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Everything posted by Anubis

  1. The problem with the rape is deeper than the dillemma as to wether she's a cylon or not. Yes, technically Sharon, and Pegasus's Six are cylons, machines, but just because they are cylon where is the line between cruelty and acceptability? They still can suffer and be traumatized. They feel. The technical rule of law as it is currently written says "person", so it may not be technically illegal, but the fact remains to mercilessly rape them is still simply cruel. Being cylon is an excuse. Rape is a cruel act. For the Pegasus crew to treat it so comically and easily is simply barbaric and pure cruelty. The pegusus guys in the fliught deck's "bar" was pricks because they made those comments in front of the two guys boomer is close with, with no regard for anyone on the Galctica. Once you start applying exuses like that to justify cruel and wrong acts, it's easier to condone other acts of cruelty. They did all that to Six specifically so she could suffer, and they could find some kind of amuzement out of her suffering. It's just wrong, and unacceptable in any curcumstance. The fact that six is different allowed them to brutalize her, and the wrongness of that seems to be the key message. After hering thos guys joke about Boomer, I wouldn't trust any of them around Callie or any other female. It's just one more step after where they're at to rape an actual person. If they were so alone and so disheartened being the only ship left and only had fighting cylons left as the only thing they had to hold on to, you would think they would be ecstatic to find the galactica fleet. They should have been embracing them, even if slowly, but intstead of that they are being a giant pack of jackasses from the start, and quickly making the Galactica people wish they never came.
  2. I thouight about that too. Cain's opinion doesn't really matter in the long run vs the PRESIDENT. It doesn't matter if Cain doesn't like the factthat the Secretart of Education is the president but that fact remins that she is. Cain could already be in hot water for ignoring the President's attampts at communication. You don't do that, and it's not quite "by the boook" of Cain to do that. With all that's happeneing since the Pegasus rejoined the fleet, the President would have the authority to knock her down administratively back to commander and give Adama a field promotion to Admiral. The "I'm a flag officer" business doesn't trump the President of the Colonies. Military decisions were left to Adama previously because of Adama and Roslyn negotiating with each other on how things would work most smoothly. It would also send a message to Cain that Roslyn won't take any crap from her.
  3. So ironically, the Akatsuki is not just Hyaku-Shiki + Strike, but is also part Nu Gundam. Maybe they'll pull a Amuro/Char/Lalah and have Shinn going for a kill shot on Athrun, and Luna will get in the way at the wrong time.
  4. One thing about the supply is that Galactica was being decomissioned, a lot of the supplies probably were offloaded. The Pegasus however had (allegedly) just docked at the shipyard for maintenance/refit/etc. As such it had it's full load on board still, and may have even took on supplies before the crew could go on leave. As for her delay in discussing the blind jump, she might have been ashamed that she had to order a blind jump in order to escape. With her personality, running from a fight would be disgraceful to her. Having to jump hurt her ego a bit. As for the Mk. VII's, I thought they had to remove some of the computers and networked stuff off them, making them harder to pilot in the process? At a minimum the tweaks probably lowered their effectiveness from their peak. The question I have is: Didn't the cylons shut down the all the battlestars? That's why they were destroyed so easily. Only Galctica was spared because of it's old design. Everything at the shipyard should have shut down and have been sitting ducks, yet the Pegasus somehow was able to escape while the attack was happening.
  5. The deck chief was cool too. Aeronautical engineer (he'd be useful to keep) who got drafted into being the deck chief. He can live too, making a whopping 2 that can live out of the entire ship.
  6. Sometimes it takes 5 minutes to decide someone is a total a-hole. That's what happened here. Only it's a whole ship of jerks.
