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Everything posted by uminoken

  1. New pics up at http://www.latinoreview.com/filmpreview.php?id=23, including a Magneto spoiler
  2. In this letter, I will do my best to make my arguments against Mr. Uwe Boll clear and articulate. I plan to utilize numerous examples and maybe even some occasional humor so as not to strain your patience as I delve into immense detail about how Mr. Boll is a big fan of interrogation and torture. Before I say anything else, let me remind Mr. Boll that he contends that divine ichor flows through his veins and that, therefore, his mistakes are always someone else's fault. This bizarre pattern of thinking leads to strange conclusions. For example, it convinces feral know-nothings (as distinct from the pompous, sanctimonious galoots who prefer to chirrup while hopping from cloud to cloud in Nephelococcygia) that we can stop exhibitionism merely by permitting government officials entrée into private homes to search for crude nutters. In reality, contrariwise, the biggest difference between me and Mr. Boll is that Mr. Boll wants to set the hoops through which we all must jump. I, on the other hand, want to step back and consider the problem of his ruses in the larger picture of popular culture imagery. There are some simple truths in this world. First, he should pay for his mistakes. Second, he struts like a god on Mount Olympus, looking down on us mortals below. And finally, his behavior might be different if he were told that I like to throw darts at Mr. Boll's picture. Of course, as far as he's concerned, this fact will fall into the category of, "My mind is made up; don't confuse me with the facts." That's why I'm telling you that I want to straighten out Mr. Boll's thinking. But first, let me pose an abstract question. Is Mr. Boll's incessant burbling about the wonders of cameralism supposed to convince us that the health effects of secondhand smoke are negligible? If you need help in answering that question, you may note that if we don't soon tell him to stop what he's doing, he will proceed with his rude, insensate suggestions, considerably emboldened by our lack of resistance. We will have tacitly given him our permission to do so. Try as I may, I can't understand why Mr. Boll would want to revive the ruinous excess of a bygone era to bounce and blow amidst the ruinous excess of the present era. I am hurt, furious, and embarrassed. Why am I hurt? Because his philippics are part of a larger attack on the very notion of meritocracy and quality. That's pretty transparent. What's not so transparent is the answer to the following question: Will the world ever be free of postmodernist scroungers like him? A clue might be that he likes to brag about how the members of his coalition are ideologically diverse. Perhaps that means that some of them prefer Stalin over Hitler. In any case, if my own experience has taught me anything, it's that Mr. Boll should clarify his point so people like you and me can tell what the heck he's talking about. Without clarification, Mr. Boll's prognoses sound lofty and include some emotionally charged words but don't really seem to make any sense. Why am I furious? Because while Mr. Boll insists that going through the motions of working is the same as working, reality dictates otherwise. Actually, if you want a real dose of reality, look at how Mr. Boll's protests are continually evolving into more and more insidious incarnations. Here, I'm not just talking about evolution in a simply Darwinist sense; I'm also talking about how it is immature and stupid of Mr. Boll to support those for whom hatred has become a way of life. It would be mature and intelligent, however, to act against injustice, whether it concerns drunk driving, domestic violence, or even priggism, and that's why I say that his reason is not true reason. It does not seek the truth, but only rancorous answers, snarky resolutions to conflicts. And why am I embarrassed? Because Mr. Boll ignores the most basic ground rule of debate. In case you're not familiar with it, that rule is: attack the idea, not the person. In the end, Mr. Uwe Boll justifies his thievery by saying things like, "It's for the good of society".
  3. Thanks NoSuchFile! Off to play now
  4. So no luck on the HM1 mod? Guess I'll hafta save for HW2 then. Regardless, you guys are doing an awsome job *thumbs up*
  5. Funny you should say that, the Superman titles just did a story in #226 like a "this is your life" with the Earth-2 Superman about how he and the other JSA went to war for the Allies, and one of the other Super titles devled into how he inspires as an example. Frankly, I think DC's had much better luck with their title-crossing epics. You actually feel like something's changed, whereas in the Marvel-verse continuity's SO screwed up it would take several Crises to sort it out!
  6. Oh yeah, payment's going in on Monday...had to scrape a few checks but she's SO worth it. Gald I decided to hold off for the Assault ver.
