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Everything posted by uminoken

  1. "All Along the Watchtower" BSG ver for most, Ranka's DYRL (Queen mix) for girlfriend, "Fruity Oaty Bars" from Serenity for hometown friends, "Roar" from Cloverfield when work calls, Macross Frontier eyecatch when the phone turns on (no more 3g whoosh for me!)
  2. I hope all are just concept art, EXCEPT the HK flyer. I like the way they kept the main design from T2, but still modded it just enough. Best design of the bunch IMO
  3. I think I'm remembering this right, was that the one where you used a grid-style layout, you could coax power out of the engines/shields/weapons, go mining, dock with stations, shoot torpedo fuzzballs and get sucked into random space anamolies right? If so, that game was so much fun!
  4. Actually I think the bulk of that scene is scored with "Test Flight Delight"
  5. I think what I like best about MF compared to other Kanno works, all the orchestra cues feel connected. In the past her cues often felt more like small standalone pieces with no real connections. MF's cues feel like they fit as part of the larger whole: "Big Boys" in "TALLY HO", "Prologue F" in "Battle Frontier", and I think the brass quotes a little of Alto's theme in "Battle Frontier" as well. That being said, we still need more MF music! Bring on cds 3-10!
  6. Here's Ranka's version of DYRL, makes a pretty good tone as well Do_You_Remember_Love.mp3
  7. My two favorite amvs. I always watch em when I can't take any more of the crap people endlessly churn out and call them "music videos" -Evangelion - This Isn't What We Meant - I occasionally enjoy comedy vids too, not just all epic dramas! -
  8. Ah hah, that makes more sense now. Glad I didnt create a new thread for old news!
  9. Posting this here so as to not create another RT thread that gets closed: Just got back from Mechacon (Louisiana) and a friend of mine attended the Robotech panel wherin it was announced that Harmony Gold/Toynami are finalizing getting the rights to DYRL merchandising. NOT the movie, but the merchandise rights are apparently going to be shared for US distribution. How in the HELL did that happen? Is WB going on behalf of HG now? They seemed pretty darn sure of having the merchandising rights, so this looks to not be just a rumor...
  10. Aww, again the badguys get no love...hardly see any VF-27 wallpapers (or SV-51 for that matter)
  11. I'm a bit behind the times, but wasn't 2.0 supposed to be out this year? And has anyone heard word of ADV getting the dvd release of 1.0?
  12. Thanks USCOLMRNE, I've been dabbling a bit in music-capping, putting the Anime-In-Action eps on my computer, I've got a pretty hefty MacrossF score cd (with fx of course) that I've been listening to in prep for the real thing come the OST release. And yeah, I get some funny looks with all my phone sounds, seeing that I actually work at a phone store!
  13. Adding to the ringtone list, here's the Eyecatch, it's short enough to make a nice startup tone for a phone or a message alert: macrossstart.mp3
  14. Well Gaeta-suuporters just got a helluva lot of ammunition with this ep, what with the serious emphasis on music this season.... If Bear McCreary doesn't get an Emmy nomination for his work on BSG, there is no justice in this 'verse! Also: Lost isn't on for 2 weeks as well, is tv taking time off or something?
  15. Thought y'all would like the picture, haven't read the article, but wondeful description of a cat launch...
  16. While that site has some....ahem...interesting pictures, there are a few fanarts that are well-done even if the face is slightly off... Case in Point:Page link, Direct pic link ETA: I had the pic thumbnailed, but it seem to not work, so here are the links
  17. The movie will be a massive, ADD mess, but seeing Jack from Lost trying to play it cool as Racer X juuuuust might make it a rental. On the upside, the Giachinno score sounds EXACTLY how you would expect a Spped Racer movie to be done. Even has the theme song in the first 5 min, with minor variations of the "running" motif (don't know what else to call it) Speed Racer score clips
  18. Well, Tory seems to have taken to her new life fairly well since her breakdown with Baltar, she seemed like a different person this ep than we've ever seen her..... Nice nod to Moore's involvement on STNG - Weapons locker 1701D indeed
  19. HeadBaltar was one of the most fracked-up things they've ever done on this show.....and it was great! Natalie's a very interesting character, but I wish we had seen her on the show before, as a "normal" Cylon, then screwing everything up.
  20. I decided to take a chance and buy a vhs copy of Macross Plus, got MASSIVELY hooked, then Cartoon Network started showing RT reruns, watched only Macross saga, never cared for the rest, went hunting on the net, found MacrosWorld and saw the light
  21. That's perfect Zinjo, many thanks!
  22. 1020x780's fine, I don't have one of those monitors you could watch from 10 blocks away
  23. The shot right before the credits appear (flyingDOG/JVC), it's got the VF-25 nose in full frame, the other caps I found cut it off. Aside from the end pic of the cast, that's my favorite shot of the OP. It just feels like Macross... Many thanks Zinjo!
  24. I would dearly love a wallpaper of Alto on the catapult with the -25 rising behind him, I have one but he's just about out of frame and really blurry
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