  7. Until January. It'll be a long few months.
  8. Christopher Lloyd: Giiiiiive meeee Genesis! Destroy ORB Destroy ORB Destroy ORB Destroy ORB Destroy ORB Please
  9. One episode and eveyrone aboard the Pegasus needs to die. Except maybt their new XO that talked to Tigh. He seemed ok at least. It's like that ship went on the complete opposite path the Galactica did. While the Galacitca fleet tried to keep some sense of normalcy and humanity, the Pegasus took our worst aspects and firmly went to a militaristic violent cruel state of darkness. Who else thought Boldoza when she showed the pic of the BIG cylon ship? Wonder what it is. Ideas tossed around were Command and Control or Factory. Wonder which is right? The end shot was just holy crap. The final enemy of man is man. Massive props to Adama for knowing when to draw the BS line. He bit his lip when the transfer orders came, and suffered though Cain's badmouthing his crew. Saying crap about Tigh was fighting words. Adama stood up right when he should have though for his guys so good man. The dude that died deserved worse than what he got.
  10. Here's the link to the wired controller for $40. The wireless controller is $50. Microsoft loves to overcharge that's for sure.
  11. Holy crap. I looked at ebgames today, and the Xbox 360 games really are $60 a pop. That's insane. Even my brother, who got all 3 previous consoles and was thinking about the 360 too, said he was going to wait. 400 for the console and 60 for the games. No way. Even the controller is $40. The CONTROLLER!
  12. Sweet, I'll get the 2 Zaku's as well. Looking Good. HCM Pro Psycho and Destroy Gundams would be nice too.
  13. Guess it has a reactor leak.
  14. Gunota said the HCM Pro Luna and Rey Zakus were on display but none of the links so far have any pics. Except for the piece of the Luna beam cannon. You know it's a good time for Zeta merchandise when the Gaza C gets a release. Looks like they'll clean out Zeta's inventory. There's a Methuss and a Dijeh even.
  15. I love how the 2 armors look. I don't liek to double-dip if I can avoid it, but in this instance it's cool since I can use the other AUEG Mk. II for the Sled just like the picture.
  16. HCM Pro 20 - Asshimar, HCM Pro 21 - Gundam Mk. II Complete Set. Whoever said they would do this with the Mk. II gets a cookie. It's pretty cool they're throwing the Flying Armor in the bundle as well. I hope it comes with some sort of stand.
  17. Dude that is Talia!! Even better. Char gets credit for killing two Zabi members. Here's the Zabi kill roster: Garma - Char didn't kill him himself, though he did lead him directly into the White Base's range of fire, which shot down the Gau or whatever the carrier plane was called, and Garma went down with the plane. Dozle - Amuro killed him at Solomon. Gehrin - Killed by Kycilia. Kycilia - Bazooka shot from Char. Degwin - Killed by Colony Laser at Gehrin's order.
  18. I'd like a Destiny GQ. In the pic above I love the one with Crueset blasting Dullindal ala Char finishing Kicilia.
  19. Awesome, can't wait for mine. I ordered the Destiny HCM Pro and a MMM Launcher/Sword Strike from Toy-wave. He had the MMM for $50 so I decided to get it finally. Where does the guy from those reviews get those stands? I'd love a few of those. Edit: Damn, got an email saying Ken ran out of the Strike. Oh well.
  20. Based on the new awesome control setup the Revolution will use I might be inclined to buy that system now. Still have zero interest in the Xbox or PS3.
  21. Has anyone actually gotten their order yet? They didn't waste any time billing that's for sure. It showed up on my credit statement online within a day or two. This is kind of annoying. I ordered the Dai-Guard box, Megazone 23 parts 2 and 3, and Parasite Dolls.
  22. I broke down and downloaded the baka version too.
  23. I still think Athrun should end up with Meyrin. Interesting how Dullindal called Rey and Shinn over to Messiah. That only leaves Impulse left on the Minerva, while Dullindal uses his Faith guys as shields or directs them himself. Now for that I would have hoped Dullindal would have gathered all of Faith together and send them out. That would be an interesting fight. Odds are it's just Rey and Shinn though. One thing that bothers me is all of a sudden Lacus has a fleet backing her? Ms. Peace had a bunch of ships playing possum until called for?
  24. Ep 13 was the hit attempt. I believe the piano song was pulled from the 1st series, just like song that played next was.
  25. 326554[/snapback] Does the Eternal have enough firepower to make a difference anyway? 329059[/snapback] With the Meteors attached, yes. If not, then not really.
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