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Everything posted by Guyffon

  1. Guyffon

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Thanks for the explanation, that said, i don’t think I will have a chance to own one without pay crazy prices
  2. This happened to my roy fokker one too. I used a plastic cement to glue it back
  3. Guyffon

    Bandai DX VF-31

    If thats the case, shouldn’t it say exclusives (not tamashi webshop) like the one below it, the way it looks its like the same deal like the super parts for mirage custom vf-31
  4. Guyffon

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Wait, why does this page say that the vf-31j kai is open for reservations at a tamashi webshop? http://tamashii.jp/item_brand/dx_chogokin/?wovn=en
  5. Guyffon

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Does the kai comes with super parts? Because NY’s pics show them with it
  6. Guyffon

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I was there when the girl brought out the sample production model 2 days ago, the other one on display realy look like a painted prototype compared to the new one A side note though, i never knew the collars were split from the front and back of the chest piece where else its one piece on the custom models
  7. Guyffon

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Is that knight logo in the right orientation or is this the same as the messer debacle?
  8. Guyffon

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Thanks for letting me know, i was worried that i missed it
  9. Guyffon

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Anyone that ordered from amiami paid for theirs yet? Mine still says its pre order in the status
  10. Guyffon

    Bandai DX VF-31

    This is the very 1st time that I succeeded in getting it form ami ami, the last few times I always get jacked
  11. Guyffon

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I finally got one from amiami........
  12. Is it me or the finish on this product seems a tad inferior to the vf-31? I mean it does not feel as matt as the vf-31 is
  13. OOhhh yodabashi.... I was there a few weeks ago too
  14. Guyffon

    Bandai DX VF-31

    How do you guys find the products as I tried using the search functions on those website and could not find them and yet you guys get the links, especially the HLJ one. I was lucky I got one from CDjapan due to the link you guys provided, but how you guys get those links?
  15. Could this be concept art of an sv-154
  16. Guyffon

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Bandai should stop doing general releases and do make to order releases instead, this way us real collectors can all get one or five, and the scalpers can eat turds. I mean there is money to make here, I don't understand why they do not want to make money
  17. I think i am a sucker for the vf-2ss, though after getting the sylvie version with all its flaws, i still got the sap for it, as i felt the valk needed it, the quality of the plastic is really something like a model kit and one of my missile covers even broke off when i tried to open them.
  18. Guyffon

    Bandai DX VF-31

    My one and only one from hlj got cancelled too, while people r relieved that they still have one, makes me wonder, why not just order the one and let the rest whom got none try to get one
  19. Guyffon

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Looking at the scalper prices all I can think of is disgust...... these guys need to get a proper job and stop robbing real collectors
  20. Guyffon

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I just got the confirmation email too, but I hope they have the stock to back the orders up. phew That was an intense 15 min waiting
  21. Guyffon

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Maybe some vigilante should go around teaching these scalpers a lesson, one can only hope Bandai, doesn't care if collectors get them as long as they sell out
  22. Guyffon

    Bandai DX VF-31

    And some buy to sell at a higher price, these people are the problem, if they were real collectors, then fine, but to profit off others, what kind of human beings are they
  23. Guyffon

    Bandai DX VF-31

    will those with 1-3 copies form other sources stop trying at hlj so that us with none can get 1
  24. Yeah mine was with NY, I emailed them about why i did not get a email to request for payment and their reply was simply they sent it and no proof or whatsoever was given, proceeded to tell me to wait fir them to open the order again to get the item, but knowing NY when they reopen it will be much more than when i preordered. I miss the 1st launch and this is the 1st time i had a preorder lapse on me, i guess its fate that i don't get this bird
  25. Mine got cancelled as i never got the payment request nor was it in my junk folder, i emailed them about it and they basically gave me a 'just too bad' reply, i think i am done buying from them
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