Got mine in last week. The tin is rather nice as the pics below show. Inside the tin is a 3 disc dvd case with the red cover art shown in the online listings.
The first two discs are the show itself, so split like that the remastered video quality seems quite good after a little spot checking. The English track is still the old one, with a 2.0 mix. The Japanese track has a 5.1 audio mix. Since I spot checked it I don't know wether the subs were revised or not, but I kind of doubt they went through any revision, otherwise I would say the packaging would have highlighted a new subtitle script along with the remastered video.
Disc 3 is of course the extras disc, which has two Video Interviews, two VA interviews, a "Sing Along" (basically a Karaoke style playback of the intro) , and some Art Galleries.
Not a bad release on early inspection. The tin is nice to have and the video should be a big imrovement over the 6 ep. single disc of old. I gave my old one to my brother and stuck this new tin next to my Akira tin. I guess if you have the old version it's a matter of wether those two things interest you mostly. For those that don't have the old one this is a no-brainer. It'll be a while before I actually sit through the whole show again though.
On to the pics.