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Everything posted by Guyffon

  1. It is because there is a raised stubb on the side that is supposed to be hidden, without disassembly you cannot get that part to rotate where it needs to be. If you have that problem you will understand what I mean when you see it. Mine was assembled correctly but poped out when trying to transform it to diver mode. By the way, does anyone know what that stub in front of the gun magazine is for? I searched for it in the manual but could not find it, I might have missed it though as I was looking through it quite late last night
  2. I couldnt get the cover off to reveal the 2nd screw, whta i did was unscrew one screw and pry the thigh open a bit and try to get that stub under the 2 halves, once u get it in there it should be fine
  3. That looks like a nasty cut on your finger Turns out my right hip popped out when transforming it and scratched the inner thigh trying to put the rotation bad correctly
  4. The new stand can do 15degree banks instead of just 30 degrees either side, interesting.....still not going to PO this.
  5. Nice that its a new pilot mold, also it comes with a limited edition stand. good thing is, I am not going the order this, good luck to the rest of you
  6. Just wondering, but not many people have talked about the intake covers, and it has very nice turbine detail when removed, am surprised no one talked about this at all
  7. Mine just arrived, and I agree that for 1/48 its a tad small, esp when compared to the 1/48 VF-1, I know the legioss was supposed to be shorter, but it feels a bit too short compared to the vf-1. Anyway, its a very nice toy nonetheless
  8. I think there were final paint pics of zeta alphas already, so my guess is, that is going to come out 1st.
  9. I hope this part doesnt develop the cyclone syndrome
  10. Amiami just request for payment on this toy, can’t wait.
  11. I think the head lasers are not made from the bendy material the originals were. Not sure if this is true but i thought someone mentioned it somewhere
  12. Its on their front page, when u click on the new items Its also funny that all the sites are selling out like the dx vf-1s, these scalpers are really hitting every macross dx releases, I could live without getting this one and was just trying to see if I can get one in to update my 1st edition version, but too bad. The scalpers can all keep this one to collect dust
  13. https://www.cdjapan.co.jp/product/NEOGDS-402762 its sold out, but here is the link
  14. Nice, all the scalpers will be stuck with this one
  15. I used to fly r/c airplanes, then drones, but these days i build tamiya 1/16 r/c tanks and battle with them with a group of friends. I also have a cockpit at home for simulation games like mechwarrior and elite dangerous (with occulus) but recently just had a baby and all my hobbies seem like a back burner now
  16. Last update, package got delivered on the 30th of april, EMS to Singapore and shipped on the 4th of april
  17. You have to expect major delays as EMS rely on commercial flights to your country and the number of flights to every country has been cut down greatly, my package shipped by EMS on the 4th of april has just arrived in Singapore on the 30th of april.
  18. Not all the only metal builds sell out instantly outside japan, from the Singapore store I managed to snag 2 gernsbacks and that remained open for a few days
  19. Latest update, my package finally left tokyo, not in Singapore yet though, and all it took was 3 weeks and 1 day. Oh well, I should be happy it even shipped right?
  20. Wow, never knew 1 day made so much difference. My pilot friend told me not many flights going to japan from Singapore, and that makes me worried. Oh well, helps me not to spend money in the coming month.
  21. An update, my package sent on 4/4 is still sitting in the tokyo outbound office. I am from Singapore and not on the suspension list but it has been more than 3 weeks with no movement. I know flights are limited but at this point it feels ridiculous. Item is bought from hobby search shipped via ems.
  22. Mine has been with japan post via ems since 4/4 and no sign of it leaving japan and its almost the end of the third week since its been there. This corvid is really messing up everything. By the way my item is supposed to ship to Singapore which they have indicated that they are still shipping to. The only problem is, according to my pilot friend, there is not enough flights going to and from japan these days to get all the parcels shipped.
  23. Even for my county (Singapore) we recently were ordered by the government to shut down non essential services and all work from home since 7th april. But our infection rate has gone up in the recent days due to some cluster at a foreign worker dormitaries.
  24. I think I read that ems has suspended their service to australia recently but I could be wrong, maybe thats why it got sent back to seller?
  25. An update on my package to Singapore, its still with japan ems since 4th april, i guess i need to wait another week or so before they can assign it onto a plane
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