I remember that piece of crap.
  12. Anubis

    Max VF-1S

    I want my CF.
  13. Linked on Animenewsnetwork, and posted on IMDB: Sweet. Don't know about a prequel styled like the animated part in Vol. I because I really didn't care for the artwork. The content was all right, but did not care for the artwork. An actual sequel with Vernita Green's daughter actually acting on "if you're still sore about it, come find me" would be interesting though. Could present a nice revenge begets more revenge theme.
  14. Here are the measurements from way back.
  15. I still say thay was Crom's opinion after Dynamite. Well deserved after Dynamite. He probably tolerated the main series with a quiet amuzement though as it got to the better stuff.
  16. Master Grades and HGUC are fine with me. An occasional FIX maybe for the detail on a complex design like the Ex-S. I do wish they would put at least some of this level of effort into Macross.
  17. Anubis

    rumor or True Q-Rau 1/48

    Imagine the price complaints about a 1/48 Q-rau! "200 dollars for something that doesn't transform? " threads would be quite pervasive. After the backlash about the 1/60's price I'm surprized many are clamoring for a 1/48. Not to mention the SIZE a 1/48 would be. People must think they have pan-dimensional bookshelves or quantum bending display cases to put crap in.
  18. OK, Elisha Cuthbert IS perfect for Asuka. Just need to dye her hair a little darker/reddish. Good choice DA.
  19. It would be nice to finish certain existing projects. Like the upcoming YF-19FP..........? Yep. And also the regular Monster, which too was slated for last year with no word since, even though I had no solid plans to buy it. Primary concern is still the damn -19.
  20. On the contrary, I think they'll actually come really close to their projection. Yamato only shows off what they're near or already completed with, and given we've already received painted pictures of it, I think july is pretty safe to bet on. Despite the possibility of change in the sculpt, I don't think it will change much or at all, for that matter. It's projects that they keep mum about that are questionable. *cough*YF-19FP*cough*. I'm telling ya.... I think my conspiracy theory with that valk is somewhat possible. Maybe we'll see a 1/60 Macross plus line soon in the horizon. I don't know, we already saw painted GBP armor in February and it got pushed back 3 months for no reason.
  21. Hmm, may have to sample Full Metal Alchemist as well....
  22. Amber Tamblyn could have potential for Asuka as well.
  23. Yowzah How old is she? -Insert jailbait smilie- Anyway, I have nothing against casting unknowns, in fact I like seeing new faces. For certain hard-to-cast parts you kind of have to. Any suggestions I put forth for example are simple speculation, seeking the right kind of attributes a person needs to fill the part best. Big names, no-names, don't matter, as long as he/she fills their part properly. It's fun to play the casting game. I agree that using no-names is very healthy as well if you want to mind the budget of a movie. After Harry Potter's success, even Emma Watson or the guy that played Harry are going to be expensive to cast soon, if not already.
  24. CROM smiles at NOTHING M7. Not even a slight glimpse of a grin?
  25. I learned a couple of photoshop tips from one of the Graphics girls here at work, so later tonight I may give another simple M+ design a try. Maybe revise my previous. Especially since no one else is trying yet Well, soon at least. The last couple of days have been hectic. Hopefully by the end of the week I can come up with something more.
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