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Everything posted by Anubis

  1. weren't they in some screen shots from gundam seed 2 a while back on these boards? knowing bandai they'll milk this gundam series until people get sick to their stomachs of it Those were from the upcoming Seed game. As for the Astray, nice catch! That's not one of Orb's Mass-production M1 Astrays either, because they had the Aile-Strike-ish fins monted on the back, so that would have to be the red frame in that pic. Who knows, maybe they intended to include it in the show at some point, for at least a cameo episode or two. Looks like there were several things they didn't have time to include, mostly deliberate (IMO) to save for Seed 2. They said in the beginning that Seed was supposed to be a new branch off point.
  2. Don't know about a pinned M7 praise/complaint debate thread. These threads at least disappear for a while, and resurface every now and then. A pinned thread we have to look at constantly. Like I've said before I enjoyed M7. If anything it was original, can't deny that. Basara got on my nerves many times, but that's my biggest gripe. And lest we forget, M7 brought us the VF-17
  3. I balked at the cost too at first, but remembered the cost of the resin statue, $180!! So I kind of understand this one's price (not that I don't wish it was cheaper), as well as the fact that it comes with the motorcycle as well as Mahoro. Quite a nice piece actually. Pricey, but a unique pvc.
  4. OK, I broke down and pre-ordered one from HLJ. They have the 5% off "early bird" now too. I have to keep watching though just in case it's released domestically, just like the Asuka Summer Casual PVC and a few others from that company, for cheaper.
  5. The false bidders found the auction it would seem. Bastards. I hope he knows how to cancel bids.
  6. Anubis

    Part 2

    I think Agent One might agree with me that this is the perfect way to display Basara. Looking at it, I can't really say I like Roy's sculpt. He just seems too young. The ladies came out ok. Misa seems a little...light on top, but not bad. Overall not a bad set though.
  7. Anubis

    Part 2

    Panty Shot!! The cockpit looks really nice. I'm surprized there. I may have to order at least one set after all. Misa and Sara look prety good too.
  8. Ugly??? This show rakes in the cuteness. So does the manga.
  9. Yeah, it does look more like a new UN Spacy class.
  10. Not much surprises me from Toynami. Although product delays are a common thing these days, be it Yamato or Toynami.
  11. Ah, the cockpit frame looks vaguely similar to the SDF-1. Especially in the thumbnail. Is that it? When do I get to see the sailboat?
  12. The wedding dress auction was awesome. I love how he updated it as well a couple of times. He's honest, can't deny that, and bitterness is expressed very entertainingly. Two favorite quotes:
  13. Damn, I wish they made a MG Sword Strike, that I could customize the crap out of... I'm not sure, but I think this MG can fit the normal HG 1/100 Sword/Launcher kits. So you can buy those and plug those into the MG. But don't take my word for it. I'm only guessing from the shoulder mounts and hand mounts that it can be done, or there might be plans to release a weapons pack for it. This would probably be my only Gundam Seed kit i'm willing to buy....and if the Aegis Gundam gets to MG, i'll consider that as welll. But for now, only other Seed kit I'd get is the 1/100 Red Frame which is yet to be released. The 1/144 for it is so poseable, I'm having wet dreams thinking of the 1/100 HG. I saw pics of the Astray red frame 1/100, I might get as well. That thing is slick. And apparently quite posable for an HG.
  14. You sir, are fired.
  15. Anubis

    Part 2

    Maybe sharon's computer tower? I may get one set just for Misa and sell the rest. I sold off Set 1, though I kinda wish I kept Ishtar now.
  16. www.mahq.net
  17. I dare say that looks better than the Metal Material Aile Strike. I love that the MG comes with a stand. I just hope Freedom and Providence make their way into MG. I'd snatch those up. I can't see buying the MG Aile Strike though because I have the Metal Material already. If they do a repaint Strike Rouge I'll consider that one though too.
  18. I'll pick it up during a slow buying month.
  19. I like the Escaflowne statue. Where was that at?
  20. That is actually a damn good question. I would venture to guess that Lake Global is a post-SW1 crater filled with water, but it could also be a regular lake. I would think it's feet are touching the ground. I've wondered that myself. On a similar note, is there anything that says exactly where Macross City is? North America, Japan, or elsewhere?
  21. Remember though, while the VF-11 had the bayonet, the YF/VF-19 and YF-21/VF-22 can both perform the pinpoint barrier punch. I agree some forearm beam blades would be cool, but beam sabers just don't exist in macross land. Energy cannons and pin-point barriers, yes. A pin-point barrier punch would still ruin someone's day quickly. Not to mention the forearm lasers the -21/-22 has, and the wing root lasers the -19 has. Plenty of close-range punch on those valks.
  22. :D Hey, if you use a Minmay doll to hook a Gnerl, what do you use for a captial ship? A Minmei Guard?
  23. I love Eva, but there's no way in hell I would pay that much for a watch, let alone wear it. Looks nice though. I have far better uses for my 300 bucks.
  24. Gray like that would be a Meltran vessel.
  25. It's obvious Yamato is no longer sticking to the May claim from before, because would been up for pre-order already. I say July or August given the usual pattern.
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