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Everything posted by Guyffon

  1. https://www.amazon.co.jp/-/en/4571335880835/dp/B0DNDTXTFP/ref=sr_1_21?crid=2SMV84GMMCWRC&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.a78bQh-t0QYKUdn3muSl_lHiwCF7NxIqbbTPg5Zx1jen3TRslaDKIWIw1cVHhsCQ__qP6IYAI8tRShfCntrb7RV_6UPlacOKrLxPYZriEJEzxXApYzbUk63lk7fBCNHp06IThyokVYYBfdm3mp2zz949Jh6fxIm81zbiWhvHfzplHsbavr0n4CJnbJTQjnILYmxhYBpBcsZxyrg4zg3KH7GilzDBvSN6fLRZT9vE-Ae_xgsIl-kszvk9mPgQ_mK9iwZCIFsmMnez0YGBld4uNYSGSbxr7aC8JWIsdxkTbfk.Zdi-1P-PGgWxhORAtp2gZba_j2UQwlnatmTScaQReaQ&dib_tag=se&keywords=riobot&qid=1732246990&s=specialty-aps&sprefix=riobot%2Cspecialty-aps%2C194&sr=8-21&srs=3534638051 Found it on Amazon JP
  2. Checked ami ami, hlj and cDjapan and cannot find a listing for it yet.
  3. I am using fishing line to hold up the yf 29, its been up for a few years already, i place the line into the grooves on the plane so as to not damage the plane.
  4. Got my copy, havent transform it yet, thank gawd i have a spare fold module. They do look good together, the yf-19 n yf-21
  5. Nin-nin just changed to pay upfront for this item, I guess thats the only way I can get it. Oh well
  6. Nin-nin dropped the price to 14960 yen and thus was a no brainer for me.
  7. Guyffon

    Hi-Metal R

    Where is the tomahawk?
  8. I saw this last week when I was in japan, at the tamashi nations in akihabara It said ships in 2023.11, was there a PO for this that we missed?
  9. In japan now and the local shops sell the VF-0D for 12800yen, too bad I already bought my copy a while ago. edit for spelling mistakes
  10. My shipping options from AE only had EMS or small packet airmail, how do I get them to use DHL?
  11. I guess they are just slow then, I guess I can wait a bit for it
  12. Hi has anyone gotten their unit from anime export yet? Mine is still in awaiting release status. Should I email them about it?
  13. Guyffon

    Arcadia VF-5000G

    Oh, thanks for that information, I was looking at the pics and couldnt spot the difference.
  14. Guyffon

    Arcadia VF-5000G

    Hi may I know the difference between the VF-5000B and VF-5000G?
  15. What is going on at hobby search https://www.1999.co.jp/eng/10803881?utm_source=mkt&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=20220918_1000111_summary&utm_content=10623709_font_en https://www.1999.co.jp/eng/10787156?utm_source=mkt&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=20220918_1000111_summary&utm_content=https://www.1999.co.jp/itbig80/10803881.jpg_more_en they have both the VF-31AX Hayate ver and VF-31J with sound pod ver on lottery ‘restock’. Registration is closed though
  16. Hobby search has yet another restock, this time is DX full armour VF-1J https://www.1999.co.jp/eng/10779941 may the odds be in your favour to those that register.
  17. Oh maybe they did, that explains it, I also misread the date and thought it was late november this year. I already have one, so good luck you all that registered.
  18. Was there a reissue of the DX VF-1S Hikaru DYRL version? I saw this link https://www.1999.co.jp/eng/10616645?utm_source=mkt&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=20220904_1000111_summary&utm_content=https://www.1999.co.jp/itbig83/10831739.jpg_font_en
  19. I have been looking for the title of a certain movie for the longest time, in this movie there was a scene on a subway train whereby a commuter had a mini screen over his right eye watching a black and white godzilla movie. This movie I think was a some what futuristic movie. I have tried googling this for the longest time and always get links to godzilla movies instead.
  20. Guyffon

    Hi-Metal R

    Opps i should watch the whole video in future, i guess the price and date was for something else.
  21. The only problem I have with mine is the display stand for storm attacker mode had a small support piece broke off, I can still put it on the stand, just that if I moved it, the macross will fall off the stand.
  22. That clear version, is that a V1?
  23. Got mine and it seems that the tolerance issues with the wing tabs are still there, just that they are slightly better than those on hayate’s version. They can hold fighter mode, but will still pop off from time to time.
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