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Everything posted by Anubis

  1. Yeah, where is Steiner? Shame they put him to waste. He used to have good matches, but they haven't used him worth crap after he came to the WWE, instead wasting him on a Stacy Kiebler love triangle. Maybe he finally said "bite me"?
  2. That was great
  3. I'll be drooling for the next hour.
  4. We don't need another thread on this. AGAIN. All relavent points were made the first two times. If a thread gets too religion-ish, the mods will handle it.
  5. yeah something like that but i would loose the macross plus text on the spine (call me crazy but i think its cool not having the text). also what about having the red and blue pyramid on either side? still not sure what to use for the top image though. I'll make a work up of that later today.
  6. I'll take an Alex and a Kaempfer in HGUC. The Kaempfer better come with the Chain Mine though.
  7. Why has no one stepped on him yet? Where is Devastator when you need him? BTW: Sparkplug, Spike, Carli, and Daniel.
  8. Got mine in last week. Wonderful book. Outstanding spread of pics. The were pics form some shows I wouldn't have expected too which was a nice surprize. This really should be high on people's "to-buy" lists. It is well worth it. Once again, elf chicks rule.
  9. Now coming in May is the HG 1/144 Meteor from Gundam Seed. An slightly pricey 8000yen (75 dollars), 57cm(22 1/2 inches). Don't know about some of the purple color though, however it looks overall accurate, collapses into it's docked state, and comes with a Freedom Gundam as well. My opinions are kind of mixed, but it looks like a decent effort. I would forsee having to paint it if I were to buy it though.
  10. I've heard both. Never really sure as to which was more true though. Could have been a combination. He apparently wanted people to come to their own conclusions so the last two episodes probably would have been vague regardless of wether there were budget cuts or not. IMO at least. He was resistant to making the EoE movies at first, then eventually repented and made the movies.
  11. 3 discs of TV and DYRL goodness.
  12. Being Toonami, I'm expecting a "sensitizing" of the show, but it would be nice if the names are pronounced right. I am going to make sure I watch it or at least tape it on Saturday to see how it comes out. Hopefully the dub comes out OK, but we'll see. With as many fresh VA's as there are in there, it could go either way. I am eager to hear how they pronounce the more complex names though.
  13. Box 3 revised. Now with the blue logo on the spine, and since there is no other good Sharon image right now, I put the Sharon Cross back on top . The edges of both triangles wrap around the edges until they meet their respective images.
  14. i like this one. i would suggest streteching the spine so that it reaches the top and bottom. the top of the box could be a slight issue as the collage would probably look ugly if stretched. i do the like idea of having symmetry on the box sides and the simple black background and pyramid logo looks classy in my opinion. With the top and spine like this?
  15. Yeah, cards from that bank in the upper right.
  16. Just personalized credit cards. Not all that uncommon.
  17. If you're going to stick a civilian in a variable fighter, and hope to continue the M project, you might as well give the guy a mecha he has highest survivability factor in. The extra size of the -19 was also useful to incorporate the sound equipment into the airframe.
  18. This was the show that eventually evolved into Escaflowne, obviously taking a different direction with the Guymelefs used there. The Fz-109 made it's way into M7 (slightly modified), the A-9B became the Macross's VA-3 Invader, the III-c became the VF-9 Cutlass, the AF-49 became the FBz-99G in M7 after lots of modification to the design. It's likely he may draw some inspiration from the others later as well, though he at took the best of the bunch and put them to good use already.
  19. And just how exactly is Lobster boy supposed to move around in his robot mode.....hop? Graham Hey graham, ROFLMAO, you really make my day, almost got choke by the gum that i was chewing. Lobster boy...haha. Alot of TFs that were manufactured in the olden days lack the articulation and details that the present line presents. But hey i still love them all expecially G1, Masterforce and Victory series and not forgetting Macross cos they were a part of my childhood. Cheers The conbined Pirranacon wasn't bad though. Besides, the squid one of the 6 Seacons was uglier.
  20. The whole point of having air superiority is to KEEP it, not wait until someone comes up with something better, which has ALREADY happened, mind you, and THEY will keep developing better while we sit on "what's good enough". Thus we need the stomping power of the F-22, so we have it when we need it, and can use our real experience wth this next-gen aircraft in order to craft new and better aircraft in the future. If this trend continues, we'll be sending F-15's and F-18's against SV-51's.
  21. Hey, thanks a lot! I'll give it a try later on.
  22. I'll try the blue logo version later tonight after work. It's a good idea to to try that too. Might actually go better with the sky images in retrospect. I would very much like to add an actual sharon amage as well, but again don't have a usable one yet. Does anyone have a copy of the M+ This is Animation - OVA book or the M+ This is Animation - Movie book they would be willing to sell? If it's not too horribly expensive, then I'd take it and scan the book in high res, and just sacrifice the book. I'll send a disc or fileshare the file with who needs it. Some said before the only way to get the images out would be to crease the spine, if I wanted a minty book I wouldn't want to do that either, so I'll be willing to bite the bullet this time.
  23. During reentry: After:
  24. After
  25. Here's the screen grab. In reentry
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