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Everything posted by Jin_Kune_Do

  1. Dudes....stop complaining, just be happy we are getting new macross toys. Think back to the old days when the only toys where those from the early 80s. - Jin
  2. That is one hot f.....VF-1, nuff said. - Jin
  3. From what i can remember from the "Robotech" novels it was Captain Kramer who bailed out...from what i can recall he died too. - Jin
  4. I think its looks cool....ive always liked the VF-1R head...cannon or not, i still think its cool. - Jin
  5. Oh no... not again...damm i can hear it all again....when will Basara stop singing....when? oh dear god make it stop - Jin
  6. I like Macross II more...simple because the general "feel" of it was more towards SDFM, im not saying its a good, actually alot of it was pretty boring, it just didnt have that "feel" that made you wanna know what the heck is gonna happen next. The thing about Macross II that wins me over is that the combat scenes are cool. The ship to ship battles and the Valks fighting against overwhelming odds is where, i think, it gets the credit. Okay now to M7. Yes....the story of M7 is good on this part...it sucked. It sucked so bad, that the entire time i was watching all 1000+ episodes made me more mad and annoyed. Really...come on, most of us grew up watching the old Robotech Macross Sage when we was kids right? So we all, mostly, got hooked on Macross because of that "feel"....now here come M7....and it comes with a Guitar as a control stick....really? Valks with boobs and whatelse? Using music as a weapon?...drafting IDOL wanna-bes as Fighter Pilots?... Anyways....for me, all these things lays so much in contrast of the rest of the Macross series, that its like...i donno...wrong. For me, i think Macross 2 is closer to Macross feel. - Jin
  7. Oh man...first Valkyrie Exchange and now Devin....why are we loosing all of our keyplayers? Anyways Devin, thanks for helping the rest of us Macross fans, your work has been appreciated. I hope things go well for you. I wonder who is next to leave NeverNeverland? - Jin
  8. You should all remember that its MOSTLY the CF right? THe fact alone that they are CF pilots is reason enuff that they poo in their pants, heck its pure luck that they even made it back hehe - Jin
  9. This is awsome....i wonder if it shoots too like in the Robotech commericlas hehehe - Jin
  10. "Elbows and ass holes....myk come here, come here!" - Jin
  11. "...look at the size of that thing" Thats one BIG gun! - Jin
  12. I am personally happy that Yamato is making so many wonderful toys out for us Macross fans. I remember the old days, where the closest thing to a transforming Valk was the ChunkyMoney made in the early 80s. Now in 2006...look at what we have now? The best true to Macross transforming valk. This series also includes detailed fast packs & GBPs. Come on...lets all be happy, dispite our wallets screams, that we have the fortune of being blessed with these wonderful toys to the nr. 1 anime that we all love so much. I hope the future will bring other types of 1/48s. - Jin
  13. Here is my VF-1S Hikaru....its an old picture, but its the best pose i ever found for it. What you guys think? - Jin
  14. Kurt....i have always been a fan of your awsome work on the 1/48s. I lreally admire the way you make 1/48s look so real, makes me look at my own and kinda wish i had the cash to get all of my valks get the custom work. Your interpretation of Roy´s VF-1S is really.....exellent. I love it! - Jin
  15. NNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! Im so f....broke already!!!!! Damm....i donno if i should love or hate Yamato....thank god i have a job. Oh well...i guess my GF isnt gonna like this heheh Make my Yamato! - Jin
  16. I think you call should seriously consider getting atleast 1 of each. Remember back then when the 1st LV came out? Remember just how many said "No ill pass"?...and you all remember what happen after that right? Suddenly when the LV was out of stock then everybody wanted one. Now...this time this is your chance to get your own at a fair price. - Jin
  17. Yup...cant denie it, sure brings a tear to my eye. Half of my 1/48 fleet all came from Valkyrie Exchange. Kevin was a good friend and helped me alot during my humble beginnings in collecting my Valks. Kinda ironic, back in the day i didnt even knew how to order online, and Kevin helped me out by letting me pay for the items via Western Union instead...heheh now that i finally know how to use my credit card his shop is closed hehe. In any regards i wish Kevin Lam and his family the best of luck. I think any upstanding person would have done the same thing, and its the right thing to do. - Jin
  18. There goes MY childhood. - Jin
  19. Well from what i can put together. The number designation on the GBPs are only refering to the GBP itself. Since they GBPs are used to special ops only (and maybe limited because of the cost and its limitation), it would make sense to asume that they are not made in high numbers compaired to the FAST Packs which are more flexible to use on the fighters during combat missions. So i am asuming that the GBPs are very expensive to produce and due to its unablity to transform with the fighter, it would make sense that the GBPs are only issued to mission specifics which would require the use these are its armament and not the FAST Packs, which would serve the general pilot alot more on the battlefield. THe GBP and it being unable to transform, would mean again, they would only be issued to Ace pilots on specific missions which would require a poo load of missils. I would guess, that these guys using the GBP would doing something like a support-role for the Destroids on the SDF-1 during combat. Them being able to "fly" and possible hold out 12+ badguys and fight them alone long enuff for the destroids to come in and do the job and take fire and not blow up. The GBP having a big payload would also mean they can be longer on the battlefield and add longer support for the rest of the Destroids. The Valkyries equipt with these would tactically be a good idea. Having a few of those around the ship, while the rest of the Air Wings are out fighting. The VF-1 GBPs can also eject the armour and fly and intercept of if needed get in the SDF-1 and fight just in case something gets past the ships primary defences. - Jin
  20. You guys think too small...i vote for a 1/1 PG VaryTech - Jin
  21. Holy poo! Damm....i am so glad i ordered 10 of those MoFo´s hehehe...The VF-1S GBP looks really badass scary, almost sounds like its saying "Do You Feel Lucky Punk...Well Do Ya?" Damm....cant wait for mine, only then will it be Xmas for me Thanks for the awsome detailed pictures. - Jin
  22. 88? hahaha...man i remember those days. I remember during class i was drawing the SDF-1 under attack and "veritechs" where fighting all over the place. The story ended with the teacher taking my drawing and having a talk with my parents with me being too "war-happy" Anyways....those are really nice pix. Those would be really awsome if someone scanned them in and colored them. - Jin
  23. Umm so where are the pix? - Jin
  24. Awsome work Kurt...man i wish i had gotten myself a set of those sets from the cap. Man i hate missing out - Jin
  25. It would be pretty cool if they made the entire team even the pilots....its highly unlikely...but damm cool to have those badasses all posing in some awsome way in my detolf cabinets hehehe.. Makes me kinda wish i had the Alien VS. Predator pc games...man that was fun to play as USCM hehehe with motion tracker with that familiar beeping sound when something is moving. I have some fun memories playing that game over at the local PC cafe place with a bunch of friends. - Jin
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