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Everything posted by Guyffon

  1. I just got mine too, but comparing it to my V1, I can't help but think its almost the same mold except for the crotch area, as it looks almost identical side by side. But somme how it does not hold fighter mode as nice as the V1, maybe its just me
  2. NY and nin-nin have the VF-25F in stock for ard 17500-18000 yen now, its not MSRP, but its a lot less than what i paid for my used one (35000yen for one that came with a NIB super parts set)
  3. So far my experience the few webshops i bought stuff from, nin-nin is the fastest to ship my stuff, as i placed an order in the morning and was shipped out by the afternoon, provided they have the stock,not sur about theircustomer service though
  4. I got my tracking no. On 7th july
  5. Actually, i wanted to show the radar fin as thats the interesting feature of his plane, both the VFs on that level have no pilots as i want them to have their cockpits open.
  6. This is how i am displaying mine for now till i get a new display case
  7. Looks like i wun be getting this at all, since i can't even secure 1 while i hear some secure 3 or 4....
  8. I bought my yf-29 30th anni ver from nin-nin, and they shipped on the same day i ordered(japan time of course), only problem i had was that the one i received could have been an old stock that was sitting in their warehouse for too long and there was slight yellowing in 2 parts, aside from that, i think they are fast shippers and shipping is similar to NY's pricing
  9. Oh well i was half hoping for galia 4 fold booster and speakers to be packaged with this one, since luca got the 3 ghost
  10. You have an airbrush? That will probably help if you do, (this post was meant for saitosad)
  11. I was not intending to get the quarter, but this sale made me take the plunge
  12. I had it displayed with all the missle pods opened, but with the new addition some parts were obstructing each other, thus i closed them. This was how alto was before the 30th came ard
  13. I decided to leave my alto super packless and display the 2 like this
  14. Hey saito, heres the pic I promised you
  15. I think you can still preorder from nin-nin
  16. For us here, we have to pay duty for anything declared above usd$400 inc shipping
  17. Hey saito, will put up a pic of the super parts on my alto when NY decides to ship mine to me, on other news, my 30th aniversary yf-29 just can from nin-nin and some how, it does not look that new to me although it does says its new. On the shipping manifest they stated used figure with a cost of SGD$30, is that normal, also do anyone have slight discolouration to the painted diecast parts on the shoulder blocks, the white in mine looks slightly yellow. Here is a pic of mine after i did my transmation inspection.
  18. Anyone know when will these be ready? I order a set of 3 in the beginning of may as a preorder but it has yet to be shipped or in stock, how long a lead time does it usually take for him to get inventory?
  19. No Galia 4 fold booster that comes with it?
  20. I thought you still can preorder from ny?
  21. For the renewal vf-27, did anyone noticed that the renewed hip places the thighs lower than the renewal vf-25 and thus making it more true to the line art in battleroid mode? Does that mean they going to renew the vf-25 again?
  22. Looking at my own V1, i really doubt it would fit any super pack made for it let alone the V2's pack
  23. Yup hope the super parts for the 25G comes out soon
  24. Yup got the super parts for 4K yen and I actually ordered the alto's armored parts but the seller sent me ozma's ones instead, so I got his armored parts too, that set cost me ard USD150
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