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Everything posted by Jin_Kune_Do

  1. Jin_Kune_Do

    1/48 Line

    ....UPS, i think i just stepped on ur car dude, my bad
  2. Jin_Kune_Do

    1/48 Line

    Heck...why dont you look over there at ur side, and i look over here and lets try to find out how to start this damm thing -Jin
  3. Jin_Kune_Do

    1/48 Line

    You would say no...to a QC free 1/48 YF-19? Are you hearing what you are saying.....thats like saying no to free icecream! I dont care...the moment Yamato announces a upcomming 1/48 YF-19, id be saving every penny and asking for extra work to own that baby. -Jin
  4. Jin_Kune_Do

    1/48 Line

    if people wanna complain...then ill say it. I wish (besides the Thunder Hummer) a 1/48 Monster!!! -Jin B)
  5. Jin_Kune_Do

    1/48 Line

    ive said it before...and ill say it again (cause if they do this one, then anything is possible)
  6. Hey Peeps I was just wondering if any had any good places on-line, where i could buy some Macross or Robotech posters? (duks to avoid flying tomatoes and other stuff) -Jin
  7. I know im gonna get flamed for this...but i think the VF-1R is cool, i wouldnt mind seing it as a 1/48 Yeah so shoot me...i think its cool, and the chances of Yamato making one like that is NADA, so il kepp it at that. -Jin
  8. Jin_Kune_Do

    1:60 GBP-1 !?

    ...i think Chun Li is HOT! damm just look at those awsome sexy legs umm...yeah like Kevin said, i think we´d be buying it for all the wrong reasons hehehe. -Jin
  9. what is comming first? the VF-1J or the DYRL VF-1S Hikary? and....the released dates, are these confirmed of just a "window" of when it "should/would" would be released? -Jin
  10. oh okay...well i just have to make good on what i have available. -Jin
  11. can anyone post the Non FP Hasegawa version? -Jin
  12. thanks guys....
  13. I was wondering, if anyone here could help me out on where certain stickers goes. I mean, besides the AIR INTAKE and Skull and UN Spacy logoes I mean stickers like DANGER, BEWARE OF BLAST. RESCUE etc. I was thinking in lines of, if there are any "standard" places you apply these stickers (refering to real life Fighter Planes) so if anyone could post pics of their 1/48 with Takatoys stickers, i would be thanksful. I really need a reference guide. -Jin
  14. Jin_Kune_Do

    Skull Wing

    All right pilots, time to report in what Air Wing you are assigned to and your Call Sign and ID number. (for all of you who already have ur Bulky Lee´s , would be nice to see, whereone is located. so if you have a Bulky Lee let come one play along ) Call Sign: Jin Air Wing: Prometheus ID Number: Skull - 078
  15. Is anyone willing to sell their 1/48 sticker sheets? (complete and un-used)? Im looking for 3-4 complete sheets. -Jin
  16. -Jin
  17. i found this picture....im not sure, but does it look like there is a HUD right on top of the controls? or is it just the light reflecting over the canopy? -Jin
  18. If memory served me right, the Valkyries in SDF Macross had Heads Up Displays (H.U.D) right? and the types used in DYRL didnt have HUDs correct? So if i am right, i am wondering if Yamato will include the HUDs on the VF-1J? Does anyone have any info on this? -Jin
  19. my bad BlueMax....i completly forgot that one
  20. ....hehehe i couldnt resist with the Thunder Hummer, but i am referring this time to the FP version of it on this pic.
  21. So in keeping up with Grahams point, that a limited edition 1/48 would simple omæy be a repaint, which one of these would you like see be released, as a limited edition?
  22. this one maybe?
  23. what about this one?
  24. or this one?
  25. -Jin
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