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Everything posted by Anubis

  1. Minmay was the only figure that came with the UN Spacy symbol. Why I dunno. The others were plain white. I cant wait for the second set. Basara will get sold off of course lol I'm guessing the reason why minmay only comes with that base is because she is seen singing on the un spacy symbol in the movie. Hmm, I was wondering if they were just stickers or decals that you could apply, though that would be easy enough to do. So, where can one get these without having to shell for the entire set? All I want is Hikaru and Minmay. Find someone willing to part a set and I'll take the Ishtar.
  2. Grievous was freakin bad-ass!!!! He lit, what was it, 5 Jedi up at once? This is the dude Obi-wan has to fight BEFORE Anakin. If Grievous is going to be that bad ass Ep. 3 just shot up another notch. I am liking clone wars. I'm happy I remembered to tune in tonight. Anakin's duel with the girl was sweet too, and to boot he racked up his first kill with a red lightsaber after he took one of hers. She managed to sufficiently piss him off too.
  3. Soe of those were the eye-catches from the show's commercial breaks, though modified into wallpaper-like images. Not sure where they are in any books though, as I have no M7 books.
  4. I believe it initially started as a picture of a floating Kawamori head raining lightning or something at HG headquarters. I never saw the initial pic. Was before my time. Went on as the holy floating head of Kawamori, and eventually Engrished into the hory fraoting head. Now things like this are done every now and then:
  5. Awesome ride armor, man.
  6. Raiders of the Lost Ark?
  7. Anubis

    yamato sdf-1?

    I'd love an SDF-1, whatever scale it can be made to keep it at the 150-200 dallar price point.
  8. Best looking carrier mock-up I've seen yet. Good job.
  9. Anubis

    yamato 1/60 G.P.B Armor

    The pre-orders for the stand alone armor and the armored VF-1J have been open for a long time now.
  10. Anubis

    yamato 1/60 G.P.B Armor

    May. For now at least. Hopefully firm.
  11. You're going to have to turn your garage into a hangar to fit that one.
  12. My dumb ass went and made a new thread without noticing this one Anyway, Happy 25th Gundam! Maybe now the R2 DVD's will be released and in turn R1 can then be allowed to release a subbed version of the original classic.
  13. oops, never mind, Apollo Leader beat me to it. someone please nuke this thread
  14. Anime News Network was kind enough to remind us that April 7th marked the day the first episode of Mobile Suit Gundam first premiered on TV in Japan back in 1979. Thus, happy 25th Anniversary Gundam! Maybe now they can release the R2 DVD set to commemorate soon, and in turn R1 can be allowed to release a subbed set of the original classic after that.
  15. The ceiling was way too low. WAY too low. The inability to do the "Gerwalk brake" further contributed to gerwalk being effectively useless in the game. Some enjoyable missions, but overall I really wish I could play the Japanese game instead.
  16. Best Prices.com has it for $27.50. It's out of stock at the moment, but they are pretty good at getting items back quickly to fill orders. link
  17. Got mine in last week. The tin is rather nice as the pics below show. Inside the tin is a 3 disc dvd case with the red cover art shown in the online listings. The first two discs are the show itself, so split like that the remastered video quality seems quite good after a little spot checking. The English track is still the old one, with a 2.0 mix. The Japanese track has a 5.1 audio mix. Since I spot checked it I don't know wether the subs were revised or not, but I kind of doubt they went through any revision, otherwise I would say the packaging would have highlighted a new subtitle script along with the remastered video. Disc 3 is of course the extras disc, which has two Video Interviews, two VA interviews, a "Sing Along" (basically a Karaoke style playback of the intro) , and some Art Galleries. Not a bad release on early inspection. The tin is nice to have and the video should be a big imrovement over the 6 ep. single disc of old. I gave my old one to my brother and stuck this new tin next to my Akira tin. I guess if you have the old version it's a matter of wether those two things interest you mostly. For those that don't have the old one this is a no-brainer. It'll be a while before I actually sit through the whole show again though. On to the pics.
  18. Hiten Mitsurugi.
  19. Happy Belated Birthday Kawamori-sama.
  20. Didn't know they were planning a ver.2 VF-21 back then, like the ver.2 -19. #6 still saw no improvement, while the others carried over to the FP version. Though they also still managed to get the backpack wrong and somehow decided it was a good idea to make the valk purple. Kind of part How times change.
  21. I was thinking that same thing looking at the assembly. What if foam bits gets on the mainboard? Also, what about the heat dissipation? Were these liquid cooling pipes I saw? I would think foam would have a static problem as well.
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