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Everything posted by uminoken

  1. So much for ordering the Board Visor (the white/blue mecha armor)...hlj is out on backorder and amenbo only has the DX armor sets...anybody see more sites that have these? ETA: whoops, finals have scrambled my brain...amenbo.com does have the Board Visor - how are the shipping costs? anybody dealt with them before? or should I wait til amdriver gets real popular thus more stores have em?
  2. Wasn't it a card game of sorts? I kinda remember it was in an old thread....
  3. Ahh, sometimes it's fun to turn your brain off and just enjoy...it was basically a modern redo of all the old Universal horror movies (notably Wolfman vs. Frankenstein)....not much plot but a fun ride nontheless with an awesome score by Silvestri. And before you go on about it's the worst movie of the year, our trailer lineup included Soul Pain (er Plane), White Chicks, and Catwoman....I find it hard-pressed to call VH the worst movie in light of these cinematic wonders coming to a theater near you
  4. I'm actually gonna go with Stuart Immomen who just finished up Superman:Secret Identity (which if you don't have, BUY IT!!) Along with his realistic character style, the guy does AWESOME landscapes. btw, the Godfall storyline was drawn by Talent Caldwell with covers by Mike Turner
  5. I liked the story/characters of the original, but the overall setting and visuals of the American one were VERY well done. In addition Iliked that the American version focused more on the mystery surrounding Sadako's/Samara's death
  6. Full-time otaku in training (not yet willing to leave your life behind) You answered "yes" to 53 of 200 questions, making you 73.5% otaku pure (26.5% otaku corrupt). Pretty much what I figured per anime, but I'd fail any test about soundtracks - I'm TOTALLY a nerd there
  7. I thought the first one was the best one of them all (Jack Nicholson's Joker was pretty damn good), but it could've been a lot more. I think it was just that I couldn't get past Mr. Mom being the Dark Knight. See that was the problem I had with the live-action Bat-flicks to date - they were all about the villains, with Batman as almost a secondary character. From all the buzz I hear about this one, it's actually about *gasp* Bruce Wayne with the bad guys as window dressings, heaven forbid we should actually focus on the hero
  8. Looks Bat-ass!!! (couldn't help myself) Can't wait to see the full thing with the cape flaring
  9. is....is....is that a glittery pink Hello Kitty tank!?!?!?
  10. Anyone else having problems with the videos on the Russian site? I managed to get one, but now even that link isn't working ETA: they work eventually, but you have to try the link about 20 times
  11. Noooo! Says "invalid item" - either ebay took it off or there was a disruption of the space-time continuum
  12. I'm gonna go with these as my top 3: S:AAB Hammerhead SA-43 Endo/Exo Fighter Star Trek: Peregrine-class fighter http://www.kitsune.addr.com/SF-Conversions...n_Peregrine.htm (unfortunately the clearest good pic I could find - they're the little fighters buzzing about in all the DS9 fleet battles) Star Wars: E-Wing fighter http://www.sicqnus.com/swafcl8.htm Honorable mentions: B-Wing, Aliens Dropship, and the TAC fighter from the Starship Troopers crapfest-er movie Worst in my opinion: Anakin's "custom" Jedi Starfighter - they took a sleek design and added podracer engines *bleagh*
  13. Yeah, personally I like the arcade-style every once in awhile, but I've also been itching to try out the Tokyo Landing game we just got at the mall
  14. I do like the Phoenix as a nickname (mostly cause I think that name's just cool) I don't think we'll see an official release in the US anytime soon now that HG is "monitoring the shop" I noticed no official dates for either Ep 4 or the 1/100 VF-0S, but what's the first thing that's listed in the "goods" section? Looks like a mini magazine, but the link it goes to gives no Macross info at all Getting back to the topic, the pics look very interesting with Prof Hassford(?) in the cockpit of something and the AFOS-looking craft....mysteries abound
  15. Wow, those are very.........red I still think Char's Laptop beats out the shoes and track suit - not only is it Gundam, it actually looks good!
  16. Any plans to translate this? Sounds like a good read
  17. Definately "DYRL?" as far as vocal, but I REALLY like Mac Plus' "National Anthem of Macross" as an instrumental
  18. Battlecry was alright, but I will NEVER forgive it (or any Macross games, I'm not bias) for having extremely limited ceilings....that and if you ran into anything you were slammed into battloid mode - not a great way to fight :/
  19. While I think kids would add to the general creepiness factor of what they have to go through - personally I can't see it made with 12-year olds. The movie-going public would rage against the sexual under-, over-, and everywhereinbetween-tones of pre-teens (and it wouldn't look very pretty on the screen either) The Ender's Game movie is going to be fighting this as well. While the stories won't have the same impact with older characters, I think changing thier ages is still the best idea. And add me to the Elisha Cuthbert as Asuka and Kelly Hu as Misato list
  20. Yeah,that's a really nice lookin Asuka, the others....not so much. John Williams? Nah, stick with Sagisu, Bach and Beethoven
  21. Ohhh yeah, Shenmue was pretty much all I played during my freshman year...how can you not love forklift racing? The Sakura Wars games are a really fun dating sim/mecha rpg hybrid and you can get translations for em pretty easily
  22. Best thing of the Special Edition ANH is Han's charge after the 4 or so 'troopers only to find 50 waiting
  23. Hahahaha! Multiple Personality Disorders Presenter Hajime Yadate Maybe he's unveiling his new "mobile suit" for the handicapped?
  24. Well I haven't found em cheaper than $70 anywhere else, and I'm pretty sure the product is genuine......anybody else want to weigh in?
  25. Well with wolfx's pics, that settles it, I'm gettin the Fix Red ZPlus one_klump sorry bout the wait, here ya go! Zeta Plus Red Variant Zeta Plus Blue Variant
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