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Everything posted by Guyffon

  1. I got it at 30k, but for NIB I guess it was worth it, i really love the head of the S its my fav version
  2. I finally manage to preorder one, its not the ideal price but i guess its better than nothing, in other news i just received my NIB VF-25S
  3. tell me abt it, I am stuck with a v1 micheal with super and a v1 full armor ozma vf25 that I cannot even sell at ard SGD50 to my friends. Last night I pulled out the renewal and the V1 and put them side by side and was turned off at how far the V1s were from the line art. If only I knew they would be doing renewals, i won't even have gotten them, so to repeat myself, how does one know how much stock is left for a certain item in NY, I do not see a stock counter next to the item in question
  4. Just a quick question, how does one tell how many of a certain item NY has left? I looked at the website and could not find the counter
  5. Thanks for the offer, at this point i guessits more of the frustration of having one in the cart and then due to their crappy servers was not allowed to get it. I think i will wait to see if there is amass cancel towards its release and hopefully get one at a decent price then. Thank you
  6. The cheapest i have found for alto's super parts are $200sgd and you have to pick up yourself, so i guesshe wun be getting the parts at all, since it also adds weight to the toy and will sag in gerwalk mode unless you put a piece of paper into the support hole. Anyway Alto always crashes/damages/destroys his ride whether is it in the series or movie.
  7. too bad the mac monster 2 is not 1/60 scale, that will be huge and cool at the same time, anyway looks like I will have to check NY again tomorrow and hope it does not get sold out agin or the price too prohibitive
  8. Thanks Saitou, yeah will look at Ny but their 21K yen price tag dun look promising. A friend of mine got me the VF-25S new for 30K yen and its on its way from japan these 2 days. I hope I can manage to get a Vf-27(renewal) to pose with the YF-29 I already have and am currently trying to figure out hope to pose them in a display case I am getting soon
  9. Looks like I wun be getting one after all, I am from sg too, and hate the scaplers, that said, i hope no one buys their mark ups so that they get burned, that way ppl will stop scalping these and real collectors can get them.
  10. I had one in my cart, then when i entered my password to proceed, they said they do not have enuff stock to fulfill my order, wtf, did they only have one?
  11. Hi There Sometime ago I figured out how to animate a VF fighter for homeworld 1, at that moment I think I was the 1st to have done that. But due to real life issues and work change, I sort of disappear from the community, I think lestat might remember me though I do have to apologize to him for disappearing on him then. Anyway I have been lurking here for a long time and I see that they seem to have the same problem they had with animations for HW2 as they had with HW1. I will see if I can get back into this moddeding thing and will poke ard in the next few weeks. No promises but I will see if I can help out in that dept, but I have yet to touch HW2 interms of modding thus will have to see if I can even contribute to the mod or not.
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