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Everything posted by Jin_Kune_Do

  1. No im telling you its from Clone Wars! - Jin
  2. Welcone Pare...its all downhill from here (for you wallet) - Jin
  3. Nah...i agree with KingNor its from the Clone Wars series. - Jin
  4. First impression of the GBP... "Do you feel lucky punk?" (as the lock-on sound beebs in the background) - Jin
  5. ahahahahah...this is great Agent One. I had a "big brother" so to speak when i was younger, who had a great effect in me becomming who i am today. and i have a great feeling you will teach me the great art of "dissing" people hehehe. Its a cool blog Agent One, cant wait to read more. - Jin
  6. Shuss Hurin..i wanna hear more of this stuff. - Jin
  7. Yeah...so come on Godzilla, sell em LVs to me. You WILL sell your LV´s to me for 5 dollars with free shipping (waves his hand across Godzilla´s face like a Jedi) - Jin
  8. Me too.... - Jin
  9. Well thinking about it now, yeah you are probably right. Something made me realiase something. I think one of the reason why the pilots in Macross SDF-1 seris where so much better...is that a bigger percentage of them had previous combat experiences during the UN/Anti goverment war. Then again, alot of the combat scenes and the way the VF-11´s where hit was just...u know lame, mindless kinda gave me the feeling of being frustrated, M7 is the only series that has left me feeling so mad displeased of the pilots actions. On the flip side a big part of the mecha action was really just recycled over and over. Maybe that is why one is left of a bad taste and since the budget wasnt like in Macross Plus, im guessing that is the reason why the action scenes werent that varid, since most of it was made for the first confrontations with the Varuta forces. So its only natural that the pilots who meet the Varuta first where caught of guard and had to learn the enemy tactics. Just my two cents. - Jin
  10. Well i think that every serious Macross fan should atleast ONCE watch M7. I for one am not a M7 fan. It does have its place in the Macross timeline and its also nice to see (timewise) what happens after M+ in macross universe. But besides all that, the series isnt my favorit at all. When i watched it i was greatly frustrated with Basara´s actions. Anyways, its not worth buying for just the action mecha, i would saw its really badly made. The Cannon Fodder fight scnes in Super Dimensinal Fortress Macross was waaaay more cooler, where one really gets a feeling of the high tense space combat going on. In M7 thous...its like pretty lame, makes one wonder where the heck the pilots learned to fly. You will notice that specially if you have seen how a VF-11 should be handled. The only good thing about M7 is that it really makes you Hate(or love) it for what it is, so in that regards M7 did well. Cause if you dont like it. you wouldnt bitch about it heheh...you would simple not care. - Jin
  11. I totally agree with you on this, it is true it has to be aesthetically pleasing in order to make the movie "sell" or more impressing for the general public. I guess its just my background that kinda made me notice i few things that was kinda out or place somehow or in other words just felt odd. But still Episode III is still a badass movie, i was merely pointing out that a few things which i wish was made abit better since it is the final starwars (for now). But as said earlier, you cant please everyone, so as long as George Lukas is happy with it, i guess its good enuff for me too. - Jin
  12. Hey, I also train in Arnis . I've also recently been studying the 15th century “Liechtenauer tradition” of German 2-handed longsword fighting. I also didn't think the final fight was as good (or realistic) as I'd been led to believe from a swordsmanship standpoint. It's been billed for months as the longest sword fight in the history of cinema with the actors having to learn hundreds or thousands of moves, but in actuality I found it very repetative. I thought all the other fights in the movie were actually much better than the final fight. Basically it seemed for most of the fight that both Anakin and Obi Wan were just doing diagonal strike, parry, diagonal strike, parry, reapeat ad nauseam, very little variety in attacks. Graham Nice to meet another Arnisador in here Graham. But yes, way too much flashy stuff. Most of the combinations they are pulling up has no tactical reason. Its just hitting the sword for the sake of hitting the sword, instead of actually trying to hit the oponent. In my opinion the fight with Darth Maul made more sense, thou what he did was flashy, the attacks he did was realistic. I can even give and example, the part where they are standing toe-to-toe and swinging the light sabers around their waist, torso, head etc and then after (what seams) a long time they hit. They are not swinging the sabers in hopes of hitting each other but, they are not even evading the other strikes, no female triangle footwork or evasion of anykind. Oh well...atleast the swordfighting wasnt as bad as in the original trilogy. - Jin
