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Everything posted by Anubis

  1. I still like that one myself the best too, just not sure what I can do about the top. Some helpful pics from someone would be great. How about something like this for the top? If I could recolor the grey image I'd use that, but this is something for now at least on top.
  2. 2nd version modified
  3. Here's one more idea using the 19/21 pic. Fishing primarily, looking for good ideas. If I manage to hit one then cool, I'm at least hoping to get a ball moving though. Nothing I can do about the grey top, maybe someone can edit it into a black with red eye, or provide a better pic. For now I'll use the grey as a placeholder if I need to. Again, there's only so many ideas I can make with the few useful pics I got out of the M+ game book. If only the Mikimoto: Innocence book I got last week had some M+ stuff in it . I do need a high res copy of the sharon's cross too unfortunately, but I think I can find that if I have to.
  4. That's all I've got. Any more ideas? Or ways to improve what I've got? These are the best images I can pull from the M+ Game Book I have. May be able to scrounge at least one more possibly from what I've got, and tweak my latest a little more like I mentioned.
  5. First thing to go before the F-22 is the missle defense shield. There is something that is a huge waste of money. And it still has bugs.
  6. OK, here is a more finished design for my proposal. I made the borders black so they mesh well with the top and spine, and resized the desert image to better match the left group shot's size. The idea about making the top black with a red eye sounds interesting. I would give that a try too, but I can't do that kind of photoshop recolor. I kind of like it this way too though, the box isn't all black, and the grey will be nice and metallic on the actual box. This has characters, the two planes, and my also my beloved "sharon's cross". Let me know what you guys think, feedback is welcome. Also keeping in line with the SDF Macross Box's overlap design, the sharon triangle can extend past the spine and wrap over the edge until it meets the left and right image edges. I'll try to add that later on.
  7. Nothing wrong with a slender tush on occasion Nice one, Bake Art.
  8. I remember that part. But mentioning it meant that I would have to search for it, so I said hell no, that's too many eps. to go thru. Should be 26 or 27, the grand fight with Bodolza's fleet episode. After Hiraru gets pelted with missles, later wakes up, dumps the remaining fast pack armor, and goes to reentry. After that, he heads to Alaska base and rescues Misa. If no one beats me to it, I'll get a screen grab later tonight. It's just one of those things no one thinks about too much, since the GBP only appeard in the two episodes, and they only showed the fin fold once to my knowledge, so it didn't make it's way to many cutaways or sourcebooks.
  9. IIRC, when Hikaru went into reentry in the show, the leg fins did fold, the same time the heatshield came out and wings swept back. So as far as the show is concerned, the fins can fold. Aside from that, for the AG it doesn't matter. The easier solution is best, there's no need to go through the trouble to cut the fin, or recast the legs finless. If the legs are going to be recast finless, then might as well recast the bottom part of the leg itself with the armor already attached as one piece (merely swapping the regular lower leg with the armored lower leg), since you have to dissassemble the leg anyway. Attach the thighs, knees, and feet to the armored lower legs. Wouldn't even need much white paint since the armor covers the whole lower leg anyway. End of problem. If not that, then cut the groove in the armor for the fin. I would rather not modify a 1/48 at all honestly, and I wouldn't mind not having removable missles on the legs. Removable missles can still be in the shoulders. If that is the easiest solution then cool. Also, how far do the doors have to open? As far as the VF-19's leg missle doors? If so then not very far. If the previous is easier though, then fine.
  10. There's lots of other crap the govt can cut without scrapping the F-22, and still do eveyrthing else they need to do. Once again they are looking at the WRONG thing to cut to cover their pork bloated budget. That's all I'm going to add to that one without making this a political topic. Needless to say this pisses me off. They want to scrap one, scrap the JSF program for now, and save that money. F-22's and F-16's combined are perfect.
  11. Haha, that's a great one.
  12. Anubis

    collector habits

    I ultimately want a "Valks of the line" display with one of every VF in flight. Like this image but with the VF-4, a new slimmer profile VF-17, up through the VB-6. Pipe dream maybe, but it would be sweet. I am in no way done with macross after the VF-1, in fact I'm done with the VF-1 (excluding a CF 1/48). I want the newer stuff, and also enemy mecha. Be it Bandai, Yamato, or whoever gives the goods. Someone needs to tap the pool sadly left relatively untouched outside of the VF-1.
  13. Crap, how'd I foget the 1/60 GBP armor I only have it on pre-order already too. Good luck wherever you're headed Bmaximum.
  14. The top image was just as it was scanned, though a recolor to black with a red eye would look pretty sweet and go well with the 3rd box's spine. Good idea.
  15. One more try. Images with the sky on both sides this time. This one flows the best of my 3 attempts I think. I like this one of mine the best so far, though for any further touches on this I would need one of the photoshop masters to take over from here. This is the new limit of my photoshop kowledge. The sky still needs to be extended to the edge of the left image IMO, I just colored the border blue as a placeholder. Or would it look better with the existing white border, or a solid color, and save the trouble of photoshopping it? The white would come out as a nice metallic on the actual box. I think I may tweak this a little more later on tonight. I have an idea to try.
  16. Here's another, simpler scheme.
  17. Here's my first proposal for the M+ box, photoshopped together finally. I know this one's only so-so but it's a start. For the left image I would say the sky should be extended to the edge, getting rid of the white border.
  18. What's the file name under Kazaa, I haven't been able to find it with Kazaa Lite. If I can download it I'll leave the share up too.
  19. 1/100 VF-0S, and Max and Millia's VF-1J 1/48's. Millia you can preorder already. The VF-0S pre-orders should open by the end of this month if Yamato keeps the May estimate for the VF-0S release. You can have your wife check here for you or peek at Twin Moons or Valkyrie Exchange periodically for new info in the VF-0 while you're away.
  20. agreed, i think the level of technolgoy to shoot down the 117 goes a bit beyond being able to see it. if you can see it with your eyes, but it can't be tracked by you're heat seekers or radar guided missles.. you're going to have trouble shooting it down. that doesn't count for anti-aircraft guns, wich do still use sight, and enemy fighters. though the 117 isn't really suited to aircraft to aircraft fighting, since it maxes out arould like 600 700 mph if i remember correct (i know its way slow as far as modern fighters go) so i think they've always been pretty carful to keep them out of those situations my point, it has way more to do than the color its painted. oh, btw, i belive the black paint was some kind of special radar dampening thing, maybe they just finally were able to create it in a color other than black? i dunno Radar absorbant paint is one of the things on the stealths, to the point you had to repaint the screw heads after you take a panel off if I remember what I was told before correctly, the F-22 and F-35 should also be getting a type of grey radar absorbant paint. Or am I wrong?
  21. That's some screwed up stuff there.
  22. General Grievous we know is in Ep. 3. The rest I guess more details will leak out or be released as Ep. gets closer. The more samurai-jack-ish elements I'm sure are clone-wars confined, but getting a grievous preview was cool. I did also like the rain falling on lightsabers effect.
  23. Wow, looking at HLJ's pics they seem more interesting. Lot of detail there in that small package, easy to display lots of them. Shipping will be easier. They're so tiny though. 1/200!!! Impressive detail for that kind of scale. Almost 1500 yen though, kind of pricey for that size, but the detail is definately there. Let's see how well the joints support the weapons and poses. I still think 1/144's may be small enough for me, but I'm curious to see at least one of these now. Check out how the rick-dom looks:
  24. Anubis

    Red VF-19A

    Red mecha are supposed to be dark red, otherwise they look sizzyish. Good job.
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