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Everything posted by uminoken

  1. Worked fine this morn but I can't even bring up the tracker page now... And that was the oddest anime ep I've seen - I'm even counting Kare-Kano's stick figure episode I would dearly love a screenshot of the demon cat about to bite Sylvia tho
  2. How does hlj handle their pre-orders? Do they send a msg saying when the money will be taken out or does it just happen? Want to make sure I've got the money!
  3. Picked up Sephiroth at Hastings with a shiny employee discount. Great figure - he's in a battle with my Low-Viz as we speak with Theoden referee-ing
  4. New pics of the carded toys... Grevious and Vader are the only decent ones in each mode, all the others still look like ass http://www.tfw2005.com/boards/thread85125.html
  5. So let's forget the original Bond was American (in the first Casino Royale), we've had a Scotsman (Connery), an Australian (Lazenby) a Welshman (Dalton), and an Irishman (Brosnan) all play him...but he has to be a Brit!!
  6. Stupid public Makes it even worse when you see the ads for which movies are making the bucks
  7. Couple tidbits I found on the web: -The Heavy Assault Type/Strong Attack/Reinforced Aquarion is out in March and has "official support for Assault Walker and Armageddon forms" I'm guessin one of those is the 'gerwalk' mode? Also does anybody have any screencaps of the MP Aquarion in various modes? I've only found the wee little ones on the official site... -English translation of the part of the instructions (Shoji on the design) Since mahou's only up to ep 18, please tell me during the big battles at the end of the show they DON'T use the opening song for battle music! Everytime they play it for the end of a battle, it gets more and more annoying!!! I just got the second OST and there are some very powerful choir moments that would fit perfectly, hope they don't go to waste like Macross Zero's score
  8. The ONLY good thing about the Casino Royale dvd was the special feature - first-ever Bond mini-movie of Casino Royale (the book). It was kinda refreshing to see an entirely different (although it was the original) take on Bond. Less action hero, more brains, and it was fun seeing Peter Lorre as Le Chiffre. It was a bit jarring to hear Bond with an American accent tho.
  9. If this is going on sale and not a custom I am SO getting this! Someone please translate!
  10. Conan: Red Nails animated movie coming soon with Ron Pearlman as the voice of Conan http://www.superherohype.com/news.php?id=3562 Guess Hollywood gave up on live action for the time being......
  11. Well the vehicle modes look nice at least. Vader doesn't look too bad, I like the whole knight image going on with the saber and shield, but Obi just looks baaaad I remember the Animorph toys (and the god-awful show), I think I wanted to get the Hork-Bajir (the firey bladed one in Ed.Coli's pics) but I could never find it.
  12. My bad mechwarrior...Wow she looks much hotter in that pic than she ever did on Smallville, but I'm still stickin with Morena on most sexy I'm of 2 minds about downolading episodes, my dvds have been circling around among my friends for a while now and thankfully Firefly starting to sweep A&M Galv, so I can understand people wanting to watch rather than buy, but at the same time I want the dvds to sell! Conundrum....
  13. Oh man, it's been forever since I've seen this movie...it's out now you say? Must purchase... I think it's hilarious the background matte painting was done by none other than Thomas Kinkade
  14. Gotta disagree with ya on that one, I think Inara's got Kristin beat in both looks and acting, especially acting! And that pic doesn't really look like Kreuk, but I could be wrong.
  15. Umm...maybe I'm missing something but aside from the movie game trend, where is it writ that it's going to be cg? I would think they could do MUCH better both budget and style-wise if Master Chief wasn't digital. If he never takes off the helmet, unless you've got something normal to compare him to no one could tell how big he was (even so forced-perspective does wonders) so you really just need a voice that suits. That's what really bugged me about the clonetroopers...they couldn't find any money to build a few suits so instead we get awkwardly moving cg guys? Come on, I'm sure the 501st would have jumped at the chance to make and play the clones.
  16. In the ep "Out of Gas", at the end when Mal asks if "Y'all gonna be here when I wake up?" the 2 characters specifically framed are Wash and Book.....wonder how long their demise has been in the making. Makes logistic sense to be one of those two to get it, even Alan Tudyk liked the idea of Wash being a "sympathetic kill" and they are probly the most of the cast who have things going for them after the series was canned (Spamalot for Alan, Ron's in a bunch of activist groups) On a lighter note, I've heard rumor that there are a few easter eggs in the space battle, specifically I can see the Reaver ship from the pilot ep to the left of Serenity as she makes the charge. I've heard that Galactica and another Firefly are in there all Reaver-fied...anybody see em?
  17. In interviews Joss said they did have to have cut to make the 2 sets appear one, my guess is when the camera shifts from Mal to Simon in the hallway as they walk downstairs...seamlessly done if so
  18. BWAHAHA! That would be hi-larious! He could be the pilot of the Betty (all 3 of you who saw and liked Alien Resurrection), after all that crew was pretty much the dark mirror of Serenity's. As to Wash's dinos, in the book and script I think, Mal picks up the stego and sets it back on the console so Wash is always in the cockpit, so to speak.
  19. Yeah, somewhere in Sci-Fi's marathon is a special on the movie hosted by Capt Tightpants himself, my guess it'll be on that evening but I could be wrong. And there's been alot of talk about a trilogy, but it's all rumors. We do know Universal has plans to greenlight another movie if Serenity makes 80 million - twice what it cost to make it, but that's it
  20. 9/28 in Japan, no word yet on a US release, but you can bet it'll be torrented by Wed nite...which samples have you found? I've heard that a couple of the tracks are out for download somewhere....
  21. Yeah, fan service through and through, but really nice fanservice. I like the not-trying-too-hard-to-look-like-real-people designs, it gives it a bit more reality, but still should feel video gamey I guess? Keeps it semi-realistic but still suspension of disbelief during the fights. I'll definately get the score, especially for 2 pieces: Cloud's Smile (they played this at the Dear Friends concert) and the Bahamut battle - full choir, orchestral rock and then Aerith's Theme on solo violin....ahhhh Have any screencaps come up on sites yet? Haven't gotten the hang of capping from my computer and I really want some of these as backgrounds...
  22. Looks like Sci-Fi beat hollywood to it.... http://www.scifi.com/pathofdestruction/ Course after seeing pics of Rita and good ole' Lake Chuck, nanobot death clouds just don't scare me anymore....
  23. So how was Uematsu's score? Did he stick to the orchestra sound or did he go more in the FFX rock-style? I was thinking about ordering the cd sound-unheard (except for the choir peice on the official site) but didn't want it to be a rock/pop experiment.
  24. Picked my copy couple a days ago, happy to say no glitches yet (just finished 1st disc) The dvds are light years better than my worn vhs tapes, but as the show wasn't shot digitally it holds up pretty well on my tv. I was extremely shocked at how bad the effects in the first half of the pilot were...guess they spent all the cgi money on the big battle at the end. I heard that Morgan and Wong (creators/writers) were willing to have extras but Fox said no so all the extras we get are tv spots
  25. With shows cancelled left and right, kinda makes me think Japan's on to something by having 'mini-series' with full closed off storylines rather than write til the show doesn't make money. Course with the show format we have, there's room for more characters, bigger stories, more money to milk. Maybe have a few mini-shows a season, give a little variety without a several year committment, and keep a few regular multi-seasoners. Course given the average American tv viewer, that wouldn't work, as they would have to tune in and actually consistently watch the show.
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