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Everything posted by uminoken

  1. Reports say the first season dvd is supposed to come out late (fourth quarter) next year....too long to wait!!
  2. Forget pics, how bout episodes? Distinct lack on both torrent and fileshares and I've missed all but one episode this season
  3. I think his name's changed about 5 times now....he used to be a Will Smith character
  4. Yeah, I remember when the site was seaFire - a seaQuest fanfic site. Then they went into another universe (so they wouldn't get sued) and they still had the script up. Now they've completely shut out fans, still have the same cg pics and only show the script to investors To top it all off, the site has been updated 7 times but the content hasn't changed a bit! I really like their story ideas and some of the designs are nice, but let your fans in a bit eh?
  5. Now that looks like a fun movie..... For shame with me an aviation movie fan and having not seen the original....gonna have to rent it after finals then see this one
  6. Hey, I'd watch it... ... I am a BAD person. Continuing the "...raped my childhood" ranting, with Disney's Special Edition of Bambi coming out, does that mean Bambi's mom shoots first? Seriously, I think Disney going TS3 alone is a baaaad idea that will end up in the dollar bin along with their other video/dvd sequels (Except Lion King 1/2)
  7. HANKS?!?!? Not even remotely on the list for who I pictured, thought Tom had more pride than that (course he did do Polar Express, but whatever.... Of course if they follow the book, the movie's gonna be nothing more than one long chase scene interrupted by several hour-long lectures on bad history
  8. Yup, the guy's had it built for years, sadly nothing new on their page for 3 years...I was hoping at least by now he'd have modified/improved it
  9. They just put up the extended preview of ROTK on the official site....looks pretty good so far http://lordoftherings.net/homevideo/frame_...OTR_ROTK_Extend
  10. I've got pics from the trailer but I'd need a place to host, for some reason it's not letting me attach em eta: the trailer link Duke posted isn't working anymore...too many downloads?
  11. Yeah, Access Hollywood has it on Thursday's show, Hyperspace members can get it tomorrow as well (or you can d/l, I'm sure someone's gonna have it) and as Neko said AOL-ers also get it at 1pm
  12. http://mywebpages.comcast.net/trailernews/ep3.mov SHORT (5 sec) teaser of the show for the teaser by Access Hollywood of the teaser for ROTS (everybody get all that?) Shows an EVIL Palpatine w/ lightsaber
  13. Ummm, I don't really see the new prequels as non-formulaic nor non-safe for the masses, imo he hasn't done anything that experimental since the 1970's with THX- 1138, everything else has been good (mostly) escapist fun. That being said, I'm still gonna see it and buy all the toys
  14. Thoughts after finally seeing it.... -It definately should have been 6 eps: the opening was massively rushed, but once it got going it didn't let up -The music has gotten supremely better...been awhile since we had an opera covering the final battle of an anime, but I do wish they wouldn't use the same music over and over (the score from the first Shin/Nora fight is tracked in all over) -Best dogfights, even squeaking out over Plus, mainly cause it was a dual fight -Editing wasn't the best, half the time when I saw the characters, it felt like scenes was missing showing how they got there -Shin's plane dropping into the ocean was hilarious....did they mean it to be? Overall I liked it, but it shoulda been longer
  15. Woohoo! Only after a day and a half of downloading, I have 33%! C'mon the previous one's were distributed MUCH faster than this
  16. Help! I'm addicted to it!!! Thanks for the llink
  17. Is the 10+ minutes going to be like Macross Zero Zero? Which as far as I know never made it to the fansub circuit (PLEASE correct me if I'm wrong)
  18. AMEN!!! Reeve played Supes well, but not Kent. To date my favorite Clark Kent is, and most likely always will be, Dean Cain. he makde Kent seem more human, not a caricature.
  19. Cinescape says the trailer's hitting Access Hollywood on November 4th, then attached to some copies of The Incredibles Nov 5th....one more reason to see it (like you needed anymore)
  20. Gunships make everything better Well, no more linky ....good thing I saved a pic or 2
  21. Yeah, the region 1 RD dvds are WELL worth the money and series 5 comes out in Feb! So when is the 'Bug coming out, seems like that model's been around forever.....
  22. Any news on price??
  23. !_! Who made that? Found the model on HLJ (discontinued of course, but I'll keep lookin)
  24. You are Shub-Niggurath!
  25. Is it just me, or did Ido improve the fighter mode by a leap?
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