  13. Well i finally got to see Episide III, was at the premiere here in Denmark, so the movie was on at 12 am and i also saw the second showing at 3am. Damm i am tired as hell after that maraton. Anyways to the movie, as most of you guys, i totally like the movie. I do have a few small things i wish the movie had. 1.5 hours more would have been good, since so much happens in this episide its feels kinda rushed in some sense, since there isnt enuff time between the things happining. More time would give better depth for the charecters, specially Anikin. As a martial artist, i wish the last battle between Obi Wan and Anikin should have been abit more "realistic" In my opinion too much of it just just swordplay-like. Unlike the fight with Darth Maul and Obi Wan in Episode I (right after Qui Gon is hit) That scene was more realistic and more beliveable. You know, you can make sense of the moves, their attack and defensive movement made sense. Unlike in Episode III is too much wasted and flashy moves and not near as realistic and badass as in Episode I I donno, maybe its just me being to overly critical, since i train a martial arts system (Escrima/Arnis) i just pick up on these things. I had a talk with my buddy who saw itr with me, the whole fight with Obi Wan and Ani, was too....actor.trying to fight with swords-like. Whereas the guy who played Darth Maul actually was amartial artist with many years experience in weapons, so its gave that extra spice of realism and style which i think is badass- Is it just me who thinks this way? Or am i being overly critical? Anyways, besides these minor thingy...i do like it alot, i know its my favoring Episode of the whole bunch. - Jin
  14. Its all downhill from here...for your wallet i mean. -Jin
  15. I think i belong on the VLB set too. My GF is just as nerdy as i am with Macross. When i firts met her we used to have arguments over Gundam vs. Macross. But after i got her to watch Macross Zero plus givng her a 1/48 Hikaru on her birthday, well she admitted that Macross was waay cooler then Gundam since the whole Robot mode was justified in the series. My GF is very supportive in my hobbies, everything from Macross, Metal Gear to martial arts, she is just as into it as i am, which i must admit is pretty cool. I mean its a dream to have a GF who actually thinks that the 1/48 is a work of art, instead of the "its just a toy and a waste of money" speach. It was just recently that my GF bought me the Metal Gear 3 Snake Eater and Metal Gear 3 Snake Eater limited edition guidebooks for me, knowing well she wanted it for herself...she gave it to me. I donno about you guys, but i sure fell a tear. What can i say...i love my baby girl - Jin
  16. Well since this baby is on the way out...then im reserving 078, 082 & 088. I guess someone has to (sooner or later) make a "Cannon Fodder" lnumber listing, like the "Low Viz" one where all those who had a LW had their numbers and ID listed. Never knew that there was a Macross (cannon fodder) Wing hehehe. Oh poo...come to think of it, i guess i have to get some more Fast Packs. I donno who said it when i entered the 1/48 club, but its all downhill for your wallet from here on. - Jin
  17. WOW...ME WANT TOO!!!!! I donno how im gonna get money, but i am gettint these babies!!!!! - Jin
  18. ....we have pleased the 1/48 Gods. - Jin
  19. So i guess...this one looks too big too huh? - Jin
  20. Id pick the Yamato one...mainly because its so "aggresive" and is realistic to the 1/48s transformation and proportions. Think of it like this....if you was gonna do battle all alone against superior odds...id pic the one that has more protection and more volume to carry more armaments. - Jin
  21. If they are selling the GBP as a single set with no Valkyrie, then ill will be buying 9 GBP sets....damm. - Jin
  22. Damm....how can i miss my que hehehe - Jin
  23. Yeah a bunch of Good Luck from me aswell. I hope it all works well, damm i wanna own my very own Thunder Hummer someday, hopefully soon. - Jin
  24. You mean this Thunder Hummer?
  25. Actually he is not. Its for real, there was a tread about this not long ago, its with Jessica Biel and Jamie Fox...i forgot who the the third actor is. The other tread had link to the teaser, its really good and looks promising. - Jin
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