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Everything posted by uminoken

  1. If anyone live in the Seattle area, Kinokunia (in the international district) has about 4 of the Reis for $26. Rei's certainly not my fav, so I didn't get one, if they had an Asuka tho.......
  2. Dreamwave seemed doomed from a long time out if any of their forum rumors were true (not paying their writers). In addition to TF, that also means no more Darkminds, Neon Cyber 2, or Warlands....although with the delays they had I'd given up on them releasing anything they put out besides the TF overkill It's nice that they had the new license, but they completely dropped anything original of theirs. I'm kinda glad to see them go, maybe a comic company that publishes comics better than a rate of one a year will take over.......
  3. You just made a great pic even better Doktor Gonzo And anyone doubting it's authenticity, the official SW site has the pic up as part of the Vanity Fair shoot
  4. There's an earlier Peter Winfried appreance I enjoy more - that computer nerd off of James Bond - Goldeneye. And I was the best arround at that game(yea, everyone says that, but seeing as I only lost the first 2 multi-player games I played, I think I have some right). I would always play as his character and often yelled "I AM INVINCIBLE!" pissing off my opponents. Ahhhhh, good times. Roger Daltry's character, Fitz, was supposed to die in the episode he was introduced in. During the filming of that episode, though, the producers and writers decided that he was doing such a great job that they just couldn't kill him off Fitz was one of the great Highlander guest Immortals. Really gave that show depth and humour. BORIS WAS METHOS????? YOU'VE GOTTA BE KIDDING ME!!! Uhh, I think you're both a bit confused. Peter Wingfield played Methos, and he was one of Stryker's henchman in X2. Alan Cumming played Boris in Goldeneye. Max - Brisco went only 27 eps? Shame no dvd release is in sight, that was an awsome show. As to the topic in question, I loved the first movie (and still find it hilarious that Kurgan is also Mr. Krabbs from Spongebob) and enjoyed the tv show from time to time, but haven't and won't see any of the sequel movies.
  5. Well, got the big set (with bust) for Christmas......unless you really like the odd-looking sculpt of Neo, there's no reason to get the deluxe version of the set; the booklet has pretty pictures and lists what's on the discs, but the box is WAY too big, and I think only the online Warner Bros. store gives the scripts when you buy from their site. Discs themselves (I'm only hitting highlights that were mentioned by Yang) -NO isolated scores for any of the films , however there is a 10-minute feature on the Revolutions score that's pretty nice -MASSIVE loads of documentaries with nothing left out -All the trailers/teasers are on here, along with the Enter the Matrix game footage -There are two commentaries for each movie (losing the Carrie-Anne Moss one from The Matrix): One by 2 philosophers who positively worship the movies and overanalyze EVERYTHING (who knew there were deep philosophical undertones in the Chateau fight?) The other is by movie critics who are MUCH easier on the ears. They talk about what works, and what doesn't (in Reloaded, quite a bit), and seem to have some fun, unlike the kiss-arse fest the other track is. Overall, it's a good buy for fans of the movies who don't have the individual discs, but get the cheaper version.
  6. After the whole clone-debacle came out, I've just assumed that they started as clones, then went to recruits once the Jedi or Seperatists took out Kamino (and you can't tell me that Kamino would have been spared in the Clone Wars, it's TOO important to either side) Oh and Mechwolf....I'll agree with you on all but First Contact, aside from minor quibbles, I've thought it was the best of the new batch and definately up there with (or prob'ly above) the SW prequels, but that's getting OT
  7. Ugh! Crappy news, but there was no way something with main site torrent links to movies still in theaters was going to be unnoticed. Wumzi - Where's the TV torrent site? That's pretty mch all I used suprnova for anyways.
  8. Soo....totally new to the GitS 'verse aside from seeing the first movie (thought it had potential, but poorly exectuted), love what I've seen of SAC so far, but I'm looking to read the mangas.....which one's are uncut, amazon has about 6 different manga listings...which should I start with?
  9. Are you talking about his famous "Where is rider... Where is the horn that was blowing?...." soliliquy? I thought it was appropriately timed in the movie. The version in the book is much longer, but I think the one he said in the movie was almost more like a prayer or mantra of some sort. It spoke of the loss of all hope for the party at Helms Deep and really set the mood. I think he's referring to Theoden's "Ride for ruin and the world's ending" speech in RotK before the Rohirrim charge...it did feel a bit odd pacing-wise as well.....I just hope that the crowing at dawn is in the Extended version, that gave me shivers when I read it
  10. Well, I know he does it at the end of the 4-minute one and some of the other trailers.....anytime you hear a lone male japanese voice over the burning Neibelheim scene
  11. So if they re-made Terminator without Ah-nold but there was far more gore and violence, it would rule? BLASPHEMY May CROM tear out your eyes! You cannot compare the two... Terminator is already a movie, Doom is a game. You still haven't answered the question... Though if you need for me to clarify, the point of that question is that Doom without Hell is like Terminator without Ah-nold. It's just wrong no matter what. Yeah, Agent... we're not trying to compare Terminator and Doom. What we're saying is that if you take Mars, Hell, demons, and Space Marines out of Doom, then you're stripping it of everything that defines Doom. Just like if you took Arnold out of Terminator, it strip the movie of everything that made it Terminator. Action-packed gorefest entertainment it might be, but Doom it is NOT. Actually (if you still wanted the Terminator analogy) it'd be like a Terminator movie without time-travel and killer robots that was turned into Arnold vs. aliens movie....although the movie's still gonna be Arnold blowing the bejeezus out of things, it doesn't retain it's original intent
  12. What is it with Lucas and hands???
  13. Sooooo......a spin-off of Yukikaze, starring the logo fairy????? 200th Post!!! I'm now a proud heatshield scrubber WooHoo!!
  14. Actually Sephiroth is the voice at the very end of the trailers saying "I won't be forgotten"....as for plot, pretty much every FFVII:AC website has summaries....I just hope the Highwind's gonna be there
  15. Well seeing as I'm a sucker for anything mecha-manta ray looking, I like the design for Vector Mars but the robots look a little odd tho...
  16. New trailer hits the official site on Monday, or all copies of Ocean's 12, or Right Here
  17. Figures they're not showing any of the ships yet, but I like the old narration redone
  18. Yeah......that's pretty disturbing, wonder if they're going to kill off the kids like the book did
  19. Thinking about getting it, I only have the first one (but lost it) and the Animatrix....question for anyone that has it: Do any of the other movies have isolated score or just the first one?
  20. Interesting......good to know these will be in Wal-Marts so no importing fees *cough*AMDriver*cough
  21. Just saw these 2 at Wal-Mart last night, might pick up Arcee http://www.bwtf.com/tfrid/toys/reviews/sidewaysaxer/ http://www.bwtf.com/energon/toys/arcee/ KNex also has a sorta changing motorcycle, but you have to take it apart to build the robot modes:( http://rekonstructors.knex.com/products_new/ryder.php
  22. Hmm, was working earlier...thanks azrael!
  23. Teaser poster just hit....
  24. One could argue that's what makes him an effective villain.
  25. Bahamut may look a wee bit odd, but Sephiroth's figure is definately the best sculpt I've seen Full veiw of the figure
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