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Everything posted by Anubis

  1. I hate Sega.....oh...i saw the china dress ones. Don't really like them cause they were holding guns and look....funny in china dresses. I'll stick with Minmay in china dress. hehhe. I love my china dress figures. I thought the guns were wierd too, but can forgive that. Sega is providing all kinds of Eva goodness. I just need them to throw some Misato figures in there too. Lot's of Asukas and Reis, but there's only a couple of Misatos upcoming so far, all in different 3-packs with corresponding Asukas and Reis. Some stand-alones would be nice. They've got the winter figures, china dress, school uniforms (I don't really like the face sculpts on the ver. 2's though), upcoming School swimsuits, plugsuits, the seaside set, the pajama time figures and more. Not bad at all for the price, at least before the e-bay resellers get them and jack up the price the moment you can't find them, like the China Dress figures, which I'm amazed NCSX had, still pricey, but acceptable. The 35 bucks for the winter figure set is a very good price to find them at. I know wolfx wanted these, Twin Moons has the Pinky's set up for pre-order here. I thought about this new posable Rei figure with the manga, but I already have 3 plugsuit Reis. The Kaiyodo and two gashapon's. So 25 bucks seemed a bit much for another one even as posable as this one right now. Though getting manga vol 9 is tempting to get an idea of what happens even if it's in Japanese. Speaking of which, someone needs to flip throuh it and post what happens. Especially relationship points. After seeing Rei and Shinji hold hands in Vol. 8 I want to know where this goes.
  2. Yeah, the Eva box could have been better, but it wasn't really his fault. Gainax supplied the artwork themselves for the liscensed Right Stuf box, so he was kind of stuck. So he did the best he could there, I think. I like the Black regular box better myself. The red highlights really work. If the "Platinum" version doesn't get it's own box from ADV,I may try to get a new custom one from him. We'll see how that goes. You can tell on some of the boxes why he needs high res scans. A couple of boxes have a blurred image or two, or don't look quite right. That would probably be due to the images sent in to work with, something pulled off the web.
  3. May/June/July is going to kill me. Car Insurance, Summer Classes, and Fall classes that I have to all pay for in a close timeframe. 40 bucks for the stand does not fit in there, that and I don't see it right now as better than the acrylic stands I'm using now. I like them in flight. On a 1/48 I'd like to use the gunpod too. The VF-0S definately, so Yamato will be inclined to make a good VF-0D, and at the same time I'll have a good display Gerwalk (I hope). The 1/60 GBP armor is the only GBP armor I'm going to buy. The cost of a GBP armored 1/48 is not soemthing I am willing to spend that kind of money on, especially since I'm not getting a 1/48 -J. 1/60 will be plenty sufficient there for me.
  4. You know... longer wrist blades, bigger cannons... what's next, cannons swinging out from under the crotch? alright.. let's get this back in line.... Phallus shaped tentacles....don't forget those! I heard from a friend that the predators are a culture, not an alien race. IE: Any race can be a predator. There was some comic about some bad ass earth chick who got accepted into Predator society and was given the Predator gear. Then she would go around the galaxy hunting ass. That would be the original Aliens Vs. Predator Comic. After fighting the queen, the girl and the lead predator were all that was left, though the queen wounded the predator. Before dying, the predator snapped one of the queen's fingers off, and marked a lighning-bolt-looking symbol on her forehead, making her a blooded. At the end of the mini-series she was shown with her little house (with the queen's head mounted like a trophy on the roof) and she had some of his gear saved (I think). In the sequel series (which wasn't as good) you see that the predators had come back to the planet, to see what happened, and find her there. She had the mark, which declared her a warrior of their own, so they took her with them, gave her some modified gear, and she rolled with them. Though they never directly spoke to her they communicated, and she had her own little room on the ship. I forgot what the actual plot was though. I always hoped that the original would have been made into the movie. It was the best of any AvP's I've read. There was even an Alien stampeed (from a herd of cattle) that was sweet.
