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Everything posted by uminoken

  1. My friend has this, I wouldn't pay for this thing....kinda funny cause later in the book they make a comment to her being an English teacher
  2. That was great! I've recently decided the Spitfire is probly the nicest looking aircraft ever (watching Piece of Cake helped with that assesment). eta: DestroidsRage - try "Jane's Fighting Aircraft of WWI" they've got pretty much all the planes from early to late WWI
  3. A French site just posted low quality tv spots for Revolutions, with a BUNCH new material and plot including shots of the rain battle, blind neo, what looks like one of the Final Fantasy Phantoms, and a hovercraft in a blue sky..... 5 trailers in all - "Control" "Help" "Future" "Theend" and "Power" http://www.code-matrix.net
  4. I highly agree....Nolan is know for dark noir stories, sounds like a perfect fit for "Year One"-style Batman. Any word on plot yet?
  5. They gave her a BROOKLYN accent?!?! Well that just killed my interest. Should've gone with a Southern take, after all she was basically a Japanese redneck. Most of Azumanga was based around Japanese customs and attitudes, so Im not sure how they're going to translate this.....
  6. Yeah I got the not quite official version *cough cough* at a semi-local dvd store only knowing Mamoru Oshii was involoved. I don't know anything about Neil Gaiman's involvement, no listing on the credits anyways. The movie has some great visuals (the opening, navigating the game, the Juggernaut fight), but yeah the script does suffer a bit. I guess you could argue all those "atmosphere" shots were trying to emphasize basic apsects of life (like guys gobbling noodles and dogs getting 4-course meals) but when you see the ending, it really doesn't make all that much sense. So I'd give it a rental before you plunk down cash
  7. $30 for a Joon's, $40 for a Doyusha YF-19... still makes a nice paperwieght. And I'm sure the $180 for the Low Viz will come back to bite me, but hey, she looks real purty lording over my dvd player
  8. I still love that ending to S:AAB, great way to stick it to the network and it fit with the whole mood of the show. As to ST's demise, I think the major reason VOY, the TNG movies (and probly ENT) have failed/are failing is all due to serious lack of character development. Put Voyager's and Enterprise's pilots up against the series/season finale and we see the EXACT same characters, no growth at all. In the movies the character's all come out with no scarring, no lasting effects, a personell "reset button" as it were. Compare that to DS9, B5, (or some extent TNG's) pilot episodes and you can barely see the resemblance between the young and older versions of themselves. That's really what most shows on the air today need right now.
  9. WHOA!!! That was FAST....didn't the movie open in Korean cinema in June? Off to order now!
  10. Yeah, I think the whole thing depends on the production crew, and as it looks too be mostly NZ-produced, I'll give it a shot (the last things they did were Whale Rider and LOTR ) Although an AV EVA would be nice, I could easily see Akira Watase as Asuka......
  11. ala the Starfleet Corps of Engineers? They have had some interesting stories and ideas in the book set. And yeah it would be nice to see how the "bottom rung" ships and crew deal with whatever lies out there.....
  12. This just in on Don Davis' official site.....the first Revolutions score clip - Neodämmerung. Sounds quite intense, reminds me of Shirley Walker's Mask of the Phantasm score with all the choir bits
  13. I've only read the US release of MSG, and haven't been too interested in any other Gundam incarnations, but I've heard great things about Sentinel so I'll give it a shot. Thanks cwmodels!
  14. lol...that is great!
  15. WHA?!?! How far did the project get? I'm guessing they're starting from scratch with the new WETA-effects live action
  16. ack! Just saw McKlown's comment....never mind
  17. I was thinking about customizng it (sorta like the mega VE-1 in the hobby mag {don't have the link handy}) but wasn't sure how much could safely be taken off, I'm still practicing at customs so a little at a time
  18. Sides, just cause it's liscened doesn't mean it's coming anytime soon (though companies are getting better bout that)
  19. So how much of the excess on the VE-1 is removable? Or are the sensor pods, FAST legs, and dish, not removable after putting together?
  20. I heard that was the setup for the sequal to the game "Iron Maiden/Girlfriend of Steel", the PSX Eva dating sim, not a new series
  21. Haven't seen the first one, though a friend's letting me borrow it. It sounded more like a slience of the lambs with a crappy ending, but the second sounds more like a creature flick ala Dragonslayer, I'll prolly see it with buddies
  22. Agreed, M+ movie is what my friends and I usually end up watching. The OVA has more character development but the movie ending is SO much better. Sounds like web purchasing is your best bet, or you could try getting the VHS for cheaper (sounds like the picture quality's the same anyway)
  23. Add me to the "Isamu's death would be pointless" crew. To me, that would basically fly in the face of the entire Macross series, as it is one of hope. I've always thought that Guld didn't rape her (but came darn close) Because for reasons stated earlier, there was NO WAY either Myung or Isamu would have forgiven him that easily and pretended like it never happened, even if they were trying to hide it from him (that he could become violent and lash out as per his Zentraedi instincts) SPOILERS for Crouching Tiger As to CTHD's end, my feeling was that she jumped as a way of atonement for her involvment in Li's (Chow Yun Fat) and her master's death.
  24. Yeah it was between DYRL? and Plus, but in the end Kanno won out....just SO many genre's and yet, it all works. I do agree that the DYRL? score is great, but sometimes it sounds it's age (much of the Japanese 80's movie scores have much of the same chord structure)
  25. Looks to be pretty good so far. The trailer (I think) is the same from Reloaded, but they added some stuff (longer Smith laugh, Trinity with the gun at Merovingian's head) I'm still trying to figure out what score is used, sounds operatic and I hope they go that way with the soundtrack (as Don Davis said it's going to be more orchestral to signify the human element in the Real World) Also did anyone notice the train's sign in the preivew? "Loop" hmm......
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