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Everything posted by Guyffon

  1. Frak NY, I was 50 then 400 now 700
  2. Agreed
  3. From my memory, no amiami does not need payment upfront
  4. I am hoping to get one too, but here being 3pm when it opens is not too bad, just hope can secure one, else its ok. A man's gotta try I guess
  5. Guyffon

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I always thought the TWEs are made to order, meaning they make as much as how many were ordered, that said I did notice some TWEs selling out 1 sec after opening (freedom gundam soul blue)
  6. Guyffon

    Hi-Metal R

    Saw another 4 hmr VF-1Ds at a store in aki selling for msrp (6480yen)
  7. Guyffon

    Hi-Metal R

    Just bought a hmr vf-1D in the bic camera in akihabara for 6480yen new, am surprise i could still get this from a store, thought they were all sold out.
  8. Guyffon

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Hope they reissue the vf-31A though, or at least come out one with a different serial number
  9. Saw the missile set selling for 8480 yen in a shop at akihabara, thats almost twice the price I paid for mine
  10. Guyffon

    Hi-Metal R

    Not sure if its unopened, i suspect its 2nd hand though
  11. Guyffon

    Hi-Metal R

    Am in japan now, and just to let people know that they are selling the act 5 stands for about 1015yen before tax here at the tamashi nations shop in akihabara, Also found a single regult at the amiami store here going for 15k, is that a good price for it?
  12. Guyffon

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I wished they made the dx 21 from the series
  13. Guyffon

    Hi-Metal R

    That said, it will also attract the mechwarrior fans, I too waiting for it to release to get that one piece to display next to the mac monster 2 I have (don’t have a monster)
  14. I am not saying no reason, just stating how to support these kind of shops even when u have been supporting them for so long thats all, yeah humans just s**k being profitiers and all, so if i can’t get it on preorder day/night, I most like will not get it then
  15. Local shops here act like scalpers, if they get wind that an item is suddenly hard to get, they price a $300(sgd) item to suddenly $500 for no reason, and they give you the ‘ you can’t get it anywhere else reply ‘ even if you are friends with them and have been buying from them for years.
  16. I still think, whatever high demand a certain toy has, bandai will never feel it, its not them whom are jacking up prices of hard to get toys, i.e. vf-31A. To them they sold all their stock at the same price.
  17. Guyffon

    Hi-Metal R

    Usually, you should be able to track it at your own country’s postal website after it leaves japan and hits your country, thats what I normally do.
  18. Guyffon

    Bandai DX VF-31

    NY has to make back on all those VF-31As afterall
  19. Those at the bottom are aoshima 1/48 using the MB base stands as base diorama, their quality is not very good thus relegated to that, i don’t mind the wing set for the laevatein since there was a prototype for it show some years back
  20. Totally forgot about this thread until bumping into it recently, sold the old laevatein and bought the latest one and 2 gernsback to round out the squad, now hoping that the falke and amalgam AS are released
  21. Guyffon

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Although I received mine from NY, the main issue I had with them was that, on my second message to them regarding the VF-31A, they basically told me that we do not know if when you will get it, if you dont like it you can get store credit, store credit that had so much caveats on them, thus, the whole experience left a bitter taste in some of our mouths, in the past for TWE items they used to only charge us when the items were near release, but when they started charging upfront for items and not delivering on time, you can understand why people were feeling antsy. If NY did not charge upfront for the item, I think a lot less people would have been pissed
  22. Guyffon

    Bandai DX VF-31

    The last pic looks like something from aquarion
  23. Guyffon

    Hi-Metal R

    Ooooohhhhh sexy
  24. Guyffon

    Bandai DX VF-31

    The karios had a military like scheme and for some reason a supply of it was unusually reduced even though it was a TWE item and there should have been enough of them for everyone, orders were cancelled or delayed and there was a mad scramble after that
  25. Guyffon

    Hi-Metal R

    I wonder when the tomahawk is coming out, its my fav, I had a model kit of it as a kid
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