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Everything posted by Anubis

  1. All right, great job you two. So all the images are being submitted then, and we can get some boxes soon. I have Paul customing a Rurouni Kenshin artbox for me now as well. Can't wait. I'm still stunned there are so few orders though after all this I mean look at the poll numbers, and only 29 total so far Maybe now that all the images have been obtained a few more people will make some orders. I hope at least. Now we just need some more help on the Mac+ boxes. There's only one or two more mods I can make to my designs before I'm out of ideas, and pics I have scanned. After this I need another artbook. Anymore thoughts on some of the ones I've come up with, anyone? Good, bad, crap, sweet, whatever? I appreciate the attempts and input of the few who have commented and made suggestions so far. Keep the ideas rolling. BTW, I do have the Isamu in the cockpit image as well, I am going to try something with that as well. Probably as another top image.
  2. I am so saving that picture. Ah, the bi-weekly/monthly where the hell is the -19 topic. I've done my share of griping. Anyway Graham said last that it is still coming, maybe by the end of this year. They are sure dragging their heels on the damn thing that's for sure, if they can get the VF-0 designed and released so quickly.
  3. I have Der Mond, and I don't think that's in there. I'll double check tonight. Maybe it was in Die Sterne? Hikari does look pretty good in that there orange plugsuit. She was one of a few characters that should have got more screen time. The nerd guy is Kensuke. Ironically, had things not downward spiraled as they did it would have been likely Hikari and Kensuke would have gotten 05 and 06. The original plan was to have 17 evas after all. And Shinji's entire class were candidates. I'm waiting to see what they do in the manga. MANGA SPOILER: Since Toji actually died in there, I want to see how Shinji faces Hikari since he has to see her again at some point.
  4. I saw one pic in a sig somewhere that was a whole MB, with the actial sig saying "Die 56k'ers". I fear what would happen here if we had pics in sigs. Not having them makes the board SO much easier to read. Wise choice not to allow them. Not to mention the bandwidth savings. Either 64x64 or 80x80 avatars is fine with me. I would have to redo some of my avatars, yeah, but some avatars can be hard to tell the fine details at 64x64. If it goes to 80x80, the KB limit could stay where it is now, like was said above.
  5. Wow, thanks for the links, I was about to hunt for an .ogg codec today.
  6. I love the custom Hikari as a pilot. Very original
  7. I may see it later, Kill Bill is priority this weekend. Punisher seems interesting.
  8. Cool, let us know how it comes out. Pics too if you can. Or someone at least.
  9. An update from Animeondvd: The price on the listing for the SE was wrong. I expect TRSI's listing should be updated soon as well.
  10. Shin managed to take down her valk as his burned up as well. Therefore he proved his worth and she will have him.
  11. Once again, Kakizaki gets no love. They would have been the first to relase an actual DYRL Kakizaki as well. Oh well. I have to agree on the lack of interest theory. Maybe they'll see how Set 1 sells, and if it does sell well, Set 2 will come back and be produced. If they actually released subtitled DYRL, then I'm sure interest would peak more. How much longer until AX?
  12. I still say the D model served a dual purpose, as a trainer, and also for pilots coming off of two seaters like the F-14, as shown in M0 where Shin and Edgar get a D model VF-0 instead of sticking Shin in a A model. It would make sense not to break up the pilot/rio relationship if that's how they flew for years already anyway.
  13. Again, the only problem is we need images we can actually get source material to scan and get nice 300dpi, high res grabs of. The majority of web images is around 72dpi at nowhere near the res we need. That's why I only posted the few images I have available. Although I still need high res scans of the pyramids, though I'm confident we can get those easy enough off the soundtrack CD's or other sources. The other option is to go the CG route with some custom renders in the right dpi and resolution from a few skilled people, but like the SDF Macross box, artwork would still be best.
  14. Best. Avatar. Ever. Agreed.
  15. Back to this, I guess I should make a version with the blue pyrimid on both sides too while I'm at it. Might as well try it. Quick change with photo editor, I'll copy and mod the actual .psd later at home. I'm still liking this kind of layout below too, though some more images to experiment with would be of great use. I'm glad I was able to get at least these two good ones so far. Anyone find any more pics yet, or willing to part with one of the "this is animation" books?
  16. Actually, when I said video, I meant as in VHS, rather tight squeeze. Time to evolve to DVD then, my friend
  17. Well said.
  18. Maybe as a possible top image. BTW: The M+ box is sized for 3 discs( the OVA discs x 2, and the movie disc). So you'll be fine once you pick up the OVA's.
