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Everything posted by Jin_Kune_Do

  1. I was thinking about collecting some Binaltech and PG Gundams. Other then that, im gonna collect the entire Robotech DVDs out there (duks from bricks) - Jin
  2. I have been for two years, that's why I PM'd the Cap'n! EDIT - Well, I just got a sacrificial VF-1J, and it should be on it's way to the Cap'n shortly. I was hoping that Yamato would eventually come around to creating the 1/48 VF-1D. But the ways things are going its highly un-likely. Anyways, im glad you did contact the Cap. I can only guess how the final product will look like when its done and painted. - Jin
  3. Imagine this baby in 1/48... - Jin
  4. Damm thats sad news indeed. I hope the "golden days" of Macross isnt over. I sinsirly hope that Yamato will continue to make 1/48s Only the future will tell. Thinking about it now....im glad i have a whole set of mint 1/48s in the closet. Cause if this era of 1/48s is truly over...IMO i think the 1/48 is the best interpetation of the VF-1´s ever made. Sad to se it end here, never really going futur to the other Valks (YF-19, YF-21, VF-0 etc) I guess it is truly up to MW. to create (with the aide of its most talented members) to make the toys Yamato naver made, hopefully we can complete the 1/48 VF-1 line. - Jin ...which reminds me, i need to get a few more FPs.
  5. IM IN IM IN IM IN IM IN IM IN IM IN IM IN IM IN IM IN IM! "Its a great time to be a macross fan" -Jin
  6. Sorry Toonz...i dont have those on my PC: If you got anymore of those cool wallpapers please post em. I love your work. -Jin
  7. ihjh
  8. hkjh
  9. Here is the wallpaper i use. One of the best, second to Toonz wallpapers
  10. I think Godzilla should invite all the MWers to his place to play with his custom and MINT 1/48s....thats just too many Valkyries for him to play with. -Jin
  11. Godzilla?....will you marry me?
  12. dfdfd
  13. hjdssds
  14. Here...i saved this a long time ago. Hope you all enjoy
  15. ahahahahaha...oh man my stomach. -Jin
  16. "Autobots transform" (and hears he familiar transforming sound as one looks at the pictures) -Jin
  17. Hey All. I was wondering if there are any information on the squadron Isamu is attached too during the very beginning of episode 1? Are there any furthur information on the "Eagles" or a squadron logo or what specifics or information on the socalled "special force" squadron that he was a part of? I was just think they have really cool design and wanted to get some more in depth information on the squadron. Maybe some of you guys who owns the OVA and Movie M+ books can sheed some lights on my questions. - Jin
  18. Hey All Well i finally did it! I just ordered all 3 box sets here in Denmark, so yeah...those babies are on the way home to Daddy Im glad i have my sets on the way, no way i wanna miss out on this....Macross Zero R2´s you guys are next - Jin
  19. Damm Yang... i really feel for you brother. You´ve gotten some good advice on how to "solve" the problem, but damm...that is really wrong of her to ask you to do that, knowing how much your collection means to you. It would be more understandable if you was taking drugs or some poo like that, but to get rid of your collection? Atleast your hobby is harmless. I dont mean to offend you or anyone, but the first thing that came to my midn when i read ur post was.... "id bitch slap her" I hope it works out for the better. Ill keep my fingers crossed for you. - Jin
  20. That is AWSOME, finally the GBP is comming out This is truly a wonderful time to be a Macross fan. I am just as freaked out as the next MWer in here, but i just had to post this picture in here to "help" us all really imagine how the 1/48 GBP will most likely look like when its done. "Now its my turn!"
  21. Well for me...ive always loved Macross (Robotech) ever since i saw it the first time when i was 11. I can even remember when they first showed "Code Name Robotech" on danish TV. To be honest, i was blown away by the animation, the Valks, the story and the charecters. So each time me and my dad would go to the local videostore to rent movies, i would always pick up a Macross VHS. I enjoyed the universe of Macross. After each tape they would show a commercial on the varios Robotech toys you could buy. I remember always asking the clerk at the store if they had Robotech toys, and the answer was always no, they didnt have it. I always did wonder why the valks in the commercials didnt transform. So when Transformers came out with Jetfire, damm...that was my "Veritech" for many years. I had many adventures with that little thing, replayed the fight against Bretai a million times. And as all little kids, you eventually break this and that on it. And times goes on and once intrest goes onward. I have many fun memories with Macross, with my Dad and Mom. I always wondered along side with my cousin why they didnt do a continuation of Robotech, little did i know back then. When i found MacrossWorld all of my answers ...where answered. I realised that Macross went on all this time. I was considering to buy Toynami´s MPC´s but..when the 1/48 came out...well it wasnt a hard choice. And ive been a 1/48 ever since i goy my first ones from Valkyrie Exchange. Collecting Macross is a thing i enjoy doing. Watching the anime and collecting two of each, one for display and one for MINT. I guess it is my way of "catching" up to all those times in the past i really wished for a Valkyrie, but never had any. I work hard for my money and i get my bills paid. So i dont see anything wrong using my freetime on my what i enjoy, which is simple....JeetKuneDo & Filipino Martial Arts and Macross I dont collect to have alot. I collect cause i like them..and i wanna have all the different 1/48s. I think they are work of art, and a beautiful piece of art it is to me. In my humble opinion...the 1/48 is the best Valk made so far. I love it. As somone said in here..."Its a wonderful time to be a Macross fan" I donno if anyone feels like i do, but this is why i collect them. -Jin
  22. Hey everyone. Can anyone give me a link to a website that sells the Japanese or English version of Saber Rider? Im guessing the german version..also means german language huh? -Jin
  23. Rest in peace Mr. Reeves. He is the Superman. -Jin
  24. Neova....you mean that is my baby? -Jin
  25. ARIBA!!!!! -Jin
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