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Everything posted by uminoken

  1. Hollywood's idea of historical accuracy: an actor wearing an authentic wooden leg, playing someone who had never lost their limb to begin with.
  2. Blackout can do Gerwalk!
  3. For those of you hard up for more space combat, I've got the next best thing: Beyond the Red Line's webpage just got updated with 2 new videos. Scar shows a Multiplayer test with Raider and Viper going at it in an asteroid and the Performance test shows a full on battle between 2 Battlestars, a Basestar, and Ragnar Station http://www.game-warden.com/bsg/gallery_videos.html
  4. Well Varese Sarabande has joined the unholy alliance as well.... Shadow Chronicles score announcement
  5. Yikes. Bout the only good thing in that trailer monstrosity was the music. But then Robotech's score always reminded me a helluva lot of Stu Phillip's Battlestar Galactica. -edited for clarificationary purposes-
  6. So what does this new model remind you of.........
  7. Yup, it's official. They setup a BUNCH of websites, or partnered up with real websites to show bits of a girl named Rachel trying to expose the Hanso Foundation. When you put all the little videos together you get the video in the clip above. Haven't gotten season 2 on dvd yet, but it would be nice if they put all the video fragments on it. All this 'secret website' stuff reminded me of a game called Majestic where you played the game by getting e-mails and phone calls and putting the pieces together. ETA: Apparently 'Rachel' interrupted the Lost Comic-Con panel as well
  8. Ressurecting a REALLY old thread, if anyone was interested, I found a site selling a bootleg of the "Suite Macross" cd for about $20 (including shipping) I normally don't buy boots, but if no one legit sells it, what can ya do? The only info I have on the cd is from a spanish site: "Macross the movie: Do you Remember Love? / Ai Oboete Imasu Ka? - Macross Suite (10 tracks) This CD contains the music that Kentaro Haneda composed for the film of Macross, but that in the end was not including in the production. A pity because the pieces are of excellent quality, ademas to be interpreted by the Orchestra Healthy Wings. Luckyly it was compiled in this disc. It includes booklet with notes of production and notes of Haneda." T'was thinking about buying it myself, afterall how many other cds get released of unused Macross score? Does anyone else have the cd and can vouch for the quality? Here's the site - http://www.chibitokyo.com/index.asp?PageAc...ROD&ProdID=2544
  9. Hey at least the music is getting good reviews. If they release a cd I might pick up a copy. I can think of at least a dozen soundtracks I've bought but I wouldn't touch the movie with a ten-foot cattleprod - Judge Dredd, Starship Troopers, Wing Commander, Godzilla (US), Heavy Metal 2...
  10. Here's the corrected correction: http://www.blackfilm.com/20060721/features...ormers_cc.shtml The link's to a quick vid of the official announcement of Peter Cullen at ComiCon (by audiotape)
  11. oooh, event horizon has got to be one of my all time favorite horror flicks... just well done all around. Solaris was pretty good, I thought, for all the bashing it received. 409795[/snapback] Plus you gotta love a spaceship designed from the Notre Dame cathedral!
  12. In the visual guide it mentions Clark said he went 'soul searching' but had his mom send postcards of his 'travels' to the Daily Planet. A bit weak, but what can ya do? It's not the lamest excuse for a Clark/Superman switch.
  13. Unfortunately not many space movies make money lately, but John Carter of Mars is worth keeping an eye on. On the dvd front 'Night Watch' just came out: it's got some great visuals, pretty good story as well - think CLAMP's X series set in Russia with the two sides (Light and Dark) in a Cold War stalemate
  14. Rhino's website has the entire Returns score for streaming listening http://www.superherohype.com/news/supermannews.php?id=4412 And there are 5 new reviews up, all positive Newsweek Hollywood Reporter Time - a bit spoilery tho Variety AICN - Spoiler heavy (Saving myself personally)
  15. The show sounds and looks great, but be warned, there are a few non-english subs that don't have a disclaimer: Shimashita, [C-A] - French [AU] - Spanish Amida - Italian all youtube eps by celerlove - Korean
  16. At least the music sounds good 30 second Samples
  17. Regarding Dreamfall - it's a sequel to The Longest Journey, possibly one of the best adventure games I've ever played for the computer. I don't think it builds too much on the first one, so you should be able to pick it up pretty easily.
  18. Saw the midnight showing, I hope that the rushed pace was due to massive editing - at least 3 scenes from the trailers didn't make it in my cut: - Wolvie and Bobby's speech "You go to war you might not come home" - Magneto flipping one car into another - Trask having the "you know must be done" talk with the president And a whole slew of others rumored to have been cut: - Jugs vs Colossus - More Angel in the Alcatraz battle showing how he got there - More Cyclops! As to the GG Bridge, they tried to amp down the lighting, you can see the sun setting in each progressive shot, but it was still done way too fast. Here's hoping we get an X3.5 dvd release, I think an extended cut would greatly improve it's pace. ETA: myk - I am totally in agreement about Kitty, but better not make her mad if you've seen Hard Candy
  19. Wow, James Marsden just got shafted left and right this summer didn't he?
  20. I thought FFVIII's '"Fithos Lusec" orch cd had the most movie-like soundtrack out of all of them. The Ending Theme still gives me shivers. I haven't heard the full FFXII OST yet, but I got ahold of the XII Symphonic Poem and I like the classical violin style of the score. Sounds a bit like arrangements from the 'Grande Finale' orch VI cd and that's a good thing!
  21. AVP2!! Awesome! I'm so gonna watch that....when it comes out on Beta. Seriously, did it do enough money on dvd to spawn a sequel???
  22. Finally they release a canceled show with as many extras as the mainstream dvds! So what if the price is $100? Full series? Bruce Campbell commentary? I'm so there So the series actually ends? I think I remember seeing Future Bly, but was there more?
  23. Nice to see a show using full orchestra again. I think Shirley Walker's stuff was the last full out orchestrated tv score... "Hybrid" has some nice mood music, but the "Battle of Sacrifice" cue meanders around way too much
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