  19. I don't know, I think the B-1's and B-2's have proved their usefulness many times, and we will keep using them effectively. Especially the B-2. Damn thing is so quiet and hard to see, it's great. I was out on the flightline at Nellis once, and two of them stopped by for whatever reason, right overhead low, came in and landed. Made as much noise as my Sentra as they flew overhead. Amazing for a plane that big.
  20. I think Shinji at that moment was supposed to have been just released from the hospital. Have to check though. Yeah, I guess so. He was still in his hospital garb when he and Rei went to the courtyard, so he hadn't been released yet.
  21. yeah something like that but i would loose the macross plus text on the spine (call me crazy but i think its cool not having the text). also what about having the red and blue pyramid on either side? still not sure what to use for the top image though. I'll make a work up of that later today. Here's the version with the sharon pyramid on one side and the blue pyramid logo on the other side.
  22. I bought the U.S. Vol. 8. We didn't get the figure. I didn't try for the Japanese one either.
  23. First, I have to announce, courtesy of Animeondvd, that it appears the Renewal discs of Eva are making their way here. Excerpt from the Diamond July Previews Needless to say I am thrilled about this. Although it does mean I'm paying for Eva a 4th time. (VHS, the DVD Box Set, the 2 Director's Cut Discs, and now the Renewal Discs). Not that I'm complaining though, I would love to have the renewal set on my shelf. Anyway, on to Vol. 8 of the manga: The manga continues to kick ass, and then kick more ass after that. I love it. Obviously this will have plenty of spoilers. I was wondering how they were going to handle Shinji's being absorbed into Unit 1. Instead of floating by himself, they put him face to face with his mother submerged in an ocean. I can't get into every panel, but the process to remove him is pretty much the same, though an addition during the failed extraction is Rei, worried for Shinji, is on the sidelines watching and after the failure, reaches out to Shinji, and interrupts the image of Yui in front of Shinji revealing the actual unit 1 fugure, as she pleads to Unit 1 to release him. His mother's spirit come out of the figure then, and cuts to a scene with shinji on a beach watching Gendo, Yui, and his baby self sharing a moment under a tree. Yui then talks to him directly, and Shinji chooses to go back after hearing Misato and Ayanami calling him. Then out pops Shinji. It is after this then that Kaji kidnaps Fuyutsuki and we go through the Selle interrogation and Birth of Nerv stuff. At the same time, Shinji and Rei meet in the hospital and talk, express they are glad to see each other, and then go to a courtyard where they hold hands. Through her introspection throughout the volume, it is obvious she is developing feelings for Shinji, and processing everything in her slow inexperienced way, but making some real headway. Kaji's death at the end of that part clearly solves the issue of wether it was Misato or not, for those who were not sure. They show the gun that shoots him (a revolver with a sight attached) as well as a gloved hand so it is CLEARLY not Misato. End of that question. They show him lying on the floor dying, and his friends that were killed when he was young come to see him in his last moments. The answering machine part is altered as well. Asuka is the one home, not Shinji, and when Misato breaks down, she immediately tries to get Misato to tell her what's wrong, but Misato won't tell her. Shinji arrives in the morning, and finds Asuka pissed. She knows it was something about Kaji, but not what. She asks Shinji, and he immediately guesses, but tells her how could he know he's been trapped in the eva for a month, and goes to his room, unable to hurt her by telling her the truth. Shinji knew he'd never see Kaji again. There is a scene after this that reaffirms my general dislike of Ritsuko. Her cats just died, she's contemplative, and then sees Rei to give her a shot. She tells Rei she's changes, that she saw her and Shinji walking the other day, and that she was surprised, she thought Rei only had eyes for the commander, just a doll, yet she was impressed she wrapped both father and son around her finger. Rei tells her she's not a doll, it's true that she only liked the commander before, but isn't that the same for you. Ritsuko snaps, and wraps the cord you use on someones arm when you give them a shot around Rei's neck and throttles her, before catching herself, apologizing and saying it was a joke. She then tells Rei to watch her mouth, because she is the one who keeps her body alive. She relaizes she is becoming exactly like her mother. Judging from this I would guess this is not the first time Ritsuko had abused Rei in some form or another. Bitch. The volume ends when Asuka gets her phone call from Germany, and then retires to her room after snapping at Shinji. I am loving the manga version of Eva, for how much more they do with these characters. I like the idea of an actual relationship brewing this time, though it will surely become more complex later on. My guess is Asuka will see Shinji and Rei together again, snap, and either confront them or just him. Can't wait. I like how they handled Shinji's absorbtion, and the expansion they've given Rei in this volume. Very recommended like the rest of the manga so far. Now the downward spiral begins.
  24. Got mine off the imacross7. Thanks a lot!
  25. I want a Shockwave reissue. I may have to get Hound though. Go side by side with the Alternator.
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