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Everything posted by uminoken

  1. The new movie has a website w/ some info and pics, no word on release date tho http://www.conanrednails.com/ Plot according to the site... CONAN THE CIMMERIAN, the greatest hero of his age, battles man, monster, and magic in his first ever animated motion picture, based on the classic story Red Nails. Filled with adventure, sorcery, and romance, the mighty Cimmerian prepares to face a powerful foe in one of his greatest quests... After a brutal war in the evil land of Stygia, Conan crosses harsh desert and trackless jungle with VALERIA, a blonde, sexy and very dangerous buccaneer. Together, they stumble across XUCHOTL, a fabulous lost city rising from the burning sands -- where no city should ever exist. Even more ominous is the creature guarding the city's black walls: a huge, monstrous dragon resurrected from ancient bones. Escaping to the jeweled city, Conan and Valeria find themselves ensnared in a grisly tribal feud between its only inhabitants. However, all is not what it seems as the duo quickly realizes their allies, the crafty PRINCE OLMEC and the lush, exquisitely beautiful PRINCESS TASCELA, each have separate agendas and very different -- perhaps sinister -- plans for the newcomers. As Conan and Valeria peel back the layers of horror and mystery, including confrontations with The Burning Skull and the Pipes of Madness, they discover the city's awful truth: Xuchotl is an open gate, a doorway built over timeless catacombs leading strait to the deepest pits of hell! Against dark sorcery and blackest evil, Conan charges headlong into battle. But can even the mighty Cimmerian survive his greatest adventure yet?!
  2. Too bad the first Nausicaa battle in the manga (when she's charging on her 'chocobo') didn't make it in the movie, that would have won hands down. Glad to see Zulu and Nevsky on there, those battles still impress even today!
  3. And here comes wave 2... The vehicle modes look REAL nice, but my god the robots look awful, Maul looks okay, with the 'skirt' but the others...yeesh!
  4. So I ran the search engine and didn't find anything so here goes: Angel-girls coming in Jan. http://www.hobby-wave.com/pickup/shito_xx/index.html I'm not too versed in all the non Asuka/Rei Eva models, but how many angels actually got figures and not just the kubrik sd-ones?
  5. http://www.comingsoon.net/news/topnews.php?id=12357 Looks like a live-action Witchblade is again on the burner, but I recall pretty much all of Top Cow's stuff was optioned at one point - the company doing the new Witchblade also has The Darkness at Miramax, Wanted at Universal, Inferno at Warner Brothers, Rising Stars at MGM and Fathom at Fox" All of which have been in development hell for years, and the Inferno comic got cancelled before it hit issue 3, so don't hold your breath for this one. At least we get one good adaptation from Gonzo, I'm not really sure any of the Top Cow comics can be done as live-action films/shows, best to stick with animation. Speaking of, any word on when this is released?
  6. If you liked his work on S/B, get the first Fathom arc (the current one isn't by him) or grab any of his Soulfire series...great art and story on that one
  7. Wow, I totally thought I was watching a trailer for Draken minus the dragon.....
  8. Ditto and yay! Best part of the Whedon run: "I got two words for ya" Cut to full two page spread of the 'special For fear of starting another 'small hands/cgi ass-tastic' debate....
  9. Hikaru2 asks: In what ways is the production of the voice acting different in Japan in comparison with how it is done in the United States? Mari says: When we were doing the original Macross series in Japan, the actors were all together in one studio, watching others act, waiting for their turns. We quietly walked to the microphone, and did our lines. It was a TEAM work. Now I'm in the studio, having my own monitor screen with completed animation (of course!) and dialogs, working with a director and a sound engineer. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Do you think having the whole crew in the studio helps enormously with interaction? Even on well-done anime dubs, there is still that theatricality while most japanese dubs seem have a natural feel.
  10. Teaser's up! Dark Phoenix looks to be heavy in this one, and she's on Magneto's side(?) Angel....I really liked the way the wings looked in Constantine and wasn't too thrilled by the still pic, but I'll reserve judgement till I see em really move. Beast, again still can't really tell, but the quick action shot made him look very animal-like. I'm still trying to place the teaser music, I don't think a composer's been signed yet, but I hope Ottman comes back to develop his Jean themes I'm actually thinking this could be a decent turn for Ratner. http://www.apple.com/trailers/fox/x3/ ETA: Are the figure pictures still around Shin?
  11. December 13th along with King Kong's....
  12. Maybe Serenity will make it back on dvd sales? Don't most movies make their money back on dvd nowadays? Don't know the figures but did Alien vs. Pred and Underworld do that well in the box-office or was it dvd sales? I know Chronicles of Riddick happened cause people found Pitch Black after it left theaters... Maybe we'll fly again that way!
  13. While having just watched the first movie after a long absence and watching the new teaser, I'm on the fence about using so much from the first/second movies in the new one. I like the fact that Williams' march is going to be used (I got shivers when I heard the Krypton theme used), but at the same time I want Ottman to score in his style, not Williams'. Same with Routh, I don't want a Reeve-impersonation, I want him to be his own man so-to-speak. So I want the spirit of the originals, but I want a new take on it....too tall an order?
  14. Anyone heard anything about Cluster Edge? Saw some pics and the aviation designs are reminiscent of Last Exile in that European steampunk-ish kinda way... Gonna d/l the first couple of eps tonight methinks.
  15. Sounds good, I liked Saikano...too bad NONE of the torrents are working for me, neither Lunar nor AnY-Spork's
  16. Now that looks like it can do some damage! Already got it on preorder
  17. Raimi could probly make Vulture work, I mean if they can get Scarecrow, a guy with a bag over his head to be evil, why not an aged avion avenger?
  18. And then get his hand/arm/head lopped off. 343607[/snapback] Don't forget the legs...
  19. Hell, to me they are the best thing about the prequels - in the novels/comcis there are some excellent plotlines concerning their individuality and what makes one human (or Corellian or whatever SW term it is). Not too mention they get the coolest uniforms (I'll admit it - I like em better than the Stormtrooper uniforms) I still wish they had been done with real actors on set and not shoddy cg heads
  20. I dunno, last time they did a Japanese monster movie we got Matthew Broderick
  21. And yet this is the same Lucas who brought us American Grafitti and THX 1138....where did it go wrong George?
  22. Is it bad that I'm watching (and liking) How I Met Your Mother - a show with NPH and Bob Saget? Course we don't actually see Saget, just hear his voice, so it's bearable, and NPH is great as that really annoying friend you have, but can't help hanging around him anyway...
  23. Already using Batman Begins' score for trailer music I see I'm getting Mummy flashback from this, and that's a very good thing, since happened to love the first one
  24. Cool, I'll put in my preorder tonight then... As diverting as these comedy eps have been, how long until the main story arc kicks back in?
  25. What in the HELL is that?!?! I guess that's a reaver horde in the center, but MY GOD that is a FUGLY cover ETA: even Joss doesn't like it. On the official board: Joss_Whedon Serenity Cast/Crew Posted: 03 Nov 2005 11:19 am Post subject: DVD art -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Guess what else I'm not the boss of.
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