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Everything posted by Jin_Kune_Do

  1. Thats not right....how can they make those 3 and not make Hudson? I mean he was the talkative BSer of the entire badasses. Heheh i mean we quote so many lines from that dude....heck even the techinical manuel quotes him as well heheh. I sure hope they make him. - Jin
  2. What about the ones where Kirk would do a wresling JumpKick at the emeny ahahah...that was funny - Jin
  3. When i think about it now...Pat actually inspired me to start in the martial arts. RIP Pat. - Jin
  4. ...im loving it! - Jin
  5. Damm that trailer sucks big time....damm! If they are gonna make a DOA movie...i would guess it woulkd be more of the lines of a BloodSport kinda movie. Where the fight scenes are the important part. This trailer has that KillBill & Charlie´s Angels BS theme to it. Suddenly that AVP doesent seam so bad in comparison huh? - Jin
  6. Oh, Sweet zombie Jesus no. Most of the dub actors will come from ADV's stable, most likely...except for the actress who plays Minmay. She's apparently a Japanese singer of some note, Mari something or other... can't remember the last name for the life of me... As for "Upon the Shoulders of Giants" all I can think of is that what they mean is the Protoculture civilization that helped build the ASS-1/Macross in the first place are the "giants" (scientific, that is) whose shoulders the Overtechnology is built upon. 346908[/snapback] Haha Pat!....i was just wondering if they will be using the same voice actors as they did with the old Robotech version. I know that a few members in here arent too happy with the dude that played Rick Hunter, but using Mari as Minmei again is awsome. Does anyone have any info on who is gonna play who in this new dub?` - Jin
  7. Hey Noriko...can you scan another one with a higher res? - ´Jin
  8. ADV got permission to do a dub. And they're redoing the subs. If I recall, they're putting more episodes per disk too. 346614[/snapback] So lemmie get this right....its the same as Animeigo...just that it contains new subs....same voice actors as used in Robotech? - Jin
  9. Awsome work....wish i had 80 bucks to burn - Jin
  10. Im not too keen on the second pix...but i sure like the first one. I know its not original but i would definetly but it if it was released as a poster. - Jin
  11. Thanks Chowser.....damm....gotta find the Style B! - Jin
  12. Wow....those are cool I was working back then if i should buy them, but i voted not too since they where "cheap" and toyish (from the pix i saw, low res) Now that this tread has appeared i am very tempted to get myself a pair. Does anyone know any online stores still selling the blueprint version? Or is anyone willing to sell a new minty one? - Jin
  13. ....you did WHAT???? with you Low Viz?....thats a 300+ dollar item you got there hehehe.. - Jin
  14. Man o man am i out of the loop ob this one. I am so getting one of these. Doese anyone if the europian version is out yet? - Jin
  15. Looks like somekind of toyset thingy...ive seen that before, maybe some of the older members can give a more informative explenation? - Jin
  16. Now...if i only knew that when i was a kid, then i would have been abit more happy. But seriously....awsome work - Jin
  17. Well i rememver one time Neova sent me 2x Super VF-1J Max and the Danish Postal Service really messed up the box. They totally unminted the corners of the boxes. I was realy pist, but....ive never esperience that kind of destruction like you have....damm. My condolences. - Jin
  18. The DVDs you have are already bottloegs, so why bother doing all the hard work? If you want the real thing then you can always get the R2 Macross Zero and then just have the Anbu & AnimeOne as the translated version. - Jin
  19. The best subbed version you can get for Macross Zero are the ones made by Anbu and AnimeOne. You can download them at the usual places such as Emule etc. - Jin
  20. 32 Valks....makes the MW saying "The One With Most Toys Wins" gives it a whole new meaning huh? Shizz...id prolly do the same thing if i had that much cash to spend hehehe its all good - Jin
  21. Just make the damm 148 version already....i tell ya its comming....its its comming...you just wait and see, and all you 1/60 lovers will end in hell MUAAHAHAHAH - Jin
  22. I donno about you guys, but i think its cool. Im also saving money up for a DYRL Roy with the yellow heatshield custom. In that way, i dont need to worrie on wether or not the VF-1S valks in DYRL should or shouldnt have/use the colored/black heatshield issue. See?...now my universe is at peace again - Jin
  23. Geez....everyone ease up on SaveRobotech. The guy hasnt done anything wrong. Come guys, bitch on an issue when its actually actual, unless there is good cause to do so. Its wrong to change the topic issue into a personal attack. I may get alot of flack on this, but i love Robotech because of all the happy childhood memories but i also love Macross for what it is. Dissing a new member who has the word "Robotech" in his screenname is just low. Just my two cents. - Jin
  24. Nah guys, Godzilla is just buying all of our 1/48s for "safe keeping" So just in case we suddenly dont have any places to buy more 1/48s, then we can always buy it from him Either that or he wants Yamato to keep pumpin new Macross stuff...u know supporting the cause for a greater good. - Jin
  25. 1: 1/48 VF-1J MasterCard Exclusive 2: Macross Gold Book (1st Printing) 3: Macross Perfect Memory 4: Laser Disk Box Macross DYRL DVD Version 5: Animeigo Macross SDF-1 (1st Printing) - Jin
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