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Everything posted by Guyffon

  1. I order something from hobby search on the 2nd of april shipped by EMS. The item has been sitting at tokyo int since 4th of april till now with no change of status. As i reside in Singapore and my country was not on the list I thought I was safe. I guess corvid is wrecking havoc with all shipping
  2. Nope they can’t detach unless I didnt try hard enough
  3. Guyffon

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I have the full squad except for movie messer, but only one of each
  4. Guyffon

    Bandai DX VF-31

    The Yf-29 under the legs pose is ....unique
  5. Masks does nothing to stop you getting infected by a disease, even if they are N95 mask, we get infect thru our eyes easier, mask are good for when you are sick and you don’t want to spread your sickness. Health workers in china are wearing both mask with googles, thats the best way to not get infected, or full face mask.
  6. Guyffon

    Hi-Metal R

    Well we are still waiting on that tomohawk that was tease many moons ago....
  7. Are trolls common in macross forums? In all the years I have been here, I don’t remember seeing many trolls
  8. I guess with all the factories mainly in china, a lot of toys will be delayed due to corvid-19, hope we can overcome it soon and everything will go back to normal
  9. I found beyond the aquila rift quite memorable
  10. Guyffon

    Hi-Metal R

    I just realized that the number on this vf-4S is 101, does that mean it belongs to hikaru?
  11. Played with it a bit and the shoulders are pretty stiff so far, as I do not have earlier version to compare with, am not sure if there is improvement. But so far I do have a bit of paint chipping due to the one transformation I did.
  12. Just received my proto garland from amiami (dhl is fast) its my 1st megazone toy and it looks great, though I only could take it out of the box and look at it in craft mode due to the newborn in the house.
  13. Yeah super glue tend to do that to transparent parts due to the glue vapours, when I need to glue transparent parts in my tamiya models, I use tamiya cement, not sure if that will work with these toys.
  14. One way around that is to decant the spray can, then use the paints for airbrushing, that what i do when they only have that colour in spray can
  15. I wish that were true sqidd in other news, found the vf-1s for sale here locally at a game shop for sgd$440.00 and max’s vf-1a for sgd$360.00. Man are they expensive.....maybe I should ask them if they want to buy my MSIB strike packs I have been trying to sell and they can bundle those at whatever obscene pice they want to sell them at. Haha
  16. Just wondering if anyone tried prying open the leg armours to see if there is any detail under there, though doing so mostly like will ruin your toy. Oh and great review as always from anymoon
  17. I was just comparing it to my arcadia 1/60 vf-1s and arcadia’s method of latching the legs with ssp on is far better with a positive lock, I do want the DX to be as good or better but alas, it is what it is.
  18. I have to agree, fighter mode with strike pack is a bit of a mess to play with
  19. Ahhh, for a moment I thought I was going crazy as I kept searching my vf for an O ring, which to me was a rubber black o rings we use for plumbing or seals. Thanks for the explanation
  20. I sure am glad for the designs that came out in the movies, is that a re-gz with flight unit attached? The flight unit looks like a module from the lunar lander
  21. Can someone enlighten me what O ring you guys are talking about?
  22. Guyffon

    Hi-Metal R

    I saw the monster at their nakano shop before and almost bought it, too bad I did not see the regult missile set there else that would have been a no brainer for me.
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