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Everything posted by Jin_Kune_Do

  1. mods please delete this one.....my bad -Jin
  2. hehehe....IM BACK! -Jin
  3. Yes i will buy the new "improved" 1/48 Roy No i will NOT buy the new "improved" 1/48 Roy
  4. Jin_Kune_Do

    MAX TV VF-1A

  5. Jin_Kune_Do

    MAX TV VF-1A

    i hope to see this baby some day SOON!!!! -Jin
  6. I vote for a Yamato 1/48 Thunder Hummer! Reason? simple....all of the Valks are still the same design, not that its a bad thing. But its still the same A, D, J and S, still the same models. I for one am glad that the Fast Packs are out and hopefully ( i think they will) make a GBS armour. But as far as "customs" are concerned, i would really love to see a GBS Thunder Hummer, cause it really an awsome creation and is right up there with the Low Viz and even the Blue Roses are cool too. But i would simply choose the Thunder Hummer first because of its original creativity by its maker. If Yamato (or if Graham was to suggest an idea to his connections) i would hope it would be the Thunder Hummer. Think of it in this perspective, if they did do it. Then we would know that Yamato/BigWest are more the likely open minded to creating "customs" are a part of a limited/special offer. I am sure that Yamato will sooner or later make ALL of the Valks in both DYRL and SDF Macross lines, if the market is still hot for more 1/48s. I would not complain if we got all of the Valks in 1/48 scale. I not gonna complain about that, cause for me?...this is the best time to be a macross freak. Old enough and earning own money and even if choose to...blow all my money on 1/48s I am more then sure that Yamoto will work its way into the Macross Plus, Macross Zero 1/48 market, sooner or later. It would be a bad idea not too, since as it seams...the market for the 1/48s are really well. I know we, the members of Macross World, are nothing more then a tiny part of the market, since Japan is the main market where they earn their money. But still i would like to see the Thunder Hummer become an addition to my 1/48 collection. I dont mind if the M+ or M Zero 1/48s are released 2 years from now, as long as they get released. Just my two cents. -Jin
  7. you mean this one Radd?
  8. would that be this one Radd?
  9. Can anyone please post some pictures of a fully decorated 1/48 with Yamato Stickers and one with Takatoys Stickers? I would really like to see the difference, so i can i can decided, if i sould remove all the stickers on my already decalled 1/48s and invest money on sticker sheets from Takatoys. Thanks. -Jin
  10. Welcome to the boards man....as many have already said, its all downhill from now Specially if you start getting the 1/48s HA!....then ur get another and another and another...and before you know it, ur out of closet space -Jin
  11. Like this`? -Jin
  12. hehehe....time to vote (AGAIN) -Jin
  13. ...but wasnt there some "Leak" that the Macross Zero line would also be made in 1/48 scale? (as well as the 1/48) -Jin
  14. Here is the comparison....
  15. maybe i should make a new poll...asking if i am making TOO MANY or TOO LESS polls? hehehehe -Jin
  16. Jin_Kune_Do

    VF-4 Lighting

    im on fire tonight! -Jin
  17. hehehe DAMM...ur so right how could i forget that. Bare with me, its my first poll in here -Jin
  18. (damm forget the DYRL VF-1S Max)
  19. ...it just hit me! I have a feeling that the 1/48 thats gonna be released after the VF-1J and Hikaru DYRL VF-1S! Its really likely, that Yamato will release a Max DYRL VF-1S! Think about it for a moment. The DYRL Hikaru is being released, so it would be nothing for Yamato to just make a DYRL Max VF-1S. Yeah...Max did indeed have a VF-1S in DYRL, when we was fighting Miria. Lets hear your ideas and opinions....is my teory valid or not? -Jin
  20. Well as for me, i bought two FP VF-11Bs from Kevin, at www.valkyrie-exchange.com when they were released. And as 1/48 collection grew...i kinda regret buying those two VF-11B´s. I mean i love it, but i should have bought two (on for MINT) Since the Bulky Lee came out, and the upcomming 1/48 VF-1J....the 1/72 Thunderbolt, is Fugly compaired to the rest of my 1/48s. As for me, i dont mind using alot of money on the 1/48s cause they truly are a work of art. I dont mind the fragile aspect of them, cause they really are....so real looking So i decided to open up my FP VF-11B and decided to use teh sticker sheet to cumtom decal my Bulky Lee, and ive decided to give my new opened VF-11 to my cousin. -Jin
  21. Hey Everyone I was wondering if anyone here at boards knows how to disasemble the Gunpods for the 1/48s? The reason for asking, is that i want to make a minor swap...of part for the gunpods. The middle section of the gun, after you have extended it, is white on the Low Viz. I want to swap the same middle part of the gunpod (from my other broken Hikaru) to the Low Viz one. Just like the custom Low Viz UN AirForce version. So if any one has tried dismanteling a 1/48 Gunpod, please reply. Here is a picture for reference, for the black middle section of the GunPod. -Jin
  22. Hey Guys.... ....this might be old news, but i just noticed it now. On this picture, you can see that the other Valkyrie is a UN AirForce Low Viz, with the appropriate squadron markings. If you look closely at the two, the other one has a Macross Zero pilot, while the other one as a standard Airforce pilot with the white helmet, aparently in the same 1/48 scale as the Macross Zero pilot (there is a detailed picture on the old forums, of a low viz with a standard airforce pilot, but i couldnt find it) Does anyone make custom plain low viz fins like on the picture? Are those squadron markings stickers? (or painted on?) Is that a custom made UN Airforce pilot? (or can one buy a pilot like that?) -Jin
  23. og my god...i fnally madeit to the end of this tread....my brain is fried...need air, need asperins...need place to re charge brain :? -Jin
  24. To Money N Here is my order... BackPack Junktion Section - BP8 - 1/48 Hikaru VF-1A 3x sticker sheets - 1/48 -Jin
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