  7. You need the latest version of Quicktime..7 I think... I'd like to see if there are any screenshots already. 377630[/snapback] Ask and ye shall recieve..... Trailer screencaps
  8. Is the first Homeworld mod still available? I tried both d/l links on the site (http://www.strategyplanet.com/homeworld/macross/downloads.html) and neither one work. Are the link still active and I'm just not getting through?
  9. umi - ocean, ken - sword - 'sword of the ocean'.... Came about cause of an Abberant character weapon I had - watersword that needed a name, so I ended up with the simplest name and it kinda stuck
  10. Amen! You gotta love a comic that has Spidey angsting over how he ate Mary Jane and Aunty May AND a leg popping out of the Hulk's stomach when he goes back to Banner.... Great comic
  11. Cameron's already doing a love story set against interplanetary war that's very hush hush....hey maybe he's doing the RT movie under everyone's noses! ....................or maybe not
  12. I'll remember him from all the Kolchak reruns - he even guest starred on the X-Files, MillenniuM as Frank's dad and had a cameo in the new Night Stalker series. Bummer of a year with great dead actors
  13. Yeah, only cause its the guy who did Equilibrium will I see it. I really liked the dramatic plotline and I remember in the commentary that Wimmer wanted the poster to be Bale holding the Prozium pill and not the WOW MATRIX COOL! one that they ended up with. Trailers always put the whiz!bang! action stuff and leave out the plots, so I'm hopin it'll be story-driven action and not just lookie-at-cool-cgi! *crosses fingers*
  14. Brick and mortor book/media chain. 370648[/snapback] Yah, it's like BooksaMillion/SamGoody/Suncoast/Blockbuster rolled into one smaller package. I'm one of the manager's so I got the discount price The price is still about $59.99 normal, but I was kinda surprised to see the AC figures there.
  15. Jeez that's a lot. Wonder why they don't have the Cloud/Fenrir only combo for sale - I got mine at Hasting's for less than $50
  16. I like the Phoenix and Rogue ones, but not so much the others....
  17. So how come Aqua Teen/Space Ghost/SeaLab/Teen Titans (coming soon I'm sure) all get dvds and we Megas fans get screwed?
  18. I bought the exo-force sets before I knew they were the Kawamori 2-in one and yeah, Kawamori does great design work but he needs serious help on stability issues. Think I'll just leave the models by themselves. I like the look of the white mech's 'alternate mode' but unless lego provides full instructions for the alternates in the box or fully available online (not in the 3 step version that is on the site right now) I don't see any reason to draw special attention to the 'alternate modes' on the box. Lego's been putting those 'look what else you can build' on their models for years, what's different? For anyone that wants the white mech's alternate mode instructions, a guy put this together. Haven't found any online for the other mechs tho... Stealth Wasp Instructions
  19. Yeah that peice is beautiful. Sagisu also did the happy-go-lucky Kareshi Kanojo no Jijo (His and Her Circumstances) scores which I adore, but I think his best cd is the Evangelion Live Symphony concert, great presentation of most of the signature Eva peices so you don't have to buy all the cds and end up with 20 variations of 'Fly Me to the Moon'
  20. While I like the series used, grunged-up Serenity look moreso than the movie's cleaned up version, I love the design and will SO be getting this. BTW, the firefly bug-look of her was completely lost on a fair number of my friends!
  21. I definately agree with you about Titan AE, but I rather liked Atlantis (and still think the whole who stole from who regarding Nadia debate is insane, why don't we accuse anything of stealing from Jules Verne?) The fact that both Joss and Ben Edlund had co-writer status was mentioned at a Firefly panel. They both looked sheepish when asked if there was a creative throughline between FF and AE, they replied "was there a creative throughline in AE?", so apparantly even the writers weren't happy with it.
  22. What's really funny about Mal's gun is that they doctored the dvd art to make it more modern looking....and the ponit of that was......?
  23. Well looks like Kong jumped Narnia in the box office, taking $66 million in 4 days to make it the fourth biggest December opening movie. I thought it was a great Saturday matinee movie. Wish they would have shown the trip to NY with Kong on the back of the ship and some of the bug attack scene did go on too long, but the rest of the action pieces fit just right, so the good far outwieghed the bad in my opinion. ETA: cause $66 million is more than $66...
  24. Hehe, great cards...you say you do these every year? Got any older works to share?
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