  5. Everyone's entitled to their opinions. Here's a page with a lot more of his boxes. link
  6. His original Season 1/Season 2 engraved boxes
  7. I know there are manyout there that have never seen a Paul Champagne box up close, so I decided to take a few pics of my new Kenshin artbox as an example. Maybe this will help those who aren't sure about the Macross box to consider it a little further. The boxes can be a little expensive, but they actually are good quality. I have 20 discs of Rurouni Kenshin, all in thinpaks, with the 5 ADV discs, and the TV series up through Firefly's Wish (my stopping point). So I asked paul to make a 10-disc capacity box for me using some of the images from his season 1/season 2 engraved set, which had the spine set up to form one complete image when the 2 boxes are put side by side. How much the larger boxes above 8 discs varies, and new designs may vary in price depending on how much paul has to do to design the box with your images. Black and white engraved cases are cheaper of course than the full color cases. He was giving us a good break on the Macross boxes becuase of the expected quantity. It's quite sturdy, and looks good on the shelf. The flash of the camera make a couple of spots look darker than they actually are for some reason (close flash on silver effect I guess). I like my box quite a lot, and am thinking about one or two more from him eventually. Maybe a Crest/Banner of the stars box or something. It'll be for a while before I can budget that in though. Left:
  8. Metal Material Aile Strike Gundam. I still need to make my 1/144 HG Freedom, and haven't decided between the 1/100 or 1/144 Providence yet. That's about all I want from Seed. Maybe a Strike Rouge w/ the IWSP pack as well. I'm still tempted to pick up the Metal Material Launcher and Sword Strike Gundam too.
  9. Her is my display collection. I also have a MG God Gundam, MG Master Gundam, HGUC Zeong, HGUC Guntank, and HGM Neue Ziel put away to save a little space.
  10. I'm planning to get aq VF-0. I have one set of 1/60 GBP armor pre-ordered. Not getting a stand though.
  11. Say what? Every time someone's jet gets shot down by a missile it's parachute eject time. That show has about as high a bodycount as Hefner's prick before he found viagra. Yeah, at least in exo-squad people died when they got blown up Body count or not, simple acts of violence are enough to make parents cry foul these days. I just used GI Joe as an example, though there were far more violent shows out there.
  12. They DO refer to me as their "aweosme" uncle... Their mother (my sister in law) refers to me as the "bad" uncle... I get them M80s from overseas, got them all brass knuckels, got them drunk for the first time, got them all interested in Van Damme movies. When their parents go out of town sometimes they come and crash with me. I tell them they are allowed to watch any movie as long as there is a high body count, and their mother WOULDN'T approve of it. The true sign of a cool uncle. Seriously though, you're right in the first post. Kids are completely coddeled at the young ages these days. There isn't much effort to make them tough and ready to take things on. Result is a generation of goobers, and the few that are taught to be strong will kick ass. The shows these days suck badly. If GI Joe were initially proposed today, it may likely be turned down for fear of being too violent. Sad. Whoever though teletubbies was a good thing to promote is on crack. Barney as well for that matter. Sesame street at least used to be good for the kids (have no idea about now). The golden age of kids cartoons is over. Even looney toons: look at how much they got away with in there back then that now would be bitched about if it wasn't looney toones. The kids kindof need Devil May Cry just to balance out the other crap they're exposed to. No GTA though. Speaking of which: when do they give looney toones? I haven't seen it on in ages. It used to be on CN all the time.
  13. The Thrawn trilogy rocked. I haven't been able to force myself to read anything else. I had bought a lot of the books and hardcovers before too. Never could sit through them. New Jedi Order held no interest for me. Though the death toll was surprizing. Read about it in a magazine in the store. Killed Chewie and Anakin (Han and Leia's son). Now Luke is married and stuff. Too much. The graphic novels for Dark Empire and the TOTJ: Dark Lords of the Sith were cool too.
  14. Oh sh!t that looks hella tight! I wanna kit of that... Holy crap, they did draw up a version like that! Would have been bad ass. I wonder what else was left on the show's cutting room floor or idea pool.
