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Everything posted by Jin_Kune_Do

  1. Godzilla....why 32? Umm...cause you can? or cause you have the money? Just curious... - Jin
  2. I dont follow... - Jin
  3. Damm promethuem5....looks like your Valk was the wingman to Kurts CF (the one with the battledamage) If you ask me, it looks like it flew past a few exploding CFs. Hehheeh awsome work. - Jin
  4. Seriously....when this gets done and all the coloring and background is done, i am so using this as my wallpaper - Jin
  5. So come on guys dont be shy I have MW as my start-up page since i just gotta get my Macross fix - Jin
  6. As always Kurt...badass! Love your work bro, keep it up! Man i wish i could afford that - Jin
  7. ...straight outta badass art - Jin
  8. fart! That is awsome...very awsome work. I cant wait to see it in color. I think the smoothness you did kinda makes one things its a different ship. But im sure once you put the blue/white colors the ship will come back into its former glory. Its very awsome, a work of art. I think you have done a graet jobm cant wait to see more of the work. Maybe when your done we can get some of the photoshop masters make it into an awsome wallpaper. Maybe a bird spective of the island and the SDF-1 right in the middle of it all. - Jin
  9. I am like SO THERE! - Jin
  10. So let me get this right....Yamato messed up the coloring of the CF pilots huh? From what i remember the CF pilots colors is green right? Hmm...actually if someone like Godzilla could make their own Kakizaki by simply using parts from a VF-1J Hikaru. Just remove the red stripe on the chest and color the tail fins in brown and ur done! - Jin
  11. I donno about you 1/60 lovers....but im still hoping for a freaking 1/48...and i dont care if i need another person to help me transform it. I hope one day...yamato will make a 1/48 SDF-1...ahhh - Jin But seriously....this 1/60 VF-0S is really wanting me buy it.
  12. Aint no fun if tha homies cant have non.... - Jin
  14. I chose Lucy from Macross Plus....she just seams nasty. I like nasty girls hehehe - Jin
  15. "bang anus please"... - Jin
  16. So....no one wants a 1/48 VF-0S? - Jin
  17. Hey All Just got a chance to check out this anime series called Yukikaze. Stumbled across it in my local anime store on DVD. Didnt want to buy it, cause i was affried it was crap and waste of money...or i would get hooked on it (collection 1/48s is hard already as it is...im no Godzilla) But i gave it a look and its really awsome! It has a Macross SDF-1 kinda feeling with a Macross Plus-like dogfighting mixed in with some Ace Combat 5. Really awsome. Ive been trying to find information on just how many episodes there are. Is this series done? Or is it still in the process? For those of you who havent seen it, and like the elements ive mention give it a try, its a nice OVA with some very cool fighter planes. - Jin
  18. YESSS!!!! Dont you guys realise...that if this 1/60 VF-0S makes it into production and if the sales is a succes, we can then...with some realistic optimism expect a 1/48 VF-0S!!!!..... ...HELL YEAH! Fo Shize ! Wow....imagine that a 1/48 scale VF-0S hehehe... - Jin
  19. Damm...atleast his sufferings is over. He will be missed. I love star trek, remember my teens where filled with startrek. - Jin
  20. So does the standard issue just includes the Marines and Pilots? (How many figures) Does the Limited Edition also include the marines and the aliens? - Jin
  21. My thoughts exactly! - Jin
  22. Now that...is a farting awsome SD Valk! mad Skilz - Jin
  23. Jin_Kune_Do


    Honestly....all of the above sounds nice. But deep inside, i really wish Yamato ( i know its along shot) would somehow eventually produce all of the Valks om Macross. I would really love to see em´do the Macross Zero, then work up to VF-4 (released as a limited edition) and then to the Macross Plus. If they did that, that would be cake - Jin
  24. Jin_Kune_Do

    Gummy Bear Pilot?

    I donno about you guys....but i think its about to attack the Enterprise. mvh. Jin
  25. Yeah i remember this show too when they showed here in Denmark. It was prettyy good, thou pretty slow in the beginning but the series got much better as as the show progressed. The last episode they aired in DK was the episode where on of the main charecters finds his long lost love and the Wild Card´s are transporting a bunch of rescued civilians via two transporters. Then they get attacked by Chigs and half of the Wild Cards are killed trying to defned the transports. I forgot the name of the episode but it was a damm good one, had me screaming no all the way through. I wonder if that episode was the last one, it was a pretty open ending. Was that the last episode before they cancelled it? - Jin
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