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Everything posted by protodeviln

  1. I can't see the forest for the trees....I can't see the forest for the trees! Nice collection Ruskki
  2. GK Colour me impressed - beautiful - makes me want to work on my ivanov.
  3. Finally got my case - just a small update on a small collection
  4. Ouch!!!! That's gotta hurt.
  5. That is just slick!!! Wow!!It looks fantastic on the VF-OS- would love to see someone custom the Grim Reapers as well. Great custom.
  6. LOL - That is priceless :lol:
  7. which 1/55 are you talking about? The original High-Metal strike or the Bandai re-issue's? My original Bandai ( 1984) Chunk-E -Monk-E strike, has a stickered Jolly Rogers emblem on the heat shield.
  8. My hat is off to you guy's - as someone who races nitro's - fly's heli's and planes, this project blew me away. Not just as an rc buff, but as a long time macross fan, to see the SV-51 take shape and then fly on the breeze is awesome. Congratulations on all your hard work.
  9. Yuppers - nothing like seeing anime decaps remastered. p.s - thanks Hurin, very much, for the subs - fantastic.
  10. check this section + the straight shooters list, in the for sale section http://macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showforum=13
  11. My SV-51 Transformed quite easily - however I hope that someone would put out a fairly detailed transformation guide. I'm still not 100% that I have the shoulders correct.
  12. Never underestimate the power of the darkside.........we want our baddies!!!! A regault 1/60 would kick a$$
  13. http://vids.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseacti...ideoID=13832518 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ocpy4DZR9Is http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V7Ae-e5s6JU (Yamato 1/60th) Mospeada Ride Armor....but funny as hell Toonami.......... http://media.putfile.com/Macross-Toonami
  14. I have one of these puppies on pre order ( cheque cashable in 2059) color me impressed - amazing.
  15. Ummmmm just finished watching the 1st episode of MF...........WOW!! - not the best subs but it works well. I'm without speech. Macross is back in 2007/08 YIPPPEEEEEEEEEEE
  16. http://www.thestar.com/News/article/203437 bad photo of me...but that's me
  17. HA HA HA HA HA HA - it is quite lovely for a good belt of scotch! Cheers
  18. Thanks guy's I had an old lamp and barcode scanner stand - I rigged the barcode scanner to hold the stealth and used the cradle from the stand to hold the Queadluun-Rau - the Queadluun has a flexi lamp stand and part of the barcode cradle attached to it. It was unbelievable how the shape of the barcode cradle matched the exact curve of the back of the Queadluun.
  19. Hey MaveRick How did you get the VF-0S to clip to that gundam stand? Very Precarious G
  20. Cheers VA and Misterryno Twist my arm why don't ya! LOL these are the oldest in my collection and bought by me as a kid back in the day! The strike parts are just the regular plain ol' set for the VF-1's - airbrushed it to a semi gloss black with a matte seal. Was worried to tweak it but I love how it turned out.
  21. My modest collection - minus my 84 Bandai Strike and Mospeada/Matchbox Cyclone with Scott. Happy Holidays!!!
  22. good site. Bookmarked The time line section with the white text on the Nora background is a little difficult to read - especially on the left side ( not that there is much to decipher) but you may want a darker background. Some of the pics in the art/wallpaper section are not working i.e http://www.macrossdata.com/wallpapers/feve.jpg - at least not for me with firefox 2.0. Keep it up - I like the helpful links you provide for shops.
  23. Thanks Charger for the link Has Graham completed a transformation vid/guide for the Ivanov? I got mine into Gerwalk mode just fine but still feel some pieces don't mesh as well as they should.
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