  15. Actually, my current machine is named "Jehuty" The previous incarnation was Skynet I named my computer Yggdrasil. Back when I had my old laptop, there were 3 computers in the house, so I had my Magi. My computer = Balthasar, Dad's = Melchior, laptop = Caspar.
  16. Haha I need that T-Shirt :lol: Vostok 7 They sell the shirts like that at Right Stuf. From that one, Beware of perverts, Dirty American Devil, and more. 14.95 for the t-shirts. They also have sweatshirts and stuff. No I don't have any.
  17. I only got 61% otaku pure
  18. I generally dislike Yelow cars, so I won't be getting tracks. I'll wait for the next corvette. The sculpt is good at least, just not with that color.
  19. Anubis

    Part 2

    Don't think I'll be buying a set after all. Doesn't spark my intertest enough to hunt for them. Hobby Search had them in stock if anyone was interested.
  20. The Q-rau elements incorporated into the VF-22 were probably much more attactive to Max and Millia. Especially Millia. So that's what they flew. Simplest explanation. The VF-22 was to become the new special ops fighter, replacing the VF-17 as well, so diamond force was upgraded to the -22 as well.
  21. yeah i think it's Asuka (or at elast i believe so...) Yes that's Asuka. Don't know where the original pic came from, but I have 3 wallpapers with that full image. It's..quite nice. That 1/100 Astray Red frame is sweet. The 1st volume of the Astray Manga should be hitting U.S. shelves this week. I saw Vol. 1 of the actual Seed manga in Borders yesterday. If you thought all the characters were bishounen in the anime, chack the manga. Athrun looks like a woman for sure in there. Kind of funny. I'm not planning to get the show's adaption, but I want to read Astray as soon as I can find it.
  22. Once again, Seed was intended from the start to be the new branch off point. Sunrise didn't want to rely on UC anymore. Why we have a Seed 2 now for example. Eventually I would expect to see some Side OVA's or something eventually, assuming Seed 2 does as well as the first did. My hope is they actually get into the newtype angle in Seed 2, as well as the all new coordinator-newtypes that Kira and Athrun were looking to be. It's obvious Klueze and Mu were newtypes though they never said it. I think Azrael's crazy-trio were artificial newtype experiments, hence their increased capability, and Klueze was a part of that of course. They never did get further with those "stages" Natarle came across that were mentioned once, and only once. Superior Evolutionary Element Destined factor sounds kind of newtype-ish to me. The thing that irked me about the Mu/Rau fights is that Mu was always at a disadvantage. If he was on even standing he likely would have kicked Rau's ass. Even with that new IWSP pack from MSW he probably could have handled Providence. First it was Mobius Zero vs. souped up Ginn. Later Launcher Strike vs Cgue (I still say he would have kicked his ass if he was using the Aile pack. Launcher sucked if it wasn't on actual ground and was quite ill-suited for a Cgue) Finally the Aile Strike vs a funnel equipped Newtype mobile suit. The idea about taking the Mobius Zero apart would have been cool. What I thought would happen would be after the strike took all that damage, he would land, pull the tarp off the Zero and go fight Klueze again, and go out in a blaze of glory during tag-team match alongside Freedom. After they got into earth's atmosphere, they never showed the Zero again IIRC. Though I still wanted Mu to live, I'm actually happier he went out blocking the Lowengreen shot against the Archangel. I would have been more pissed if Klueze took Mu out himself. On a side note, I actually loved the providence. It was like a Titans Mk. II on newtype crack. I was happy to hear the sound of real funnels again.
  23. *Potential spoiler* If the current synopsis holds true, the Jedi will be ambushed by their own clone troopers, which had a program embedded in them from the start to respond to Palpatine's "call." They are already isolated from each other while leading the trooper squads, and they will be taken completely by surprize. It was supposed to be a nice dramatic element, as for example we see Obi-wan had befriended his commanders and then has to defend himself against them. The result of this would be a lot of dead Jedi, and a few escapees. Anakin and/or Vader then is supposed to head out for some of the survivors.
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